I don't, really, except w my husband, my mom, and one of my friends.

My husband and I see eye-to-eye politically, so we just kind of reinforce each other's already-held stances.

My mom and I mostly see things similarly, though we don't discuss some things that we know we disagree on and don't care to debate.

As for the friend I discuss politics with, we have been friends since freshman year of high school and both started out, I'd say, right of center...over the years he has shifted right while I shifted left, and when we discuss politics (which is just about every time we hang out, every other month or so) we discuss our respective stances, and mostly respectfully disagree (w some ribbing, which neither of us takes personally). To give an idea of where we stand, of the options presented I was for Sanders (though w misgivings about some of his ideas I see as impractical, regrettably) and he is now for Trump, since Cruz backed out It's interesting talking w him, as he's a very intelligent guy (albeit willfully sheltered from my point of view; fwiw he'd say I have my head in the clouds). I like hearing his viewpoints.

Anyway, that's my story. Do you discuss politics irl? With whom? And do they generally agree or disagree?