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Thread: Cognitive Type Theory

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    You have done truly magnificent work....but where does the truth lay....for my best friend from school (all those years ago) fits your description of 'the vegetarian' from the FiSe group but in Socionics she more fits SEE due to the way she handles friendships and desires to lead (she even ran for city mayor in her town) so I am seeing discrepancies between what I know of Socionics and some of your descriptions.

    Time will tell I guess which realm is more correct for I shall continue for now using your descriptions as a resource when typing and see where it leads.

    Thanks for all the work you put into this it's very interesting.

  2. #2
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanshayz View Post
    You have done truly magnificent work....but where does the truth lay....for my best friend from school (all those years ago) fits your description of 'the vegetarian' from the FiSe group but in Socionics she more fits SEE due to the way she handles friendships and desires to lead (she even ran for city mayor in her town) so I am seeing discrepancies between what I know of Socionics and some of your descriptions.

    Time will tell I guess which realm is more correct for I shall continue for now using your descriptions as a resource when typing and see where it leads.

    Thanks for all the work you put into this it's very interesting.
    I asked Sandoval if I could share our private messages that show why he typed (past tense which I will explain later) me Fi/Se and he said I could. Seriously, this dude is very gracious and highly intelligent., I asked because when I have discussed the ideas,, he presented with others, to get their opinion on it, their reaction to me being typed the equivalent of an ESI in socionics was that they found the system "ludicrous" (it is not ludicrous. it is just "different") but I like to make my correlations between different systems that explain the complexity of a human being (yeah I am including synesthesia, astrology and numerology in the bigger picture) as I understand it. Even if it only gets to the essence of things, I can work with that. I find it harder to put my ideas into words so it is helpful when others do the work for me. I just absorb what is useful and leave the rest. They have a somewhat unique take on types and I find it interesting to consider. I have a mild interest in VI but more interested in the general theory, the whole.

    I am not sure if this will address your questions but I will give it a shot. I will try to remain objective and only speak on IEI and his Fi/Se,( Edavin) which is described as "sprite-like, for my example because I have not looked at all his other types. I saw rather quickly that the functions in his system did not completely align with socionics ESI. It is closer to MBTI's, Fi/Se-ISFP but the closest equivalent of MBTI, in socionics, would be SEI? Because I like Sandi I find it harder to critique his system, objectively, because I do not want him to think that what I am saying it meant to discredit him either. I support what he is doing.

    In his system Fi/Se values Se and Te from what I can make out so far. I know firsthand how there are overlaps through my comparisons of INFJ/P. I also see overlaps here. That is why you sort of have to see the systems as separate but that does not mean there isn't a unifying theory. No one has gotten there yet but some day. I know it won't be me that does it. Too much work to organize and present.

    Unlike socionics, it does not address how the full range of functions can manifest in a type, in the short descriptions I read on his site. He said that new information may be considered and added daily. This is something worth watching, imo. Most of what I am saying here is based on impressions and not because I have read everything but I will read more.

    The biggest difference is dimensionality, for example Fi in an IEI is stronger than Fe but demonstrative. Si is also unvalued but it is our role function. Ti is HA but we fall back into our comfort zone of Ni, just as we do with Si. Ni and Si can take turns, so to speak, but is not something we can sustain for long. Te is polr but we are not airheads (at least most of us aren't). Ne is a given but not important so filtered out quickly. Se is a suggestive function... Socionics is still the most complex theory (of this sort) that addresses many dimensions of human personalty and interactions and have explored many but even it doesn't work for me without enneagram, to supplement, and fill in the gaps. None of it is really comparable to say, neuropsychology which is taken more seriously by many. The theories expressed here, on this forum, and other forums of this type, are seriously fringe which is part of the appeal to me. As you can witness here on this forum it t can become almost a religion, unto itself, to some. I don't seek a new religion though. I just want to experience clarity in the sea of theories.

    I saw their perception of the ego functions in the descriptions could possibly be missing important elements if comparing to socionics. So yes his system is actually independent of both socionics and MBTI and should be treated as such. I think at this point in their endeavor it is probably better that they use the familiar to draw greater interest. It got my attention. They are interested in finding empirical data to back up their theory. A set of facts. Not easy to do with theories that are very subjective to begin with.

