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Thread: Donald Trump as next president

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    If it comes down to Trump and Hillary, she's going to crucify him in the debates because the only thing he really knows is trade. He's a complete moron on every other subject.
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    May god have mercy on us all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    He's going to go for the same diversion tactic that's been (unfortunately) working for him pretty well so far, though. He'll just throw childlike insults at her the whole time so he can ruffle her feathers and throw her off balance. Everyone will eat it up too, because it'll provide Jerry Springer like entertainment. Smh.

    Hillary is LSI, though, so she may be built for this. We'll see.
    I watched the last four hours of the (11-hour) Benghazi hearing during which she was bullied and insulted incessantly. She was not fazed - if that didn't faze her, nothing will.

    As for Trump, he will move center as soon as he has the official nomination. Sadly, his supporters will even forgive his lies and deception then. It's astonishing that people buy his crap.
    Last edited by Kim; 05-13-2016 at 02:45 AM.
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    I think Trump has a good chance against Clinton. His people are so, so which I mean fanatical. It's fairly depressing, and scary.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Trump is a barking dog on a leash. Clinton is a sneaky scheming politician. Who in the world chose these two?
    thats how she's being painted but I don't think its real
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    If I was American, I would vote for a third party candidate in the main election. Choosing between a narcissistic megalomaniac (Donald Trump) and a psychopathic liar (Hillary Clinton) doesn't really seem appealing. It's like choosing between a knife and poison, fun.
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    He won't win. The primaries are not the general election. There are not enough angry white men out there to make him president and his supporters are not the type to do the groundwork that, for example, Democrats did for Obama in 2008.

    But it will be fun to see him squirm and evade during the debates. Hillary will skewer him. And he can't take any heat, so we will be treated with pretty entertaining Trump temper tantrums.

    Also looking forward to seeing those tax returns.
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    I have developed a morbid curiosity in regards to Trump's presidency. I just want to see what will happen. What he's going to do, how he is handling foreign affairs and - of course - how many nukes it takes to annihilate the world. That will be quite the show, I'm sure.
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    The funny thing about Trump is that he was actually the least horrifying candidate among the Republican offerings. Cruz especially was a war-mongering Dominionist. Kasich has the appearance of being reasonable due to his milquetoast manners, but if he had his way, would have set the women's rights movement back about fifty years. Rubio was not much better, and his tax plan would likely have caused this country to implode. Then we had loons like Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. Trump looks reasonable by comparison.

    President Trump will be stymied by the Republican majority Congress, ironically just as Obama was. The establishment Republicans hate him. The Tea Party contingent (at least, those who are paying attention) view him askance as a stealth social liberal (which he essentially is). The people who support him are in for a rude awakening when they see just how hemmed-in the Executive branch of our government is (by design), and just how disingenuous his pandering this election season was. "Make America Great Again" will be the next "Yes We Can!"

    The only thing I'm worried about with Trump is that he has emboldened some of the most hateful, most racist, most ill-educated people in this country. God knows what it will be like to be gay, or Muslim, or black in this country if those people feel like they've usurped the government. I am more afraid of the people who support Donald Trump than I am Donald Trump.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willyum Take4 View Post
    This is a bit hypocritical of Republicans to focus on lies since they all do it.

    Trump saying he doesn't lie is the biggest lie. He is also known for using weasel words.

    The pope does not endorse Trump. How do you think Catholics will vote? Can he even win without the Catholic vote? I don't see many analysts on fox even taking this into account.

    The Pope, who was traveling back to Rome from Mexico, where he urged the United States to address the "humanitarian crisis" on its southern border, did not tell American Catholics not to vote for Trump.

    But Francis left little doubt where he stood on the polarizing issue of immigration reform.

    "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel," the Pope told journalists who asked his opinion on Trump's proposals to halt illegal immigration.
    Trump immediately fired back, calling Francis' comments "disgraceful."

    "No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith," he said in statement. Trump added that the government in Mexico, where Francis spent the past five days, has "made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope."

