Quote Originally Posted by SheWolf View Post
Makes sense. In the article, the ILI's "building of barriers" suddenly expecting the other person to just bust through them would likely be met with offense by me and I would probably "cut them off," if you will. Would be like they're toying with me or something. I don't deal with that crap. Lol.
I'm not ESI myself, but my experiences with ILIs are very similar nonetheless. One thing though, I do not consider ILIs behavior as 'building barriers', although I can imagine Se-ego types would feel it that way. To me it feels like the don't practice what they preach. E.g. I once was in a relationship with an ILI woman, an she always came far too late on appointments we made, appointments to which she proposed the time! To me this felt like she actually wasn't all that interested in me, although she probably made herself belief she really was (being very desperate to become a mother, that is). The result was the same: I basically slammed the door in her face each time she would try rekindle the fire. The last thing I heard from her was an email message saying she was moving out of town, so I no longer needed to be afraid of running into to her in town (which probably was another way of saying: "but you can still have me if you want to")