    It will be a LOT of work. I am interested to see how it evolves. If they are actually able to do this in a way that even hard core skeptics will look at and say, maybe there is more to this. It would be pretty impressive. BUT, there will always be skeptics in the world so they just have to work around them and keep doing their thing. I wish them luck. I believe that in order to do it properly they would have to have people of different types involved in their process, checks and balances. I think this is what they are already doing by allowing testimonials and valuing the input of the people they are studying. It seems to me that there is a lot of Si, Ne and Ti involved here which would point to an alpha quadra theory. I would not type him in socionics because I have not had enough interaction.

    I have not asked him all the types of the team members but I am sure he would be very willing to share. Sandovall appears to value transparency without all the secret handshakes and winks behind the scenes (this is NOT podlair which was one of my "concerns" that he put to rest.). I can vibe with that even though most of what I am saying is speculation on my part. This is why I have always been skeptical of VI but something about his system makes me want to keep an open mind because it is still in it's infancy. I don't like to discourage anyone from following their passions/dreams.

    People who are purists have probably already dismissed the ideas but I think this forum is pretty open minded (Does anyone remember psyche yoga??? I loved it but it was fringer than fringe.). The confusion lies in the different descriptions that do not completely correlate with socionics types. BUT, there are correlations that would take a lot of effort for me to explain, at the moment (so tired). But, for example, an Edavin which is Fi/Se in his system is nothing like and ESI in socionics. I pointed this out in him in pm and sent him the socionics descriptions of ESI and IEI. His Edavin is closer to an IEI-Ni than ESI. I will now let him speak for himself.


    The video really helps. We get to see a very authentic smile and the quality of your voice. I see the Ni/Se eyes you mentioned, yeah.

    This is curious, by the CT system (and I don't mean to discredit you being IEI by Soc. standards) you'd type as a clear FiSe. A bit of an Indie Artist shade. Admittedly, our profile descriptions aren't the best right now, and we don't have a behavioral profile for the FiSe, but one way to describe it is by comparing to others. You remind me a lot of FiSe Janet Jackson:

    There is a quality of softness and delicacy which you both share, which comes out in the eyes being somewhat retracted from the environment despite being quite alert (Se). Your voice, despite it being early morning for you, has a quality of passivity but also of emotional sensitivity. This is something we call Fi's "sprite-like" or "breathy" voice. It's a little bit "sing-songy" and ebbs according to their personal feeling.

    We catch glimpses of this sensitivity in your words like " to you later, ok?" and "bye". Your emotional disposition is introverted, private and radiates out in an unbridled sentimentality. This Fi signal is also seen (as we'd expect) alongside the appearance of Fi's tension running up toward the nose.

    Your mouth, rather than smiling in a suave and smug way as with Betas, is more accidental and.. what we sometimes call "sincere". This is not to say Fe smiles are insincere, but it's an adjective used to describe a visual signal, for example:

    The smile of the NiFe is imposing, in the sense that it's extending itself onto others in the hopes of charming, persuading with charisma or guiding. The smile of the FiSe has no such motivations. And although it may wish to convey goodwill and have that echoed back, it's not guiding the emotional energy of others (Fe).

    This manifest in many other elements that make the NiFe more directive and forward, albeit in a backseat-driver sort of style. I also see a lot of sensational signals from your photos (Ni/Se) - with an emphasis on self expression and a bit of a dramatic artist's edge (Fi). This can apply to both the NiFe and FiSe but I've seen it most prominently in FiSe such as Kate Bush, Marilyn Monroe, Bjork, Michael Jackson, etc.

    Also, the static photo of you at age 5 looks so much like the main FiSe profile image. Hehe. You're a complete match, by the CT system anyway.

    I hope this was a helpful analysis (or at least a different take). Thank you again for offering your photos.
    This is his response to me sending the ESI and IEI descriptions.

    Absolutely. Feel free to share anything in these PMs, I don't mind at all.

    Oh my gosh, what a contrast! *eye-opener* I had no idea Socionics could even have such stark descriptions (of any type). It just sounds like somebody had a really bad experience with another person, and wrote about it. I can certainly see the hesitation. I've found FiSe to be quite the opposite as well; among the most receptive and sensitive types I know of. I will have to be more careful in how I present the material as paralleling to Socionics in the future.