    "If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president," Trump said.

    By Thursday evening, the GOP candidate had softened his tone.

    "I don't like fighting with the Pope," Trump said at a GOP town hall debate in South Carolina hosted by CNN. "I like his personality; I like what he represents."

    He added that he thinks Francis' remarks were "much nicer" than the media reported and that the Pope had been misled by Mexican officials.

    Trump also said that the Pope has an "awfully big wall" himself at the Vatican.

    That may be true, Catholic priests said, but Vatican City also has an awfully big door.
    About those Vatican walls ...

    The tussle between Trump and Francis -- two outsized personalities who seldom shy from speaking their minds -- seems to have been building for some time. Before the Pope traveled to Mexico, Trump cast the pontiff as a political naif who "doesn't understand the dangers" at the U.S.-Mexican border.

    The Pope, 'The Donald' and the wall between them

    Trump social media director Dan Scavino suggested the pontiff's comments were hypocritical. "Amazing comments from the Pope- considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls," he tweeted.
    What most interested me was Mr. Trump’s response. He said it was “disgraceful” of the pope to question another person’s faith, although the pope was questioning his words. But, in a prepared statement, Trump said this:

    If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.

    In an interview with Greta Van Susteren yesterday, Donald Trump insisted he doesn’t lie. “In fact, if anything, I’m so truthful that it gets me in trouble,” he said. Rather than challenge that lie, Van Susteren changed the subject.

    Early in the interview, Trump walked back his attack on Pope Francis whom, you may recall,he recently accused of having been duped by the Mexican government. But now Trump said, “I think he’s a terrific person.”

    Then at 14 minutes in, Van Susteren asked Trump whether he had ever lied to the American people.

    VAN SUSTEREN: CBS, Scott Pelley, asked Secretary Clinton, said whether she has ever lied to anyone and her response was, “Well, you know, you’re asking me to say have I ever. I don’t believe I ever have, ever will. I’m going to do the best I can to level with the American people.” So the same question, have you ever lied to the American people?

    TRUMP: I don’t lie, I mean I don’t lie. In fact, if anything, I’m so truthful that it gets me in trouble, OK? They say I’m too truthful. And, no I don’t lie. I don’t lie. I’m self-funding my campaign. I tell the truth.

    Of course, being blunt is not the same as being truthful, as Van Susteren almost surely knows. Trump has lied so much that it would probably take me until Election Day to catalog all his lies. But some of the bigger whoppers that have gotten attention:

    • His phony-baloney birtherism, including his claim to have private investigators in Hawaii who “cannot believe what they’re finding” about President Obama’s birth. Why hasn’t Trump ever released the results of that investigation – unless it doesn’t go along with his more recent claim that the matter has not been settled?

    • After mocking a disabled New York Times reporter, Trump pretended not to have known the man was disabled.

    • Trump’s claim to have seen “Thousands and thousands of Muslims” in New Jersey cheering the 9/11 attacks has been rated Pants on Fire by PolitiFact.

    • And now, Trump’s claim to have been against the Iraq war since before it started has been debunked.

    ↓ Story continues below ↓

    In fact, Trump is such a liar that PolitiFact couldn't pick just one of his lies as their 2015 Lie of the Year. The site noted:,

    PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.
    In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s -- his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy.

    But rather than point out even just one example of Trump’s dishonesty, Van Susteren changed the subject by asking, “How much have you spent so far?”
    Watch it above, from the February 19 On The Record.

    Crossposted at News Hounds.
    We watch Fox so you don't have to

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    Yesterday someone of Fox News described Trump as the lone person, in the crowd, pointing out that the emperor has no clothes.

    Of course he is. It is one of his diversion tactics. He is the court jester pointing out the emperor has no clothes to divert attention away from his own nakedness. That is pretty obvious.

