Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
All kinds of types stick around for all kinds of reasons. The traditional types do so because of commitment, inertia of Ej energy; the experience types create distance by doing their own things. The Ip because they adapt and go along. And, the ij because I'm stable in my commitment to someone and don't back out easily. Mostly Fi for love. I do complain about some things to my friends for support but I won't ruined my relationship over it.
I agree that people stay for many reasons including things like financial security. Keep in mind that you are not the one ruining the relationship. It sounds like he is doing a good job on his own. You two have a serious communication problem and if you don't sort it out soon, nothing will change and it will probably escalate. If he does not show you the respect of listening to your concerns and feelings then you might need to get some counseling. He does not seem the type to go for that though. Your posts about him almost seem like there is an element of fear on your part. Maybe it is time for introspection first, then communicate what you discover to him. If he does not listen then I think you have the answer.

I am assuming you are the reasonable one in this relationship and not bugging him constantly to the point that he has just shut down and does not want to talk to you. Obviously I don't know his side but I really don't feel I need to hear his side, in this case.