    The intuitive subtype appears as a calm, tactful, languid and diffident individual. He seems torn from reality, inert and poorly adapted to life. However, such impressions are erroneous, for he possesses a fine intuition, which aids his in establishing useful connections and obtaining support from influential people. Externally he seems serene, but in his heart he is sentimentally predisposed, has bouts of moodiness and melancholy, and regrets his mistakes and misfortunes for a long time. His mimicry is somewhat monotonous, often shows an expression of light amazement or full interest in his conversation partner. His gaze is dreamy and pensive, slightly strained, with a bit of luster, often expressing melancholy, attentiveness, or sardonic irony. His speech is measured, smooth, and intimately heart-felt. On his face there is almost constantly a polite half-smile that easily predisposes towards trust. Gestures are modest, timid, undemonstrative. Gait is unhurried and smooth.
    This is especially interesting, as I could almost write something identical about the FiSe type. Not trying to convince you or anything, but just hoping to elaborate on my own definition of FiSe. The FiSe I've known in real life are quiet, somewhat elusive creatures with a very interesting aesthetic and a private world they guard from others. I do agree about some of the self-contained descriptions, and being selective about close company. But it doesn't mean they're mean to those they don't allow in. That's against many of their values, if they come to value general respect. They may just be protective - and this is part of what makes them elusive.

    A straightforward (a bit 2 dimensional, but good for a start) primer description of the FiSe I've seen is in this video:

    It's true they can close off/retreat when someone does very specific things that rub their Fi palate the wrong way. But equally so, if someone does the right thing, suddenly they can open up immensely and be very radiant. It's a two-way filter that is very case-specific.

    Yeah. There is a lot of crossover between the NiFe and the FiSe due to both being ethical types, introverted types and Ni/Se users. I think both share a lot of the same sensational/esoteric pursuits (there's a description in the SeFi Gypsy that comes close) but the FiSe or SeFi will only dabble in it, rather than *be* a Guru of it. The difference for me between the two is that the NiFe always remains a sort of manipulator (not necessarily in the bad way) and the creator of the mental tapestry.

    NiFe's have a manipulative sort of charm (Fe); one that is alluring due to their suave aura. They are attractive because their eyes are confident, relaxed, steady in the same way their Ni's sense of anticipation follows a predictable overview. It seems like they "know" (the situation they're in) and are relaxed or even bored because things are obvious to them. Things like how society works, how people around them work and what they're going to say next.

    As Pi types, they can also stagnate in their own perspectives. Especially if they develop a view of society that is disheartening, they can become disenchanted naysayers of progress. Also, I have this curious experience. Whenever I talk to an NiFe, it always feels like they're not talking back at me, but are talking at the world. They speak from a very global place (Pi) to a global audience (Fe) which I happen to represent at the moment, by being one element of this tapestry they hold (Ni). It can be really fun to pick their brains though.

    But instead, FiSe have all the qualities of Pe and Ji in them, which are curiosity and real-time adaptability (Pe), opinion-changing and values checking (Ji). There's a level of uncertainty that's balanced with confidence about what they know is important. They're in a never-ending state of refinement as every day prompts new information to examine. An over-encompassing perspective/worldview (Pi) with predictability based on broad-reaching patterns (Ni) isn't as important to the FiSe as the discover of what the present (moment/person/situation) means to them and to those present - and how they can best live, right then and there.

    This post is getting really long (so sorry!) but if I can share just one more thing...

    Do I feel happy in life? Um, lets see. Lets say, I hope I'm finding happiness.

    Well for me, if I can realize certain things in my work, I come the closest to being happy. And I can say that also about my life.

    Well it only happens, I think, in moments. Sometimes when I'm working. And I'll be able to fulfill a scene truthfully. And then I think I'm the happiest.

    Well I find it very stimulating to keep studying and working. But I'm not just generally happy. If I'm generally anything I guess I'm generally miserable.

    I don't know. Ahm, sometimes I think? I don't know I think sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Which is natural, I guess, for everyone.

    I would like to be more sociable than I am. On some days. Maybe sometimes I'll chat when I'm not pleased but sometimes the work itself requires... more than I'm quiet and to myself more, and other days like during a musical number I try not to get too, um... I'd like to be more outgoing because that's what I have to express. So I try to keep a general... I try to. Even if I feel like it or not, I try to make the effort to make contact with people around me.

