Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
No, but having difficulties reading social clues and hints does. It doesn't help her to tell her it's got nothing to do with it, when working with customers is surely tricky for someone with Aspergers. That doesn't mean it's her fault obviously.
I agree. I reread op and even though chips did not take these things as "hints", I find them very explicit in a diplomatic way. I am pretty sure the supervisor knows she is having real difficulty and not just someone with uncontrolled anger issues or something similar.

So I’ve talked with a supervisor a few times about my interactions with patrons. She has suggested possible training for me on better customer service skills on how to handle difficult patrons, or just to let someone know when I’m stressed and need a break, or to refer the patron to someone else. (Sometimes this latter suggestion is not always possible as staff are spread too thin already).
These aren't just hints to me. It is someone trying to gently help me out before it's too late. We can't be the only ones here who sees it as explicit?

I would take each time a supervisor talked to me as a "strike" and chips didn't. I can't believe that is just an LII thing. I think if she has Aspergers she would benefit from letting them know, if she hasn't already.

She knows now and can take steps to improve her customer service skills but is that easy for someone with Aspergers? I don't know. The person I mentioned in another post in this thread read everything he could on EQ and social interactions to improve himself in social interactions. It helped a lot but he still had problems and not working directly with the public was his only solution. I don't know if chips is that far out of touch since she seems to do well here in her interactions. Her responses to threads have always appeared appropriate to me.