Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
I'm the same. I relate to a lot of what you say about dating and expectations and impatience and the only way I've found to mediate it is to downplay the importance of romantic relationships in my life in general (not saying you can/should do the same, but restructuring my worldview this way is a work in process that's been on my mind a lot)
I think I should do that, but I find it incredibly hard to do when I live in a place where literally all my local friends are in relationships and I am always the only single person. It's depressing because it sort of reinforces what I am trying to overcome - the sense that being in a relationship is normal and I am somehow deviant (apart from the fact that I really do very much enjoy being in a committed relationship).

Sorry for being off-topic...we can split this into a thread called "Modern dating woes" if it's a problem.