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Thread: SEE/ESFp and ILI/INTp Duality? (Aggressor-Victim)

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Well I haven't actually been looking lately. I planned to go back to the hunt in like six months or so once I get some stuff handled. But once I do, I'm looking for someone who's okay with polyamory, scrawny to average build, preferably 28 to 40 years old but in the very least older than 18 and younger than 50 years old, preferably sexually submissive but in the very least not dominant, preferably local but in the very least inside continental US, preferably Ni ego (but not EIE) but open to other possibilities depending on the person, can show proof of no STIs, and just a cool person. I could elaborate on that last item.
    Thanks, that was helpful. I know a few ILI's. They are all good friends and most of them I've known for many years, and I kind of want to make their lives better, if I can, and that includes pointing them toward the right partners. They are all so buttoned down and rational, clear thinkers, practical, funnily ironic and intelligent. One of them was one of my best friends in HS, and I just assumed he would want a demure, introverted woman. Instead, he told me he had a crush on my chemistry lab partner, who I knew was really smart (she was a very pretty blonde who was a very well-developed, unmistakably female - kind of in-your-face- female), but she acted like a ditz. I could see that her ditzyness was an act, and that puzzled me, but I had seen stranger things. He was nuts about her, but seemed unable to approach her in HS. A couple years ago, he told me he'd give anything to know what happened to her since HS.

    My financial advisor is also ILI, and he wears three-piece pinstripe suits, button down collars, vests, etc. One day I was in his office getting coffee, and over the coffee machine was a picture of two women dressed (or undressed) like they were at Burning Man. He said he took that picture, aren't they great? I suddenly had this image of a skinny guy wandering around in the desert in a three-piece suit with a camera, taking pictures of half-naked women. Before I learned about Socionics, I'd have just dismissed this as his peculiar fetish, but now I see that all these guys like the same kind of women.

    Maybe ""need" the same kind of women" would be more accurate.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-21-2016 at 02:29 AM.

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