    When that doesn't work he just throws a tantrum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Animal View Post
    The only thing I'm worried about with Trump is that he has emboldened some of the most hateful, most racist, most ill-educated people in this country. God knows what it will be like to be gay, or Muslim, or black in this country if those people feel like they've usurped the government. I am more afraid of the people who support Donald Trump than I am Donald Trump.
    Agreed, and a lot of damage is already done.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeo View Post
    I have a good feeling that he may win. What does this mean for contemporary US college students? Will you all move to Canada?
    Im not a college student, but yes...that's the plan.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animal View Post
    The only thing I'm worried about with Trump is that he has emboldened some of the most hateful, most racist, most ill-educated people in this country. God knows what it will be like to be gay, or Muslim, or black in this country if those people feel like they've usurped the government. I am more afraid of the people who support Donald Trump than I am Donald Trump.
    This right here is my serious concern about Trump as president. I think its extremely concerning, and should not be downplayed. He will give fascism a voice and power, regardless of his own beliefs. He already has.
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    You are lucky bastards, eh?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    You are lucky bastards, eh?
    muahaha, I love it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Willyum Take4 View Post
    Aylen baby, I don't dare argue that Donald does not lie. Anybody sensible can see he lies too lol.

    The difference is, even when Donald is 'wearing no clothes', he's still worth billions and billions of dollars lmao.
    Hmm, I do not want to see him win but whatever, the world will keep spinning.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Hmm, I do not want to see him win but whatever, the world will keep spinning.

    The trouble is it might not. Civilizations crumble under bad leadership. Yes it is that bleak.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    The trouble is it might not. Civilizations crumble under bad leadership. Yes it is that bleak.
    I have already said as much to anyone who would listen and given reasons why he cannot possibly fulfil most of his promises, if any. Perhaps he can loan Mexico the money to pay for the wall that will not even be completed by the end of his term. It would be a huge waste of money when it gets torn right back down. It is also an invitation for terrorists or the cartels to blow it up. Does that even cross the minds of his supporters?

    His temper tantrums and lack of knowledge on foreign policy in today's world is a recipe for disaster. He is mocked and ridiculed all over the world. Not just here. His lack of self control and peacocking is not a joke to the whole world though. There are people out there who are taking him very seriously. Not because they fear him, it is because he has insulted people to their very core. They won't just forget what he has said or laugh it off. I think it will be a close race but Hillary will win. I have let go of actively wanting her to win, now I am trusting that what happens is meant to be and we will deal with it when it happens. I have to remain hopeful that others come to their senses by election day.

    People who love him don't care about any of the real issues that are at stake because life has become a reality show and they want to "win". I am sure many of them don't realize that they probably are not going to like their prize, yet they still find him entertaining. They don't realize that there are other world leaders who will not take it lightly if Trump pulls his "you're fired" schtick on them using twitter. ISIS does not fear him but I bet they have some plans, in place, in the event he is elected. I am reminded of 9/11, Bush and how he ended up doing more harm than good.

    His only experience is in business but he does not have real diplomatic skills, even if he can temporarily make people like or support him, surfacely. I imagine many of his own party are still seriously offended by him. Congress is not going to give him free reign. I don't think he believes it. I think he is being coached on what to say now because he has toned it down to win some support but that is not going to last. I just want to watch the debates with Hillary and see if people change their minds after. If not I am almost of the mind that they get what they deserve. Sounds harsh but...

    Thing is, I know less about politics than the average person and I figured this out. I am hopeful others will too.
    Last edited by Aylen; 05-15-2016 at 06:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I have already said as much to anyone who would listen and given reasons why he cannot possibly fulfil most of his promises, if any. Perhaps he can loan Mexico the money to pay for the wall that will not even be completed by the end of his term. It would be a huge waste of money when it gets torn right back down. It is also an invitation for terrorists or the cartels to blow it up. Does that even cross the minds of his supporters?

    His temper tantrums and lack of knowledge on foreign policy in today's world is a recipe for disaster. He is mocked and ridiculed all over the world. Not just here. His lack of self control and peacocking is not a joke to the whole world though. There are people out there who are taking him very seriously. Not because they fear him, it is because he has insulted people to their very core. They won't just forget what he has said or laugh it off. I think it will be a close race but Hillary will win. I have let go of actively wanting her to win, now I am trusting that what happens is meant to be and we will deal with it when it happens. I have to remain hopeful that others come to their senses by election day.