    Yes, because I could easily be alone. It doesn't bother me to be alone. Some people I know they... they don't like to be alone. I don't mind it. I need it, there's a rest... yeah, it kinda refreshes myself.

    Here we see all the characteristics of private emotional/ethical judgment (Fi) in its most generous form; through a desire to be oneself happy in self-accomplishment and to allow for the happiness of others to be possible. This dialogue shows the sensitive emotionality of the FiSe, as well as their evolving (adaptive) perspective. They may be quite melancholy souls inside but aim/strive for accomplishment, and to them happiness is understood as something situational and something continually manifesting.

    Granted, Marilyn Monroe is exceptionally Fi/sensitive and many FiSe will be a great deal more 'edgy', possibly emo, and tough (re: the Unseelie Haughty). Her voice really radiates the emotional energy she feels inside, but it leaks out unintentionally, rather than via Fe coordination.

    But I've gone on long enough, lol.
    Thank you for these articles, they will really come in handy when explaining CT properly to newer people.

    So I decide that he should know some things that are common knowledge about me here, for those who have paid attention to me from the beginning, before he settled on my type. I knew that he would probably not randomly come across these posts so I wrote a very self revealing and somewhat unflattering summary of myself and things that have been a big influence in my life. Things that are also innate to my personality and cognitive abilities, something he could not see in my video, pictures, or hear in my voice and this was his response:

    This is an incredible story. I'm so grateful you decided to share with me. I've never come across someone with the combination of your visuals + psychology, so this is really eye-opening.

    Whether that means expanding the NiFe profile or the FiSe profile, or something completely different, it's precisely what helps expand understanding. I can't really place you in either 'cubby' now. =P You're officially in your own class. I've had this happen before and what I do is postpone judgment and wait to see a new pattern emerge. Often times, more exposure reveals other people with the same visual+psychological duality. I need to keep learning.

    It is cool that my testimonial might contribute something to their research. I also need to keep learning instead of believing I already know where things are going. That attitude only winds up with me in a state of apathy. I needed something to get excited about and turn my attention away from things that were troubling me.

    In a way he acts as mirror to me but not in the socionics sense. As I said, I cannot type him either, yet.
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-09-2019 at 02:52 PM. Reason: clarification

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I asked Sandoval if I could share our private messages that show why he typed (past tense which I will explain later) me Fi/Se and he said I could. Seriously, this dude is very gracious and highly intelligent., I asked because when I have discussed the ideas,, he presented with others, to get their opinion on it, their reaction to me being typed the equivalent of an ESI in socionics was that they found the system "ludicrous" (it is not ludicrous. it is just "different") but I like to make my correlations between different systems that explain the complexity of a human being (yeah I am including synesthesia, astrology and numerology in the bigger picture) as I understand it. Even if it only gets to the essence of things, I can work with that. I find it harder to put my ideas into words so it is helpful when others do the work for me. I just absorb what is useful and leave the rest. They have a somewhat unique take on types and I find it interesting to consider. I have a mild interest in VI but more interested in the general theory, the whole.

    I am not sure if this will address your questions but I will give it a shot. I will try to remain objective and only speak on IEI and his Fi/Se,( Edavin) which is described as "sprite-like, for my example because I have not looked at all his other types. I saw rather quickly that the functions in his system did not completely align with socionics ESI. It is closer to MBTI's, Fi/Se-ISFP but the closest equivalent of MBTI, in socionics, would be SEI? Because I like Sandi I find it harder to critique his system, objectively, because I do not want him to think that what I am saying it meant to discredit him either. I support what he is doing.

    In his system Fi/Se values Se and Te from what I can make out so far. I know firsthand how there are overlaps through my comparisons of INFJ/P. I also see overlaps here. That is why you sort of have to see the systems as separate but that does not mean there isn't a unifying theory. No one has gotten there yet but some day. I know it won't be me that does it. Too much work to organize and present.

    Unlike socionics, it does not address how the full range of functions can manifest in a type, in the short descriptions I read on his site. He said that new information may be considered and added daily. This is something worth watching, imo. Most of what I am saying here is based on impressions and not because I have read everything but I will read more.

