Quote Originally Posted by Sandoval View Post
Yeah, I was gonna say... That particular photo, of all of these, can appear SeFi and even FiSe.

It comes closer to this one in the Gamma thread (she is an FiSe composite):

It could've been a mistype yeah. Though, as I mentioned to Maritsa, there's a level of crossover in looks sometimes so I don't fixate too rigidly on static appearances. Still I think a system like this one can take our V.I. accuracy up by a high percentage, even if it doesn't reach 100%.

I'm actually quite surprised that this aligns even as close as it does with you guys' observations. o.o Considering my conclusions were drawn from entirely different places and I know very little about Socionics. ^^
I would type the woman placed two to the right of the blonde in the first picture as LSI, and the one above as being either LSI or ESI, For the one above, I would have to talk to her for a while to form a firmer opinion. Her left half of her face looks "harder" than a typical ESI's does, and her right half of her face looks a bit too logical to be ESI, but the openness of her eyes does seem ESI to me.