Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
I love it.
Making it an educational tool instead of a document would probably do two things:
1. make it much more likely to go viral (better marketing) 2. make it much more likely to get a longer exposure (play is easier then reading).
Thanks so much! I tried really hard to make it understandable and I still am not sure if I succeed.

An interactive tool is the goal. My vision is to have an online celebrity typing tool that can analyze everyone's aggregate opinion and provide a framework for pinpoint debates. Also to develop a standardize methodology that could one day become a test. I've taken a C# and C++ programming class and for my final I made a working test with the error correction I described. If you know anyone who can help me make a website with users, a database as well as 3d graphics, I'm serious about making this thing. Send them my way please.

My short term goal is to finish this paper and then send it to Gulenko and Reinin, who both seem interested in this concept. If it is academic enough, I'd love to have it published in a journal.