www.personalityfound.com test @Reficulris

I give this a score of 4.5. The material for the questions is of sound quality, and the test heavily utilises Model-A theory, which is very much in its favour in my view. However, I felt that 8 options for each question was too many to choose from, and that I do not believe it would be clear to the average test-taker (those with no or little Socionics experience) what exactly was being asked (...or psychoanalysed, essentially). I believe that research has shown that typically, humans are not able to graduate levels of "like" or "dislike" beyond 4 or 5 grades (e.g. from high to low) with such scoring remaining especially meaningful: this point isn't quite valid in regards this test, but my point is that 8 options for each question will feel too much of a challenge for individuals to consider. Also, especially with a small number of questions, it may make the final result less likely to be representative of the test-taker's actually type. (I think my score essentially reflects how taxing it was on the brain for me to complete).

With the statement "I'm indifferent and bored about the fact that:"
- I believe this was possibly assessing the Hidden Agenda?
I felt that the statement in conjunctions with the options seemed possibly rather like double negatives (depending on how the question was meant to be understood?), and thus was difficult to answer. In addition, I felt you had to understand Model-A or guess whether the question was asking what your weakest aspect of your personality was, or whether you were somewhat good at something but that you do not "enjoy" it.

The statement "A point of frustrating pain is when people point out that:"
- I took to mean was asking about your PoLR function, but I believe that test-takers could just as easily (if not more so, because they may be more aware of their area of expertise than their weakness) think it is asking about their Base function.

It took me just under 14 minutes to take the test. (I think it has various grammatical and spelling errors that make it somewhat difficult to read, but that did not affect my rating). I felt that it was a test that I had to think a lot about my answers, so my result seemed a little artificial to me.

My result:
EII - INFj - Dostoyevsky - Humanist / Empath