Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Hmm. I don't have statistics from univ but before that from all people I knew one ESTj had the best grades. He was really "trying to be perfect". He was perfect in school, perfect in sports, in the army he got as high as it is possible when you do you mandatory military service. Still he seemed never satisfied and was always a bit angry somehow.

However the fastest learner was probably an ENTj but he was a bit lazy with studies and so only got decent grades. However he spent a very minimal amount of time to get these grades compared to the ESTj who spent all his time.
Reverse ENTj to ESTp, and you've got story of my life with a friend

Anyway in my university class so far...

1)ESTj guy
2)ISFj girl
3)ISTp guy
4)ISTj guy/ESTp guy (same of the 2nd HS place)
5)ENFj girl

Oh HS out grades

1)ISFj/ISTj gril/guy 100
2)ISTj/ESTp guy/guy(me) 98
3)ISTp guy 90
4)IxFp guy 86

University entrance test...

1)ESTp guy
2)ENFp girl
3)ENTp guy
4)ENFp girl
5)ISTj guy

I have noticed that EPs are the ones that top out everybody on standardized tests, but then usually lack the work ethic to study hard.