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Thread: Donald Trump as next president

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Trump is a barking dog on a leash. Clinton is a sneaky scheming politician. Who in the world chose these two?
    thats how she's being painted but I don't think its real
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Willyum Take4 View Post
    This is a bit hypocritical of Republicans to focus on lies since they all do it.

    Trump saying he doesn't lie is the biggest lie. He is also known for using weasel words.

    The pope does not endorse Trump. How do you think Catholics will vote? Can he even win without the Catholic vote? I don't see many analysts on fox even taking this into account.

    The Pope, who was traveling back to Rome from Mexico, where he urged the United States to address the "humanitarian crisis" on its southern border, did not tell American Catholics not to vote for Trump.

    But Francis left little doubt where he stood on the polarizing issue of immigration reform.

    "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel," the Pope told journalists who asked his opinion on Trump's proposals to halt illegal immigration.
    Trump immediately fired back, calling Francis' comments "disgraceful."

    "No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith," he said in statement. Trump added that the government in Mexico, where Francis spent the past five days, has "made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope."

    "If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president," Trump said.

    By Thursday evening, the GOP candidate had softened his tone.

    "I don't like fighting with the Pope," Trump said at a GOP town hall debate in South Carolina hosted by CNN. "I like his personality; I like what he represents."

    He added that he thinks Francis' remarks were "much nicer" than the media reported and that the Pope had been misled by Mexican officials.

    Trump also said that the Pope has an "awfully big wall" himself at the Vatican.

    That may be true, Catholic priests said, but Vatican City also has an awfully big door.
    About those Vatican walls ...

    The tussle between Trump and Francis -- two outsized personalities who seldom shy from speaking their minds -- seems to have been building for some time. Before the Pope traveled to Mexico, Trump cast the pontiff as a political naif who "doesn't understand the dangers" at the U.S.-Mexican border.

    The Pope, 'The Donald' and the wall between them

    Trump social media director Dan Scavino suggested the pontiff's comments were hypocritical. "Amazing comments from the Pope- considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls," he tweeted.
    What most interested me was Mr. Trump’s response. He said it was “disgraceful” of the pope to question another person’s faith, although the pope was questioning his words. But, in a prepared statement, Trump said this:

    If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.

    In an interview with Greta Van Susteren yesterday, Donald Trump insisted he doesn’t lie. “In fact, if anything, I’m so truthful that it gets me in trouble,” he said. Rather than challenge that lie, Van Susteren changed the subject.

    Early in the interview, Trump walked back his attack on Pope Francis whom, you may recall,he recently accused of having been duped by the Mexican government. But now Trump said, “I think he’s a terrific person.”

    Then at 14 minutes in, Van Susteren asked Trump whether he had ever lied to the American people.

    VAN SUSTEREN: CBS, Scott Pelley, asked Secretary Clinton, said whether she has ever lied to anyone and her response was, “Well, you know, you’re asking me to say have I ever. I don’t believe I ever have, ever will. I’m going to do the best I can to level with the American people.” So the same question, have you ever lied to the American people?

    TRUMP: I don’t lie, I mean I don’t lie. In fact, if anything, I’m so truthful that it gets me in trouble, OK? They say I’m too truthful. And, no I don’t lie. I don’t lie. I’m self-funding my campaign. I tell the truth.

    Of course, being blunt is not the same as being truthful, as Van Susteren almost surely knows. Trump has lied so much that it would probably take me until Election Day to catalog all his lies. But some of the bigger whoppers that have gotten attention:

    • His phony-baloney birtherism, including his claim to have private investigators in Hawaii who “cannot believe what they’re finding” about President Obama’s birth. Why hasn’t Trump ever released the results of that investigation – unless it doesn’t go along with his more recent claim that the matter has not been settled?

    • After mocking a disabled New York Times reporter, Trump pretended not to have known the man was disabled.

    • Trump’s claim to have seen “Thousands and thousands of Muslims” in New Jersey cheering the 9/11 attacks has been rated Pants on Fire by PolitiFact.

    • And now, Trump’s claim to have been against the Iraq war since before it started has been debunked.

    ↓ Story continues below ↓

    In fact, Trump is such a liar that PolitiFact couldn't pick just one of his lies as their 2015 Lie of the Year. The site noted:,

    PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.
    In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s -- his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy.

    But rather than point out even just one example of Trump’s dishonesty, Van Susteren changed the subject by asking, “How much have you spent so far?”
    Watch it above, from the February 19 On The Record.

    Crossposted at News Hounds.
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