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Thread: LIIs-INTjs and Fe dual-seeking

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  1. #13
    JoshuaHilderberg's Avatar
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    LII-Ne/C (INTj/TiNe)
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    No problem, you can use numbers, I will put quotes so that you can follow too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmym View Post
    2. She usually comes back to the topic we were last discussing. I guess that's the part that confuses me.
    Why are you confused ? What do you think when it happens ? When it happens, are you confused for yourself or for her or for another implication ? If you were to come back to a topic, what could be your reasons ? If you wanted to come back to a topic but you decide not to, what could be your reasons ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmym View Post
    In theory, I think LIIs and EIIs agree with each other on most things behavioral. In practice, we might differ somewhat.
    Yeah, we are kind of look-a-like

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmym View Post
    My Ti isn't so weak that logic falls by the wayside with me
    I agree, but also EII may disregard having to restrict themselves to a well defined rational point of view. They will mix different logical structures or different logical aspects of the subject without expliciting the logical connections or the changes of points of view. I tell myself: what EII says is usually consistent, but not how they say it. While the smaller details of their speech is usually logical, the global structure is not. Examples: switching to a different meaning for the same words that were previously used, literally saying 2 contradictory statements 5 minutes apart (the meaning is not contradictory, but the statements are), not keeping implicit assumptions consistent in a conversation. So I need to find and recreate the global Ti structure of their speech to understand them. Otherwise, they will appear to me as off topic or illogical, because they don't conform to the logical context that is expected. They tend to not see or to disregard the logical formal structure.

    Well somehow, EII are not completely wrong in doing so, because a rational view or explanation of an object is just that: a view, an external structure through which we view the object. So I think it is also great to be able to dismiss this limitation at times But it took me some time to appreciate it for more than a perpetual communication dissonance that is due to the fact that the EII will not completely abide by the logical structure. What interests me the most is the logical structure. Refining the logical structures is my natural way to find and understand the deep truths of this world. It is the basis of my insights. So sharing and getting comments and refinements on it is one of the most interesting things to me. Now with EII, I decided to just build the missing logical connections for myself, and don't view it as a limitation of their "wisdom".

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmym View Post
    Ti is like that with me. I don't usually pursue it for its own sake, but if it furthers a goal of mine, I won't be totally lazy about it.
    Yep I understand. Would you say that Ti feels like an external arbitrary limitation to you ? Could you elaborate ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmym View Post
    Similarly, I don't think LIIs want to show that they analyze people as much as they actually do. They play up other people's ability to do this while masking their own ability to understand others, as if making it obvious could lead to others taking advantage of them. They seem a little less paranoid about it than ILEs, however.
    I don't understand. You say that LII don't show that they can understand the personality of other people because if LII showed that they could understand others then they would be taken advantage of ? How can you take advantage of an ability to understand others ? Do you mean: understanding others or understanding our relation to others ?

    PS: Although it doesn't matter much, I prefer Joshua to Josh, but thanks for the kind gesture. (Maybe it is because I am not used to nicknames in my area...)
    Last edited by JoshuaHilderberg; 04-01-2016 at 09:09 PM. Reason: typos

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