I'm not going to post links of other people bashing him or talk about anything specific, since if the Trump thread taught me anything, most of us already have an opinion about him, regardless of what anyone says or thinks.

But I am going to say that a lot of critical thinkers/critics (which often fit the stereotype of an ILI) find major flaws in his reasoning, conclusions, philosophies, and just general thinking. He's also very obviously defending the conservative stance against a liberal one and painting everything into a political us-vs-them stance. It's possible he's just an LIE just playing on all that crap to make bank $$$. But that kind of thinking doesn't really lend well to Gamma values of individuality and seeing people as individuals over generalizing people and society into overly-simplistic political affiliations. So it seems like a stretch. Plus what kind of LIE would want to be known for putting on such a farce? Is it even all that interesting?

There is this though - https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/commen...gs_type_today/
So apparently he admitted to being ExTJ, but didn't seem to want to talk about whether he was N or S, saying he couldn't remember which one he was... I think that says a lot about his kind of thinking, given that the N/S divide is probably the most interesting and complex and someone who is more of an intuitive thinker would probably have a lot to say about it. But he didn't.