Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
Yeah but you can never be sure you're correct as you just said.
You can be sure subjectively in own versions based on your personal experience, even understanding that all other typers will disagree with most of your opinions (I never saw 2 typers matching in >50% cases). And I am "highly sure" in types I say, excluding cases when I say other.
It's impossibly to be sure on 100%, as it needs objective proof the version is correct (there is no such thing for types today), no objective proof for theory, for high accuracy of methods, not taking imperfection of typers.
IR method does not need 100% correctness to be useful. If to exclude noise factors affecting perception, in case when for example 90% are correct, you should notice anyway that most duals are more pleasant than most of superego. It will need more examples to clearly understand this and nothing more.

So maybe it's not weird that i think ILE and LII are the same because it mihgt be a bunch of different types you sent me
For this at least is needed you'd follow the recommended procedure (you did not). And even in such case, there was a possibility that your type is just not from alpha-beta. For example, for ENFP types LII and ILE are not so clearly pleasant or unpleasant, than when dual, semi-dual or mirage take part in the comparision. By the next thing I'd offered to use 10 examples per type. Then I'd think something is wrong with you (I had relatively good results on others used bloggers, for example). Next would be thoughts about improving the method as videos is not classical communication described in theory. And only then I'd think about possibility that types versions could be better.