Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I am fine with whatever he decides because I think he has a vision of where he would like things to go with his theory/system. I am not part of his team so have no investment in it personally but I am very interested. He has completely different terms than, IEI, EII, ESI, etc... I do not want to push any socionics concepts on him because he will draw to himself the information that is useful for him. I believe strongly that things will only happen in perfect time, even if it does not always seem like the timing is perfect. You can't rush progress but I think things are unfolding as expected. In this case I will take a wait and see approach too because I do not want to inadvertently influence him in a way that sets him off course. As, he said, I do not fit neatly into just one type in his system, yet. I trust that he can do this and we have been exchanging information.

Have you looked at his website yet? http://cognitivetype.com/theory/

I am synthesizing as we "speak".
I will look at it my dear "Prophet"