    People who love him don't care about any of the real issues that are at stake because life has become a reality show and they want to "win". I am sure many of them don't realize that they probably are not going to like their prize, yet they still find him entertaining. They don't realize that there are other world leaders who will not take it lightly if Trump pulls his "you're fired" schtick on them using twitter. ISIS does not fear him but I bet they have some plans, in place, in the event he is elected. I am reminded of 9/11, Bush and how he ended up doing more harm than good.

    His only experience is in business but he does not have real diplomatic skills, even if he can temporarily make people like or support him, surfacely. I imagine many of his own party are still seriously offended by him. Congress is not going to give him free reign. I don't think he believes it. I think he is being coached on what to say now because he has toned it down to win some support but that is not going to last. I just want to watch the debates with Hillary and see if people change their minds after. If not I am almost of the mind that they get what they deserve. Sounds harsh but...

    Thing is, I know less about politics than the average person and I figured this out. I am hopeful others will too.
    You pretty much summed it all up right there I have nothing to add.

    That's why Im eating a bowl of popcorn. My NT uncle thinks america is headed towards another civil war in a couple generations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    You pretty much summed it all up right there I have nothing to add.

    That's why Im eating a bowl of popcorn. My NT uncle thinks america is headed towards another civil war in a couple generations.
    Yeah, and he'll speed that process up!
    "The spirit of resistance to government
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    Fortunately, there is another choice. Just saying

    If you consider not voting or throwing your vote away, consider throwing it away on this guy. I'm not telling you who to vote for but if you feel like neither party is really representing you give Gov. Johnson a listen, this is the guy with the real balls to pull it off. He makes some sense... and he climbed the Everest LOL

    "The spirit of resistance to government
    is so valuable on certain occasions,
    that I wish it to be always kept alive.
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    but better so than not to be exercised at all.
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    It is like a storm in the atmosphere."
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    The magnitude of the lack of education of any Trump supporter is yuuuge. I fear his supporters much more than I do his proposed policies - there's only so much a president can do.

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    I don't really care.

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    trump as president lol that would be awesome. i'm curious. i think he will make peace with Russia, but fuck the whole islam community in the butt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    trump as president lol that would be awesome. i'm curious. i think he will make peace with Russia, but fuck the whole islam community in the butt.
    If by making peace you mean Trump man-crushing on Putin and kissing his ass... I could see it. Maybe they are "duals". Trump as closet "victim" wanting that Ti and Se.

    But there’s also a confused leadership fetish on the right, which helps explain the Donald Trump phenomenon. Conservatives may deplore dictators, but they have a soft spot for right-wing authoritarians. Part of Trump’s appeal is his veneer of strength (which, unlike with Putin, is mostly a mirage). Trump is the tough, no-nonsense taskmaster who knows how to get things done. He’s a “winner” and the other candidates (especially Jeb) are weak, low energy losers. The most conservative elements of the GOP love this kind of talk.

    Trump is well aware of his base appeal. After Putin’s United Nations speech on Monday, he told Bill O’Reilly that Putin is a better leader than Obama. “I will tell you,” Trump said, “in terms of leadership, he’s [Putin] getting an ‘A,’ and our president is not doing so well.” The implication, of course, is that Obama isn’t tough enough to handle a man like Putin – for that you need a bold real estate mogul! At any rate, Trump is expressing a popular sentiment on the right. According to a Quinnipiac poll last year, Republicans were far more likely than Democrats to say that Putin was a stronger leader than Obama.

    Putin is a “strong” leader, but so was Stalin and Lenin and ****** and Pol Pot. What Putin isn’t, however, is a democratic leader. That small-government conservatives admire him so much betrays not just an ideological incoherence but also a deep disdain for the democratic process. Obama won two national elections, and yet many on the right won’t even acknowledge his legitimacy. It seems conservatives have no problem with tyranny so long as it’s of the right (pun intended) sort.

