Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
Maybe I should have been clearer - by 'you' I meant 'one'; a hypothetical ILI who would approach me with this request. Maybe if they look unassuming, and I see them take pictures of other things as well, I'd let them take a picture of me. Only if they take the effort to pose me and such. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I've never seen or have had someone completely random ask me to take a picture of me, and I'm also really paranoid, so my first reaction to everything always is "how is this thing meant to harm me?"

A way for ILIs to meet SEEs... Go to activity hotspots. Like a place people go climbing or kayaking.

It also depends on age... I'm curious to know where I could meet a teenage or early 20s ILI, to be honest.
My ILI buddy was in two places when he was a teenager. One, in the photography club, and two, in his room at home, building his computers and hating his parents.

If you go the photography club route, be careful, because SLI's are also into photography.