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Thread: No type fits me ! help me find my type !

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    Default No type fits me ! help me find my type !

    I decided to go safe and use the descriptions on wikisocion

    Introverted Sensing as a BASE function.

    A strong ability to recognize internal physical states in themselves and others, to understand how these states are reached, and to recreate and avoid these physical states.

    -I’m aware of my internal state at a very basic level (hunger, tiredness, ect.) I can be rather slow about acting on these sensations mainly because of forgetfulness or just laziness. I’ve got examples. Once i was so hunger, but because I was preoccupied with reading an article, I forgot about eating until it was 1:00am.
    -I also tend to be very sensitive to my internal state, but don’t know what’s causing that comfort or discomfort. Example. During the summer, I was really hot and bothered during the night, and I asked my mum “why am I always boiling whenever I go to sleep” she said it’s because I wear to much cloths when I go to sleep, I didn’t even realise I was wearing that much, it was just part of my night time routine.

    Individuals who possess Si as a base function are drawn to situations that satisfy their inner physical experience. Whenever Si base function individuals are taking part in something that involves recognizing, recreating, or analyzing physical states, they feel a great deal of personal power and enthusiasm.

    -LOL, “personal power and enthusiasm” I don’t think it’s the deep, but I do like satisfying internal states, I thought everyone would enjoy such feelings. I’m hit and miss with the “recreating” parting I can recognise internal states, but not always create them again.

    The avoidance of discomfort is one of the primary motivations of these types. Feelings of internal discomfort can arise from a tense psychological atmosphere, working too hard and sapping the body's resources, being pressured by other people or by numerous "things to do," and from unsatiated or oversatiated physical needs. These types tend to quickly recognize and be quite vocal about discomfort that arises and either take clever measures to dissipate it or simply get out of whatever is bothering them. They are very receptive to other people sharing feelings of discomfort with them and can help alleviate the tension and offer good solutions.

    -Well I’ll take the example of having loads of things to do, when that happens I tend to drift from intensely working on it to, being very lazy maybe even ditching the project, but I don’t necessarily view it as a discomfort, to me it’s just loads of work that needs to be done. Do I complain about such things? Usually no than yes, I’ll show sings I’m not comfortable, but it won’t be something I enjoy speaking about.
    Si leading types are constantly adjusting themselves to their environment (which includes the people around them), and rarely have any fixed ideas about what is "appropriate" to desire in a given situation. Thus they are willing to accommodate other people's needs in an ad hoc manner. It is enough for something to "feel right" for them to justify doing it. This behavior may seem random to outside observers, since it is concomitant with weak Ni

    -I don’t understand what is meant by “adjusting” and not knowing whats “ appropriate” which is a cause for “accommodating to others, that’s doesn't make sense, I do accommodate to others, but I also know whats appropriate in certain situations as well.

    Extroverted Intuition as a BASE function.

    The individual is skilled at generating intellectual interest and curiosity in others and using others' curiosity to get them to do things.

    -When im curious and really into something I share it with everyone and anyone. It’s becomes and obsession, whether or not people accept it or not, I’ll share it, and drop it in conversation every so often. I think generating curiosity is far more about the individual person you’re talking to than the actual subject, because what I may find interesting may be really annoying to others.

    He easily sees parallels between different situations, areas of knowledge or skill, and people, and likes to establish contacts across different fields of knowledge and social groups, which allows him to be part of many things at once. He enjoys considering differing viewpoints and perspectives and seeing if they can be reconciled.

    -This one makes me really happy, I do see loads of parallels and comparisons, I do this with just about everything, especially people. I’ve always been and still am an everywhere child, I remember back in my younger school years I had loads of different friends or let’s say acquaintances in every social group, which didn’t make me necessarily the most popular, but I was sure the first person to hear about all the drama and gossip. I also can apply this to my hobbies, I was never the artsy kid who loved everything art, rather I only liked one aspect of art which was origami, I also really enjoy watching super ghetto reality tv shows, I drift between reading celeb gossip and just perusing through the dictionary looking for new words, or I may somehow end up in a discussion about fantasy books I’ve looked at, but have another a tab about the latest technology Apple are planning to put in their iPhone 7, so basically what I’m trying to say I was and still am everywhere. I love different viewpoints and new perspective, like whenever I ask a question, im not really asking because I want to know, but because Im interested in what YOU have to say, I want to here your side, im guilty of purposefully taking controversial sides in a debate just to strike up an argument. OK this is really long.

    He enjoys the beginning stages of just about anything - new projects, acquiring new skills, experiencing new people and relationships. Preparing for and launching something new is seen as having greater value than the process of experiencing what one already has and finishing what one has begun. The concept of "finishing" seems foreign to him. Instead of taking care to finish things and tie up all loose ends, he tends to drop things when he can't handle them any longer or realize that he has neglected them for too long (this might be equally related to suggestive introverted sensing).