    Trump, though, wouldn’t prove the right-wing strongman conservatives want – he’s too politically inept to accomplish anything beyond his own exaltation. But he’s quite good at sounding tough and speaking the language of nativist conservatives (something at which Putin also excels). That’s he gone this far in Republican politics says more about his party than it does about anything else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If by making peace you mean Trump man-crushing on Putin and kissing his ass... I could see it. Maybe they are "duals". Trump as closet "victim" wanting that Ti and Se.
    I think they are mirror. SLE and LSI. I think trump also notices putin to be same quadra, he said, we will probably get along fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I think they are mirror. SLE and LSI. I think trump also notices putin to be same quadra, he said, we will probably get along fine.
    I guess I just have a harder time seeing Trump as SLE than most people. It must be the cornflower yellow hair and the inch thick orange spray tan. He just looks like an oompa loompa to me these days so I don't even try to type him. I have never tried to dualize with an oompa loompa though so who knows.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    The magnitude of the lack of education of any Trump supporter is yuuuge. I fear his supporters much more than I do his proposed policies - there's only so much a president can do.
    I was confused until I saw the blog of Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert. We all need to stop thinking of everyone, including ourselves, as rational actors. You think you have powers of reason. You don't, you instead have powers of rationalization. Your senses don't impart upon you any sense of "true" reality. You aren't living in the "real" world. You are watching a movie, a movie staring you. "Reality" is merely the setting of this movie you are watching.

    To go even further he believes we are all "moist robots" that have a U.I. that can be understood and manipulated/programed, and The Donald has read the Owners Manual in regards to us. He is, as Scott Adams put it, a "Master Persuader" that is currently persuading us all that voting him into the White House is a good idea. He'll do it too, he'll pull it off because he knows how to make the moist robots do what he wants better than anyone. Don't fight it, it's futile, in a few months you'll be singing his praises. Why? Because you are a moist robot, and The Donald is the sysadmin in charge of your programing. All robots bow to the sysadmin, you and I will be no exception.

    Ergo, sit back, grab some popcorn, and pray to Almighty God they don't assassinate him and start a war with Russia. I just wanna avoid the bombs falling, and The Don is an isolationist which would rather happily prevent said bombs from falling. So I'm not all that much opposed to him winning. Hillary winning, that's the nightmare. She'll definitely carry us to war, and that will NOT end well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I guess I just have a harder time seeing Trump as SLE than most people. It must be the cornflower yellow hair and the inch thick orange spray tan. He just looks like an oompa loompa to me these days so I don't even try to type him. I have never tried to dualize with an oompa loompa though so who knows.
    I see it quite easily myself, it perfectly explains how he so deftly manipulates the moist robots. He's got the conquering instinct and the understanding of how to work the moist robots into the state he wants them to be in. As I hinted at above, I highly recommend checking out the blog of Scott Adams on this issue, very enlightening. Here's the link:

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I was confused until I saw the blog of Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert. We all need to stop thinking of everyone, including ourselves, as rational actors. You think you have powers of reason. You don't, you instead have powers of rationalization. Your senses don't impart upon you any sense of "true" reality. You aren't living in the "real" world. You are watching a movie, a movie staring you. "Reality" is merely the setting of this movie you are watching.

    To go even further he believes we are all "moist robots" that have a U.I. that can be understood and manipulated/programed, and The Donald has read the Owners Manual in regards to us. He is, as Scott Adams put it, a "Master Persuader" that is currently persuading us all that voting him into the White House is a good idea. He'll do it too, he'll pull it off because he knows how to make the moist robots do what he wants better than anyone. Don't fight it, it's futile, in a few months you'll be singing his praises. Why? Because you are a moist robot, and The Donald is the sysadmin in charge of your programing. All robots bow to the sysadmin, you and I will be no exception.

