Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
I'm usually on the overcautious side of driving. I don't turn unless I feel safe to do so, I avoid left turns onto heavy traffic, I avoid unfamiliar roads when I can, I slow down if the weather's making me nervous, I put plenty of space between me and the vehicle in front of me (I prefer to see two cars ahead of me so I have more time to react if speed is changing), etc. This is mostly because I'm afraid to damage my only form of transportation, trying to avoid what stresses I can avoid, as well as due to my tendency to unsafely space out when driving.

When someone would ride up on my butt, I'd first check my speed. If I'm going too slow (spaced out and relaxing foot off pedal) I'll get to the appropriate speed range. If I'm going at an appropriate speed, then I may look for a straight way in the road in which I slow down and hug the right side....signaling that they can pass me. I used to pull over to let these people pass me, but that stopped after I wiped out on my scooter for doing just that. And, most tailgaters don't give enough room to find a spot to turn into, slow down for it, and make the turn. They actually do themselves a disservice by tailgating so closely.

Now, the only time I turn off the road to let them pass is if there's a line of cars behind me.
Mostly I just make sure that I'm going at about the posted (or weather adapted) speed limit, give or take 5 mph. If they don't like it, too bad. I'm not going to live my life to appease strangers.