    -Talk about launching. For me just the mere thought can get me excited, I love just thinking about potential ideas and projects I want to embark on, I may start them and get to s certain point, but damn, that follow through gets me, it’s so hard to keep working on something so I tend to just drop it whenever it gets to tedious, or I forget about it.

    Introverted Thinking as a BASE function.

    The individual views reality through the lens of logic, immediately recognizing the correctness and appropriateness of things and their proper place in reality and in his system of views and behaviour. He freely makes logical assertions, often exaggerated, about new information and experience. He holds highest those rules to which exceptions do not exist, and is a habitual critic of people or things that don't follow a set of rules, whether they are those accepted by the community, or his own, or even the other person's. Although he is able to adopt others' rules, his own are always the last word, and these are subject to continual refinement.

    -Well all I can really say on this is that I like to think im logical and rational in my decision making even though many would disagree. I hate when people don’t follow rules in a game, that annoys me so much, I also don’t like it when people don’t follow rules that hinders the progress of many other people, that’s really selfish. Example, I was in class one day, this guy didn’t want to take of his coat, because he was cold, the teacher said “if you don’t take off your coat the whole class has to say in” that guy is really selfish because he didn’t want to take of his coat, the rule so simple and clear cut I don’t understand why he wouldn’t follow it.

    Extroverted Feeling as a BASE function

    The individual is always in tune to the emotional flow surrounding him, and responds to it spontaneously and directly.
    He seeks out and creates activities where people are totally engaged in what they are doing. Something's value is directly tied to how much it arouses his or another's passion.

    -I can literally see the emotional flow around me, when it comes to acting on it, it really depends on how I feel. Hmm “seeks out and creates activities where people are totally engaged in what they are doing” < TBH, this confuses me. If I know my friend really enjoys something then of course I value it because now I know he likes it so whenever I have the chance to provide that thing for him I will. I agree with that last line

    He is highly proactive about steering the emotional flow in the direction he himself considers ideal to a given situation. He may, for example, try to cheer people with jokes if he sees that they are too gloomy or, conversely, to get people to be serious and concentrated if they are too carefree during a crisis situation. Nevertheless, he believes emotions should be expressed as honestly as possible.

    -YES ! Who doesn't do that though? if I see my friend isn’t ok then I’ll directly ask what’s the matter, then I’ll try and cheer them up, by sympathising with them, if that’s what they want, or making jokes, or providing solutions. Example. This one’s about me, once I went out with a group of friends A didn’t know S or D so for some funny reason A was trying to look good, by trying to put me down and embarrass me in front of S and D. I was really annoyed, but I didn’t know how powerful my annoyance and silence had come off because for the whole evening it was mad awkward and nobody spoke.

    Introverted Intuition as a BASE function.

    As a base function, Ni generally manifests itself through a lack of direct attention to the world around oneself, and a sense of detachment or freedom from worldly affairs. This can lead to a highly developed imagination and very unique mental world, but it can also result in a great deal of laziness and apparent inactivity.

    -I day dream .. a lot ! Most of the time im not interested in what’s going on around me, but thinking and contemplating is usually what I do when im out in public. People always say that I’m lazy and don’t pull my weight, although I can see where they’re coming from, as long as im given clear direct instructions as to what to do I’ll be fine .. I may not do it right the first time, but I’ll be fine.

    Because the individual gets his or her primary information about the world through imagination, a person with base may be able to thrive in situations where data are scarce, or where he or she lacks the usual prerequisite experience. However, this may also become a disadvantage if the person ignores real data about the world too much.

    -When data is scare? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a situation like that, but I do tend to be very insightful and understand what’s really happening, and why. I usually share these with other people.

    The ability to transcend the axis of time and understand the cause and effect relationships that occur is also a feature, sometimes resulting in the ability to accurately predict general future trends and outcomes of certain events.

    -I like predicting what’s going to happen, I do it all the time, I’m usually right. I find it pretty easy to identify the cause and affect.

    Extroverted sensing as a BASE function.

    The individual feels at home among people who are actively doing something and interacting with each other directly (visibly), and is able to organize people, move them around as necessary, and guide them in achieving a specific goal. He or she likes obedience and even subservience in others, since it allows him to "make things happen" more effectively.

    -I do not organise people, I’ve tried and it doesn’t work, I don’t even get what that means, I don’t move the around to achieve mine, or their goals either, but I can encourage them, if their goal is something im interested and know a lot about I’ll be more excited about why they choose this goal and discuss it, then I’ll try and give tips and outline a way, but it isn’t straight forward, its more discussion/ idea related.