    Ergo, sit back, grab some popcorn, and pray to Almighty God they don't assassinate him and start a war with Russia. I just wanna avoid the bombs falling, and The Don is an isolationist which would rather happily prevent said bombs from falling. So I'm not all that much opposed to him winning. Hillary winning, that's the nightmare. She'll definitely carry us to war, and that will NOT end well.

    I see it quite easily myself, it perfectly explains how he so deftly manipulates the moist robots. He's got the conquering instinct and the understanding of how to work the moist robots into the state he wants them to be in. As I hinted at above, I highly recommend checking out the blog of Scott Adams on this issue, very enlightening. Here's the link:

    Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I don't give Trump as much credit as you. I neither fear or respect him. I don't think he is a master manipulator. He is pretty transparent and talks out both sides of his mouth. People just don't care. He is clueless about politics and the world in general. He said Oakland is one of the most dangerous places in the world, absolutely clueless. Perhaps he needs to go visit a war zone.

    WASHINGTON • Donald Trump has dissed Ferguson again.
    He told a reporter for the New York Times magazine that Ferguson, along with Oakland, Calif., is one of the most dangerous cities in not just America, but the world.

    This was the exchange, according to the Times.

    “‘What’s the most dangerous place in the world you’ve been to?’”
    “He contemplated this for a second. ‘Brooklyn,” he said, laughing. ‘No,’ he went on, ‘there are places in America that are among the most dangerous in the world. You go to places like Oakland. Or Ferguson. The crime numbers are worse. Seriously.’ ”

    The world, of course, includes dangerous places like bombed-out Syrian cities, cities and towns in Iraq and Afghanistan constantly changing hands between terrorists, militias and governments, and embattled cities on the border between Russia and its neighbors.
    Maybe he would like to vacation in North Korea this year and see where he stands in their hierarchy. Hillary is less likely to make a blunder that leads to war. I am just surprised that so many republicans have such flimsy convictions. They are willing to set aside what they value in the party and follow Trump, who is not a true Republican anymore than Bernie is a true democrat. They both should have run as independents. Trump's followers are inspired by a slogan that isn't even original. Reagan had the same slogan, "Make America Great Again". Most slogans are lame though but he could have been original.

    Bernie unfortunately is a man with very little time left on this earth, relatively speaking, and I respect that he is going for it. He is like a spark igniting many fires. Some of his followers will probably go on and fight for radical changes in the future. Bernie will never see it though.

    My outlook is not as bleak as yours though and I prefer the term "sheep", "moist robot" just sounds gross. I will not pray that he isn't assasinated because that is not within my realm of power. I won't pray that he is either. I am neutral on that. I wouldn't be happy about it at all but honestly it wouldn't ruin my day.


    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I don't give Trump as much credit as you. I neither fear or respect him. I don't think he is a master manipulator. He is pretty transparent and talks out both sides of his mouth. People just don't care. He is clueless about politics and the world in general. He said Oakland is one of the most dangerous places in the world, absolutely clueless. Perhaps he needs to go visit a war zone.
    All politicians who vote for war ought to also be made to go to war and be placed under the command of generals. I am very sick of it always being a rich man's war but a poor man's fight. That said, you are still making the mistake Scott Adams says everyone's making. You're thinking about things rationally, which is a great way to lose in the game of persuasion. See, nobody voting lives in Iraq or has any connection to it. It's somewhere else, it doesn't strike a nerve. Oakland, Ferguson, Americans live there, they have connections, and they've seen how bad those places are either from friends or on the news (the riots didn't help anyone except Donald from this angle). That establishes a connection between The Donald and the people watching the interview, it puts him into their movie in a way, and thus makes you more comfortable with seeing more of him in your life (like, for instance, if he became president). It also, shockingly, makes him seem reasonable. Again, the news covered the riots, we all saw that. Thus, we get it. Irony of ironies, if the news actually did their fucking job and covered the terrible conditions of Iraq like they did the Vietnam war we might just have an anti-war movement again and Trump could bring more attention to it. Sadly, the news made the persuasion angle favor American cities over foreign ones due to news coverage and the ADD of the common moist robot/sheep.

