I love it.

having the four main variables map out to four dimensions is very intuitive to me.

I like being able to look at a line and think: "Ahh so the combination of Extroverted/Introverted + Rational/Irrational is what makes Static/Dynamic (and by flipping one of the dimensions you go from static to dynamic and by switching both you just go back to the same". It's not "new" to me in the sense that I know these things, but I usually have to go back to the dichotomies themselves to figure out how they work. This encapsulates a lot of information in a very easy format.

What would be the next step from my perspective is to make a web-tool that allows you to flip the variables into their opposites dynamically so you can just "click" you way through the socion basically.

That would allow for a "ceteris paribus" approach of experimenting while keeping the overview intact \


and then use highlighting within that 3d model to show the groups and lower level dichotomies like you did in the end of the article.

Making it an educational tool instead of a document would probably do two things:
1. make it much more likely to go viral (better marketing) 2. make it much more likely to get a longer exposure (play is easier then reading).