Quote Originally Posted by sindri View Post
This is my delima - I can either write a popular paper that is easy to understand but not very technical, or I can use mathimatical proofs to prove this not only works but it is a mathematical fact. I've been trying to write this damn thing for over a year, but I final got closure when I talked to Reinin and Gulenko and they both said that they don't know the math, so I decided to write a popular paper and trust they will see the truth in it. I was thinking of including annotated proofs in the appendix, but it is a low priority now.

They basic flow would be:
Prove the reinin dichotomies are abelian groups
Use the "fundamental theorem of abelian groups" to turn the abelian group into the internal direct product of Z2 cyclic groups
Show the order of this group is Z2^4
Show that is Isomorphic to the pyramid diagram
Use this property to project each trait onto the diagram to create a type of block design called a steiner system
Show the meaning of each subgroup

But see, even though I just proved everything to you, you still have to take my word for it hahahaha. I'd rather not confuse people.
Do both, the universe needs stuff like this out there. I mean unless you really don't want to - I could understand that too, but by God it would be great knowing there was a proof about this out there somewhere.