    He is keenly aware of territorial conflicts and confrontational behavior occurring around him. He very quickly becomes confrontational when others try to make him move or get him to do something in an aggressive or confrontational way.

    -When people try and be confrontational with me I fight fire with fire, so I do the same, sometimes I may actually laugh at the situation because I find stuff like confrontation and aggression hilarious and trivial. When im bored I look for confrontation, that’s really bad I need to stop that.

    He quickly recognizes when people are trying to get each other to do something or are trying to organize him for some purpose. He also spontaneously uses aggression to achieve his own goals.

    -LOL, “organise him for some purpose” I see that, but effectively we’re all useful to someone so I don’t mind, but when I see someone using me for something I don’t pay attention to it. I dont use aggression, there isnt any need to.

    He wants to make all decisions himself about what he will do, wear, eat, look like, etc., and resents any attempts by others to make these decisions for him. However, he is willing to make use of other peoples' ideas, advice, and creativity, as long as he plays the most visible role.

    -Well if Si means adapt in the sense of allow people to make choices then I guess I prefer that, I don’t mind making my own choices, I make my own choices daily, but I also tend to listen and follow other people’s ideas as well so idk. I tend to make others do things for me and make decision becasue i'm really indecisive.

    He enjoys testing his will in challenging situations and views life as a sort of obstacle course, full of adversity and challenges, that must be weathered and conquered.

    LOL, next.

    Introverted Feeling as a BASE function.

    The individual sees reality primarily through static personal ethics and stable interpersonal bonds between individuals, including himself, where the status of such interpersonal bonds is determined by his personal ethics.

    -I like to have stable relationships and bonds between people but I’ve seen that after time the start to become boring, so I usually end up creating some fun.

    The individual is very confident in evaluating the ethical or moral qualities, and their consistency, of other people. This makes the individual seem "judgemental" or "self-righteous" to people less so inclined.

    -I tend to judge what people do and why they do such things, but I don’t necessarily hold it against them, or as a base of information I use to make my mind up. In reality, when I make a judgement of people I find it funny but don’t take it seriously. Example. My friend didn’t turn up at my leaving party, obviously I was upset, but at the same time I didn’t really care, and I found it kind of funny, I didn’t reach out to him or ask him about not coming to my leaving party, because I don’t find it that deep, but this doesn’t stop me from saying Hi to him if I were to ever see him again.

    If he has difficulty in deciding the status of a personal relationship, he will take action to try to reach a conclusion but if that continues to elude him, he will regard the relationship as not worth it.

    -I don’t do this, I don’t just cut relationships “off” lol.

    His own sense of constancy in personal ethics and in his relationships with others is a very strong factor in his sense of self-worth.

    -I do take my relationships seriously, but if something was to ever happen, I’ll just move on, and act like I don’t care when I really do.

    Fi in this position implies the ability to almost instantly recognize whether someone is a friend or an enemy, whether they are demonstrating good will or ill will, and whether they are drawn to or repelled by the individual.

    -Basically what I said before. I see this information but I can push it to one side and bring it up when needed. I tend to make very instant judgements regarding whether I like them or not, But it won’t stop me from talking to that individual.

    Extroverted Thinking as a BASE function

    Extroverted logic as base function is manifested as a need to accumulate factual information, also from external sources such as books, second-hand information, etc, on matters of personal interest or of professional activity.

    -I collect information when I need to, or when im interested in something, then again everyone collects information on subjects they’re interested in

    This also gives these types confidence on being well-informed on the same matters, which enables them to enter arguments related to them with confidence on their knowledge, which may come across as arrogance to others.

    -When I collect information it tends to very specific, so if I were to ever enter an argument about the subject it will have to be on that very specific piece of information. When im in an argument I’ll make up points just to back up my point even if I don’t believe them.

    Another manifestation is an evaluation of external reality - work activities, world events, finances, procedures, personal relationships, conversations - from the point of view of factual accuracy and "making sense" and efficiency.

    -I do not focus on efficiently, but I do like “making sense” otherwise how are people going to understand you.

    It leads to an inclination to be proactive in increasing the efficiency and reasonableness of the external world, as well as a sense of self-worth connected on being involved and productive in activities seen as useful, profitable, or that increase one's knowledge base. To give out information that the individual knows not to be factually accurate is disturbing and avoided as much as possible.

    -When I have a lot to do, and I finish it all, I feel really productive and like that feeling. I love knowledge, but i want it brought to me, or easily accessible. i don't know anyone who likes to give out inaccurate information.

    @Maritsa @thehotelambush @nondescript
    Last edited by Danali; 05-27-2016 at 03:46 PM.

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