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Thread: Ask an SLE woman

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  1. #1
    mclane's Avatar
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    @niffer , are you still answering questions here?

    1.How did you arrive at the conclusion that you are SLE? Why the Ti subtype?

    2. How long does it take you to type someone IRL? What process do you follow?

    3. Why do you seem to admire qualities of the EII type (Ashitaka)?

    4. Someone very close to you suddenly breaks off contact with you. How do you deal with this situation?

    5. What's better; to be liked, or loved?

    6. What's worse, to be evil, or to be mean?

    7. Do you have well developed imagination?

    8. Are you fit naturally?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    LuckyOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    there's definitely something about beta that oozes sexuality. in the men its comes off as homosexuality but its actually beta omnisexuality. its gross and extreme from my perspective, but I can see how from a beta perspective, since its the norm, they don't think of it as such

    also I feel like unless you have a society completely politically dominated by a quadra (i.e. soviet russia), nations are better understood in terms of their prevailing cultural drives which can be best expressed in enneagram types
    It's interesting you feel that way about Betas, because to me certain types like IEI, ILI and ILEs come across as assexual. Like, zero sexual energy coming from them, and I'm not talking about attraction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Nah, this is exactly why Japan is ISTp... it's the Fe-PoLR. Delta can also be collectivist, in fact I think collectivism is more Aristocratic, socionically. You could say that the cultures of Ancient Japan like samurais etc are Beta ST, but you can say the same for pretty much any militant ancient cultures.

    But anyway, a lot of the problems in Japan and East Asia have more to do with their histories, philosophies, politics, etc. than really anything else.

  3. #3
    Haikus niffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    @niffer , are you still answering questions here?
    Sure, mclane. Thanks for asking some things that are relevant so respectfully.

    1.How did you arrive at the conclusion that you are SLE? Why the Ti subtype?
    I'd been reading about Jung and MBTI for several years and knew that I was Fe and Ni valuing. I thought that I was EIE for a few years because I tried to just transfer directly over from MBTI ENFJ, but after going through experiences where I got to know myself more (I was 20 at this time) and reading through all the different socionics types, I came across Beskova's Female ESTp description and my mind was blown at how much it fit me, and everything came together after that. I've had some doubts over these past couple years about my typing, but I've concluded that I only fit the SLE TIM.

    I don't subscribe to the idea of subtypes, yet. There's obviously a lot of variation within the types, and some people will easily fit one subtype description more than they do the other one. But from what I've personally observed and experienced, it's ambiguous enough that I can't say there's some kind of cognitive pattern that shuttles peoples traits cleanly into the behaviours of one subtype or the other, nor is there a structural explanation that makes sense to me that I've gathered enough evidence for. Also, subtypes aren't a part of classical socionics.

    Most people want to shuttle me into the Ti sub because I'm obviously more contemplative and introverted-seeming sometimes than a lot of SLE descriptions and stereotypes would suggest, but most people also admit that I have qualities that fit Se sub too.

    2. How long does it take you to type someone IRL? What process do you follow?
    If we're just talking about typing IRL, I would use a very "sensoric" approach. I would take in their appearance, how they move and talk, and their mannerisms. I compare it to the archetypes I sort of have in my head already as a result of compounded knowledge of all the other people I know who I've typed which I constantly update, so over time this gets faster and more accurate. I can type people within seconds this way, but of course it's better if I have more time to observe them and get to know them.

    3. Why do you seem to admire qualities of the EII type (Ashitaka)?
    I'm not going to battletype Ashitaka with you, but I guess by this we can look at traits of being gentle, kind, compassionate, and kind of stoic, which can apply to any introverted type really, but mostly INFx and I would say Ip > Ij. I don't really see EIIs as being pliant and gentle and receptive in an Ip way like this, more like static and immovable and basically rigid, which I wouldn't say I admire or feel any way about except that it's obviously historically not been compatible with me.

    4. Someone very close to you suddenly breaks off contact with you. How do you deal with this situation?
    Based on those who are close with me in reality, I would assume they're in some kind of acute danger or distress, and I would work with people we know and are close to to figure out what's going on.

    5. What's better; to be liked, or loved?
    To be loved.

    6. What's worse, to be evil, or to be mean?
    To be evil I guess. I'm not really sure what the difference is or what you meant.

    7. Do you have well developed imagination?
    I don't know how to gauge the development of my imagination. I wouldn't consider myself to be unimaginative, but I'm still grounded. I'm not exactly churning out fantasy nonstop, and I don't think I could do that as a career, but I do exercise my imagination sometimes.

    8. Are you fit naturally?
    I naturally build muscle easily and have a solid frame, but if I don't eat healthy and exercise I'll be out of shape lol.

    Thanks in advance.

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