    As for Bernie Sanders, I wouldn't much mind if he won too. See, from my perspective, History is about to repeat itself and both Donald and Bernie sense it. They both sense the opportunity to just let the hammer of justice fall and obliterate and/or indebt any and all political enemies that may get in the way of whatever hairbrained scheme they got cooking in their heads. The current situation closely mirrors an obscure bit of British history that is the very reason their government works the way it does today. Here's the first part of a series describing the events, scams, and tribulations of an 18th century scam that they are only just now beginning to pay for: I recommend you watch them all, dear god is today just like then. All we need is another Walpol to come in and blow it all to hell for their benefit.

    Both Bernie and Trump are trying to become the American Robert Walpol, and if they get in they won't have to resort to any schemes as complicated as Walpol did. They're already outside the system, everyone is their political enemy, they can just let it fall and wipe the map clean. Afterwards every replacement would more or less be on their side and they'd have free reign. I'm comfortable with either of those people doing this as we really need to make bankster heads roll. It's high time for this chicanery to be exposed and dealt with publicly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    All politicians who vote for war ought to also be made to go to war and be placed under the command of generals. I am very sick of it always being a rich man's war but a poor man's fight. That said, you are still making the mistake Scott Adams says everyone's making. You're thinking about things rationally, which is a great way to lose in the game of persuasion. See, nobody voting lives in Iraq or has any connection to it. It's somewhere else, it doesn't strike a nerve. Oakland, Ferguson, Americans live there, they have connections, and they've seen how bad those places are either from friends or on the news (the riots didn't help anyone except Donald from this angle). That establishes a connection between The Donald and the people watching the interview, it puts him into their movie in a way, and thus makes you more comfortable with seeing more of him in your life (like, for instance, if he became president). It also, shockingly, makes him seem reasonable. Again, the news covered the riots, we all saw that. Thus, we get it. Irony of ironies, if the news actually did their fucking job and covered the terrible conditions of Iraq like they did the Vietnam war we might just have an anti-war movement again and Trump could bring more attention to it. Sadly, the news made the persuasion angle favor American cities over foreign ones due to news coverage and the ADD of the common moist robot/sheep.

    As for Bernie Sanders, I wouldn't much mind if he won too. See, from my perspective, History is about to repeat itself and both Donald and Bernie sense it. They both sense the opportunity to just let the hammer of justice fall and obliterate and/or indebt any and all political enemies that may get in the way of whatever hairbrained scheme they got cooking in their heads. The current situation closely mirrors an obscure bit of British history that is the very reason their government works the way it does today. Here's the first part of a series describing the events, scams, and tribulations of an 18th century scam that they are only just now beginning to pay for: I recommend you watch them all, dear god is today just like then. All we need is another Walpol to come in and blow it all to hell for their benefit.

    Both Bernie and Trump are trying to become the American Robert Walpol, and if they get in they won't have to resort to any schemes as complicated as Walpol did. They're already outside the system, everyone is their political enemy, they can just let it fall and wipe the map clean. Afterwards every replacement would more or less be on their side and they'd have free reign. I'm comfortable with either of those people doing this as we really need to make bankster heads roll. It's high time for this chicanery to be exposed and dealt with publicly.
    Hate to break it to you but many people voting could care less about Oakland BECAUSE they don't have to live there. I will look at the site later so I can't speak on what your guy says but I am going to trust myself over him regardless. Nothing personal. I am going with my own intuition. I don't need anyone to tell me why Trump or Hillary are bad choices. I can think for myself.

    I can't vote since I am not a citizen so I am watching from a more objective perspective imo. I feel like I really have nothing to lose either way. As I told William the earth will keep spinning. Even if it is light a couple billion people. Not trying to sound cold or cynical because I am not. Things will play out and the world will deal with it. The cycles have been repeating for thousands of years. Of course with a third world war devastation would be more widespread due to the sheer numbers of people and all that has been built.

