The above theory is probably floating around somewhere. If so, consider this a bump.

I find this theory interesting (obviously), yet I wonder about which parent effects the results or if it's a combination of both. My mother was a stay-at-home mom until I was 3; however, she was very active and engaging. Possibly I was effected by my father since he worked and is an E5. Still, both parents were very hands on especially with me being the first born. I also wonder how many years are involved in this shaping. After a certain age, my mother became jealous of me, which is odd to recognize as a 3/4 yr old. I did spend more time with my father than mother, eventually. She became a workaholic and I was able to go to work with my dad when a babysitter wasn't available. I'm having a therapy session with myself right now lol. I suppose I can see how all these experiences formed my 4. I wonder if I'm forcing a fit too.

I'm curious about others' ideas about this theory.