Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I agree with this. It is why some people have called me arrogant and uncompromising (which kind of hurt my feelings). I only go after someone if they cross my boundaries beyond the point of no return or hurt someone I care about though. I do not like anyone to point out my mistakes even when I know they are mistakes. Part of the reason I stayed in relationships past their expiration date. I do not like to be told, "I knew they were wrong for you" or something similar. Maybe because it points to me making bad judgment calls.

That is why I don't like to talk about my relationships with other people. I just don't want to know someone's else's negative opinion on my choices because I probably already know it. I tend to keep most of mistakes to myself, irl, and look happy when I feel like I am dying inside. These things point to weakness and my LSI mom did not tolerate weakness well. Neither did the people I chose to align myself with over the years. I can see how it is an image thing. I do not want to appear "lower" than others. It can turn me into a devil's advocate if someone does it to someone I like and I will argue for them even when I know they are probably in the wrong too. I hate taking sides in disagreements when it comes to people I care about. If I only care about one of the people in the argument I will fight for their side.
I like what you said that you don't want to appear lower than anyone else. That's another big difference between us. To me that hierarchy doesn't exist. When I or anyone expresses things they are expressing a part of what makes them unique and an individual. I too consider myself among human beings when I express my own failed relationships and sad feelings.

We're all a part of a brotherhood of man