Quote Originally Posted by ;1131258
I kind of find it easier or "safer" to express through text.
... just thought I should contribute...
Captain Kimu,

LIIs are rehearsed communicators; we seem to need preparation. Now, we may appear spontaneous if the subject is about something we've studied previously but that's fundamentally an illusion. In looking for a mate, many have to treat the process like a project and develop strategies; otherwise, failure is great possibility - unless one has ideal physical features. Chit-chat is painful for me and I admire people who can do it; I have a lot to say but it's much too heavy for chit-chat.

I don't think it's easier or safer by text/email, but because we're perfectionists and don't think much about anyone's feelings, it allows time to reflect on the correct level, sentiment and phrasing. However, SFs seem to be able to make us seem more spontaneous in communication than we really are.

a.k.a I/O