Quote Originally Posted by nickelslick View Post
I find that getting enough sleep, and doing other things that keep me more alert like sticking to a diet low in refined sugar, helps tremendously. It just gives you more processing power in the moment.
Yes, I am not at my best when I've been sleep deprived or had a poor diet. Caffeine is a temporary fix, with emphasis on the temporary. Afterwards, I crash, and become an inferior version of myself.

Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
Sorry to hear about what happened. Do you have an official diagnosis of Aspergers? If so then maybe you have some protection under a disabilities act and you can use that to get another chance. I am not sure that they can do this if you have a disability but they may put you in a position where you do not have to deal directly with customers alone. I guess their compromise would be to not to let you back at that branch even if they did know but if they don't and it happens at another branch then you might lose your job completely. I don't know to what extent you went off on the customers you had problems with so I am not sure what to say but I feel for you. :/
My workplace offers employee assistance counseling where you can get up to 4 sessions for free. All employees are eligible, even part-timers like me that aren't eligible for some of the other benefits. I'm going to take advantage of it. I'm going to bring up potential Aspergers to the counselor and ask if testing would be worthwhile.

Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I think your boss could have handled that a lot better, and could have made clear her expectations and the consequences of not meeting them, but most bosses are not trained very well, and fewer of them are naturally good at being bosses.

I doubt if being fired unexpectedly has anything to do with having Aspergers. The two times I was fired, it came as a complete surprise to me, and the Asperger's tests I've taken indicate that, while I'm not as intuitive as an IEI or an ILI, I'm not very near the scores which indicate Aspergers.

My first job was in a library. I applied because I loved reading books. But I discovered that working in a library has very little to do with reading books, and a lot to do with getting along with difficult people. I lasted about three months before I quit. I think my attitude was, "I could help these people (the general public), but I don't want to." I feel sorry for most librarians, because they don't get enough respect for the good work they do.

One of my sisters is LII, and she worked in the public eye in a specialty fish market. But I suspect she kept that job because the manager really really liked her and she could work whenever she wanted. A friend of mine created a job for her at the college where he works. She now handles the technical parts of the phone and communications systems for the college, never talks to the public, is reasonably happy at work (she is, after all, LII) and is considered to be invaluable because she is really good at her job.

Here is a picture of a card that sits on the desk of an LII I work with:
Attachment 7453

Just something to keep in mind.
I'm finding that out too about the library. I love to work with information and organizing it and of course I love reading, but this job has gotten to be too focused on customer service. It's probably time for a change but what kind of change, I don't know. I've seen other librarian jobs posted that would be a in a quieter calmer setting without much difficult customers but they require extensive technical expertise that I don't possess.