    The biggest difference is dimensionality, for example Fi in an IEI is as strong as Fe but demonstrative. Si is also unvalued but it is our role function. Ti is HA but we fall back into our comfort zone of Ni, just as we do with Si. Ni and Si can take turns, so to speak, but is not something we can sustain for long. Te is polr but we are not airheads (at least most of us aren't). Ne is a given but not important so filtered out quickly. Se is a suggestive function... Socionics is still the most complex theory (of this sort) that addresses many dimensions of human personalty and interactions and have explored many but even it doesn't work for me without enneagram, to supplement, and fill in the gaps. None of it is really comparable to say, neuropsychology which is taken more seriously by many. The theories expressed here, on this forum, and other forums of this type, are seriously fringe which is part of the appeal to me. As you can witness here on this forum it t can become almost a religion, unto itself, to some. I don't seek a new religion though. I just want to experience clarity in the sea of theories.

    I saw their perception of the ego functions in the descriptions could possibly be missing important elements if comparing to socionics. So yes his system is actually independent of both socionics and MBTI and should be treated as such. I think at this point in their endeavor it is probably better that they use the familiar to draw greater interest. It got my attention. They are interested in finding empirical data to back up their theory. A set of facts. Not easy to do with theories that are very subjective to begin with.

    It will be a LOT of work. I am interested to see how it evolves. If they are actually able to do this in a way that even hard core skeptics will look at and say, maybe there is more to this. It would be pretty impressive. BUT, there will always be skeptics in the world so they just have to work around them and keep doing their thing. I wish them luck. I believe that in order to do it properly they would have to have people of different types involved in their process, checks and balances. I think this is what they are already doing by allowing testimonials and valuing the input of the people they are studying. It seems to me that there is a lot of Si, Ne and Ti involved here which would point to an alpha quadra theory. I would not type him in socionics because I have not had enough interaction.

    I have not asked him all the types of the team members but I am sure he would be very willing to share. Sandovall appears to value transparency without all the secret handshakes and winks behind the scenes (this is NOT podlair which was one of my "concerns" that he put to rest.). I can vibe with that even though most of what I am saying is speculation on my part. This is why I have always been skeptical of VI but something about his system makes me want to keep an open mind because it is still in it's infancy. I don't like to discourage anyone from following their passions/dreams.

    People who are purists have probably already dismissed the ideas but I think this forum is pretty open minded (Does anyone remember psyche yoga??? I loved it but it was fringer than fringe.). The confusion lies in the different descriptions that do not completely correlate with socionics types. BUT, there are correlations that would take a lot of effort for me to explain, at the moment (so tired). But, for example, an Edavin which is Fi/Se in his system is nothing like and ESI in socionics. I pointed this out in him in pm and sent him the socionics descriptions of ESI and IEI. His Edavin is closer to an IEI-Ni than ESI. I will now let him speak for himself.


    This is his response to me sending the ESI and IEI descriptions.

    So I decide that he should know some things that are common knowledge about me here, for those who have paid attention to me from the beginning, before he settled on my type. I knew that he would probably not randomly come across these posts so I wrote a very self revealing and somewhat unflattering summary of myself and things that have been a big influence in my life. Things that are also innate to my personality and cognitive abilities, something he could not see in my video, pictures, or hear in my voice and this was his response:

    It is cool that my testimonial might contribute something to their research. I also need to keep learning instead of believing I already know where things are going. That attitude only winds up with me in a state of apathy. I needed something to get excited about and turn my attention away from things that were troubling me.

    In a way he acts as mirror to me but not in the socionics sense. As I said, I cannot type him either, yet.
    Hi Aylen, had a quick read of all of what you wrote via my phone screen and will read again later when I have more time.
    Are in the middle of a house move at present and have just been informed that it will take at least a month to get internet for new home as council needs to give approval to close the road and allow a new trench to be dug, all so this new house can be connected!
    There is so much more to 'type' than VI which from still photographs does not actually give much away. I find you thus far to be very Ni. I too am very Ni with mine occurring all day every day so it must be a strength.
    Well I had better get back to unpacking before my first visitor arrives in the morning....will be a hectic month with many family members coming from out of state and overseas to visit us in the new abode...and won't be on the forum much due to the Internet problem.

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