I don't know about t, but my gender feels all over the place. When I'm horny I feel like a normal animalistic red-blooded male. But if I'm in love, it feels more womanly and feminine like a pop song. I can't say it feels 'exactly in the middle' cuz that isn't right either. I feel like a freak often because I was never feminine enough to be a str8 woman and I was never mathculine enough to be part of the 'bros' you know... so I always felt kind of alone because of gender issues in a sense. I've wanted to be a drag queen for years, though I know it turns off most other gay guys because they just want a dude that's 100% masculine. But fuck that heteronormative bullshit to be honest, I don't think I want a guy who is totally masculine either. Basically when I see a tender feminine heart I want to make love to it emotionally but when I see a hot masculine guy I just want to instinctively hump him... ideally they'd be brewed together in interesting ways.