Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
somewhere it was written, politeness and humor, that's true.
i've been in a couple shortlived relations with see, among those one with a girlfriend, and another just friendship with a guy see, in which i've noticed that the SEE was pretty demanding in those relations. Sure the interaction was smooth, and sometimes the demandingness wasn't too bad since we usually went to great places due to that, but it was also annoying to be playing second violin the whole time, and/or letting yourself be used to put it bluntly.
In other see relationships things went smoother, but there is always the element of ILI adapting to SEE. I used to be a good adapter, but now i'm older (40) i'm not anymore.
This is interesting. I'm an SEE, but I would not want my boyfriend to constantly be submissive to me. That's no fun. It's why my relationship with an Infantile IEE went south very quickly.

I don't see myself as "demanding" in the harsh sense of the word. I'm more... "pushing" if that makes sense. Lol.

"Demanding" sounds more along the lines of Se/Ti