Not sure what type Abrams is (probably Beta NF if you look at the kind of stuff he's done - Lost, Alias, etc. Maybe Vulnerable?) but the dude is seriously lacking in , this movie had inconsistencies the size of the Star Killer. Like why is Rey such a badass with a lightsaber despite having zero training? Or why do they mysteriously send her off (alone!) to meet Luke, when she has no prior relationship with him?? Surely Leia or someone would have wanted to go see him. Rey was set up to be the Chosen One(tm) but the actual reason why she was chosen (she's unnaturally good with the Force) was introduced hastily, basically at the same time she turns into a total badass...not a good dramatic decision. You can argue midichlorians are sorta stupid too, but at least with Anakin there was a build-up from the initial realization and some conflict involved in getting him off Tatooine, and then obviously his training and gradual fall to the Dark Side etc.

Also it was somewhat boring since 1) you know pretty much exactly what's going to happen since it's just a rehash of the original trilogy and 2) the main plot driver (find Luke) was weak. Like, Luke literally just took off for some me time, there's no pressure to get him back.

Harrison Ford is easily the best part of the movie, he out-acted almost everyone else put together.