I am sometimes like this, I like to have general conversation or chatter going on if I'm not doing deep work, but I usually struggle to hold conversations actively (i.e. I take longer to respond, I am less present, I think I come off as less interested). Sometimes the ideal would be to have 2 or 3 people chatting around me, so that I can be part of the conversation but only jump in when I want to.

Tbh I think it's something I shouldn't do - I should be present when I'm with others, and not expect to be entertained when I'm not present. I can't manage to do both, so I should choose. Otherwise I feel like a bit of a energy vampire.

Here's my suggestion: If it's a problem, you could mention "oh, you're busy let's talk later" or something. If I heard that I would be first surprised and then I would introspect and perhaps become clearer about how I want my conversations to go. I normally have a pretty clear idea about when I am good or bad with conversation once I think about it.

Please, other LIIs, let me and Emmym know if you agree/disagree.