Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
My hunch says: Hedonism in IEI (or ILI) might be an aspect of their Se duality seeking function.
Not according to socionics. It related to Si valuing > Se. Pleasure seeking is linked to Se in MBTI.

Introverted sensing is an irrational, introverted, and dynamic information element. It is also referred to as Si, S, experiential sensing, or white sensing. Si is associated with the ability to internalize sensations and to experience them in full detail. Si focuses on tangible, direct (external) connections (introverted) between processes (dynamic) happening in one time, i.e. the physical, sensual experience of interactions between objects. This leads to an awareness of internal tangible physical states and how various physical fluctuations or substances are directly transferred between objects, such as motion, temperature, or dirtiness. The awareness of these tangible physical processes consequently leads to an awareness of health, or an optimum balance with one's environment. The individual physical reaction to concrete surroundings is main way we perceive and define aesthetics, comfort, convenience, and pleasure.

In contrast to extroverted sensing (Se), is related to following one's own needs instead of focusing on some externally-driven conception of what is necessary to acquire or achieve. So, whereas Se ego types feel capable to evaluate how justified others' preferences are, Si ego types will try to adjust to them in any way possible (given that it does not extremely affect their own comfort), wishing to minimize conflict. In contrast to introverted intuition (Ni), Si is about direct interaction and unity (or discord) with one's surroundings, rather than abstract process and causal links.

Types that value Si prefer to spend their time doing enjoyable activities rather than straining themselves to achieve goals. They like to believe that if activities are done with enjoyment, people will give them more effort and time, and also becoming more skilled at what they are doing in the long run. They believe that goals should suit people's intrinsic needs rather than shaped by the demands and constraints of the external world, and so do not try to force others into doing things they don't want to do. They also try to be easygoing and pleasant, preferring peaceful coexistence to conflict, except when their personal well-being or comfort is directly at stake.

Si as Creative Function

The individual is naturally good at organizing relaxing activities and recreation and making sure people are calm and enjoying themselves, but displays this behavior and skill when he sees a specific need for it rather than doing it automatically, all the time. The individual does not place emphasis on being calm and balanced all the time, as opposed to those with Si as a leading function.

The individual is attuned to people's tastes and personal preferences and likes to do things for or give things to friends and family members that will cause them to enjoy themselves and gain pleasure. For example, creating a comfortable, clean, and spacious setting in the home, taking them out to do something they enjoy, or finding opportunities and people with whom they can pursue their hobbies.

Si as Role Function

The individual dislikes it when others emphasize the need for relaxation, enjoyment, and activities that are supposed to bring these about, because what they need internally is just the opposite — a need for action and resolve. Rather than spend their time trying to "listen to what their body is telling them," they need to have clear external demands that are able to overcome their sense of uncertainty and hesitation.
I have an IEE friend who recently decided she wanted more comfort and ease in her life and started seeking someone to bring more pleasure into her life. She also started making videos on it. My ESE sister is pretty indulgent too but not as a way of life. They both have 7s in their tritype. I suppose if an IEI has a 7 in their tritype it is possible they are more pleasure seeking but most likely wouldn't be extreme or choose it as a way of life for long. I don't know about 4w3 since I self type 4w5 and can live for long periods of time with brief moments of pleasure in my life. It doesn't mean I don't experience something just as great but different. It just isn't a physical thing, usually. I do like my memory foam mattress though and all my tech toys around me.

1,2,3 behaviors are attention/acceptance seeking behaviors (social security). 7,8,9 behaviors are pleasure seeking behaviors (physical security). 4,5,6 are knowledge seeking behaviors (intellectual security). However, type 4 behavior is about seeking the knowledge of how to get attention and type 6 behavior is about seeking the knowledge of how to get pleasure. Now, no test or test taker is perfect but if your score is accurate then your results reflect two things. Who you try to be consciously (main type) and who you are unconciously (mean type/variant). Each of those reflects an orientation towards acceptance (1-3), pleasure (7-9), or knowledge (4-6). Only Type 5 is directly focused on gaining knowledge, all other types (main or mean) have some level of bias towards prioritizing acceptance or pleasure. At the heart of acceptance seeking behaviors is the belief that if I am attractive in some way, I will be taken care of. This results in superficial development. The problem with a pleasure bias is that it makes you more likely to be selfish and destructive because your short term pleasure is all you are tuned in on. You don't notice or care about the displeasure you might cause others or the long term pain you might be setting yourself up for. Acceptance and pleasure seeking behaviors keep people dependent. Knowledge seeking behaviors are about increasing independence, learning new and better ways to survive in life without conforming to others or taking advantage of others.


Hedonism is the philosophy that pleasure is the most important pursuit of mankind, and the only thing that is good for an individual. Hedonists, therefore, strive to maximise their total pleasure (the net of any pleasure less any pain or suffering). They believe that pleasure is the only good in life, and pain is the only evil, and our life's goal should be to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
Psychological Hedonism is the view that humans are psychologically constructed in such a way that we exclusively desire pleasure. Ethical Hedonism, on the other hand, is the view that our fundamental moral obligation is to maximize pleasure or happiness. It is the normative claim that we should always act so as to produce our own pleasure.

Hedonism usually pre-supposes an individualist stance, and is associated with Egoism (the claim that individuals should always seek their own good in all things). Epicureanism is a more moderate approach (which still seeks to maximize happiness, but which defines happiness more as a state of tranquillity than pleasure). A similar but more altruistic approach results in Utilitarianism, the position that the moral worth of any action is determined by its contribution to overall utility in maximizing happiness or pleasure as summed among all people.

The Paradox of Hedonism (also called the Pleasure Paradox), points out that pleasure and happiness are strange phenomenathat do not obey normal principles, in that they cannot be acquired directly, only indirectly and we often fail to attain pleasures if we deliberately seek them.

The term "hedonism" is derived from the Greek "hedone" meaning simply "pleasure". In common language, Hedonism has come to mean devotion to pleasure as a way of life, especially to the pleasures of the senses, and is synonymous with sensualism, libertinism, debauchery and dissipation.

Hedonism as a philosophy on life sounds exhausting to me. Personally I can only experience physical pleasure when Ni is turned off, so not my natural state. Of course IEI can enjoy food, drugs and/or alcohol but I don't know if pleasure is the motivating factor for most. It isn't for the ones I know well. Those abusing substances or food often have deeper issues involved and they are not hedonistic by nature.

I do have a love of beauty but I do not consider it hedonistic. It is more like a sense of awe and inspiration. Often an emotional thing for me. Sometimes even beyond anything physical or emotional. I guess a strong psychological influence.

*experiences may vary so I am only going by my own and the people I know of that type who have expressed a similar idea to me.

Edit: I kind of have to retract on my sister not choosing hedonism as a way of life since she takes more vacations in one year than I have taken in my whole lifetime. She and her wife (SLE) are pretty indulgent and love having fun and friends around all the time. I would say their lifestyle is more hedonistic in nature. Food, friends, fun, drinks and lots of vacations.