Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
A) People shouldn't need "hints" to know when to change to the right lane.

B) When someone tailgates me, I view it as aggressive, unnecessary, and reckless. i know how to drive, and it's usually because they're impatient and wanting me to go beyond 5 miles over the speed limit while they wait for the left lane to clear.

C) dramatically slowing down when someone tailgates is passive aggressive and only escalates the situation, which reflects even more so on you than the tailgater. I've seen this make tailgate situations worse and view it as "egging on" the tailgater, which I find even more reckless. It's like you're stooping to an even lower level of immaturity.
Who woulda thunk that you could actually be proactive when driving?!?! Like driving the speed of traffic and always keeping a lane open to whatever is to the side of you. And here is a pro tip: Semi drivers know when there is going to be a cop coming up so if you see a semi truck speeding 5 + over the speed limit chances are good you don't have to worry... cuz you know at that moment some asshole is going to cut you off nearly running you off the road.