    Edit: I agree that anyone who votes for war should be right there on the front lines. They should not send children to fight the battles of old men.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    He will just be very ineffectual, not bad or good- but that is ironically actually the best realistic position we could ask for any politician. Obimbo didn't save the world like Liberals wanted, he just showed us how complicated things really are. So likewise, Trump isn't gonna destroy the world.... Bush already did that. stupid str8 male power hungry jerks, can't they all fuck off and die- seriously, and its not like Trump is hot to make up for it, I don't even wanna rim his asshole.

    ppl say 'we need the first openly gay president.' I don't think so, I don't really wanna be involved in this shit. Seems really unfun and stuff. The fact ******s don't turn everything into 'about power' is actually a strength, not a weakness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    He will just be very ineffectual, not bad or good- but that is ironically actually the best realistic position we could ask for any politician. Obimbo didn't save the world like Liberals wanted, he just showed us how complicated things really are. So likewise, Trump isn't gonna destroy the world.... Bush already did that. stupid str8 male power hungry jerks, can't they all fuck off and die- seriously, and its not like Trump is hot to make up for it, I don't even wanna rim his asshole.

    ppl say 'we need the first openly gay president.' I don't think so, I don't really wanna be involved in this shit. Seems really unfun and stuff. The fact ******s don't turn everything into 'about power' is actually a strength, not a weakness.
    There will, sadly, always be a will to power within men no matter their sexual orientation. This is because that, while he was a most evil, ugly, and despicable man, Henry Kissinger was right when he said "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac" when questioned on how he got so much hot pussy. Also, I wouldn't call for the end of all str8 men. Str8 people are the reason we're all here after all. Maybe in the future they'll make artificial wombs and shit and then the sexes won't need each other to reproduce. Until then, need str8 people to keep making babies. I just wish less fathers bailed on their responsibility. The kids fare a lot better if they had a kind father around when they were little.

    While we're on the subject I remember watching an anime awhile back that had complete and total gender segregation as a central part of plotline. The girls had their planet with no men, the men had their planet with no women, and naturally they fucking hated each other and had myths about how horrible the other one was to them in the past and how it was glorious liberation once they drove that evil opposite sex off to the other planet. Hell that might actually happen if we get the tech to pull off a similar scenario. Plenty of rabid feminists and MGTOWs out there who would view that outcome as ideal.

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    If Donald wins... = catastrophe of ass. He doesn't even know how the Congress or such work! He has ZERO, ZERO = 0 experience in politics. His ideas, while they do have some merit, have ZERO potential to be fulfilled in reality.

    If he wins, America will be so damaged. And with the rise of the Right Wing, so will be the world. He is a danger both for the US and for the world. Don't give in to herd / animal instincts and vote for someone who is "hot / funny". Also don't vote for him because you don't want to vote for Hillary. USE YOUR BRAIN, DAMN IT!


    edit: @Aylen, but he be your dual(or semi dual if SEE)! What is wrong now...?
    Last edited by nondescript; 05-22-2016 at 01:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Trump is a barking dog on a leash. Clinton is a sneaky scheming politician. Who in the world chose these two?
    Rotschilds, Bilderbergs, choose the side

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    edit: @Aylen, but he be your dual(or semi dual if SEE)! What is wrong now...?
    All "duals" are not created equal?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    He will just be very ineffectual, not bad or good- but that is ironically actually the best realistic position we could ask for any politician. Obimbo didn't save the world like Liberals wanted, he just showed us how complicated things really are. So likewise, Trump isn't gonna destroy the world.... Bush already did that. stupid str8 male power hungry jerks, can't they all fuck off and die- seriously, and its not like Trump is hot to make up for it, I don't even wanna rim his asshole.

    ppl say 'we need the first openly gay president.' I don't think so, I don't really wanna be involved in this shit. Seems really unfun and stuff. The fact ******s don't turn everything into 'about power' is actually a strength, not a weakness.
    Wot if trump turns himself out as openly gay
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    All "duals" are not created equal?
    I was just teasing

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