Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
No no, don't try it just because I said so lol. It's just a stupid impression from a picture, nothing more. What description do you find most like yourself?
Well that's the problem as I see a bit of myself in all types. And those who know me think I am an NT type followed by an NF type. A friend who worked as a Myers Briggs Coach types me as INTp with INFp as a backup. Last year a person approached me to come into a course they were leading as an example of an ENTj female and I declined as I told them I didn't think I was one.
Currently my husband thinks I am ENFj or ENTp....
None of the descriptions fit me that well and there's so many contradictions to what a type is.
Here on the forum, I don't think I fit anywhere. Even in the 'real world' I am like the oddly coloured fluorescent jellybean in a jar of others all the same colour and flavour and it's quite exciting when I meet another odd jellybean.

I'm not worried about trying types out here - it's a bit humorous and all it really means is I put SF in my profile details and watch others reactions as they interact.