really my only thoughts regarding the video in the OP are that i am not sure what type this person is. i am not really very convinced by her being beta because she needs people to meet her in the place of her feelings (or however it was said). although i do think that the overall trend for Fe types (especially beta) is that there is often a working out of emotional issues and tangles through direct expression of those emotions to one another - a seeking or appreciation of being confronted on those feelings so as to "work them out." this is after all one of the things Ti does for Fe. it helps by providing a clear and unbiased "analysis" to better organize the emotional content - to unscramble it - and help balance it so one directs one's upset where it belongs. that way one can act with clear purpose and direction with the emotional impetus for doing so backing what it should and in the proper proportions. so yes, i see beta as being a quadra where heated emotional exchanges and arguing are primary means by which to work through feelings. (beta being the most "emo" quadra overall.)

unfortunately, people in all 4 quadras may work through some of their feelings in this manner when Fe is running on hot, as it were. it's just that Fe tends to make fewer appearances out in the open like this in the Fi valuing quadras, and alpha is less fond of direct confrontation or putting psychological pressure on others to force emotional resolution.

so although i agree with the idea i suppose of "meeting in the place of one's feelings" being something quintessentially beta in terms of how beta deals with Fe, the mechanism is not exclusive to beta. it is a human mechanism that just comes out more frequently with beta.

i am hesitant to take the leap to saying that Fi types primarily do not use such a mechanism - rather than cry and shout openly together, a serious (and comparatively dry) discussion takes place, followed by each party going off to handle his/her emotions in private.