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Thread: How NOT to type people

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  1. #16
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skepticurus View Post
    Once you dig further beneath the surface, you find the inconsistencies and contradictions in the theory that makes typing with certainty impossible. It bothers me when I see people overconfident about their conclusions based on so little information. It perpetuates stereotypes and I often observe a type of bullying that occurs when someone claims to be a type that someone disagrees with. It leads to illogical claims, such as "you expressed(or have written about) emotion, therefore, you can't be a logical type." How is this suppose to help an individual come to a better understanding of themselves? One must assume that the individual has more information about themselves than the most skilled practitioner of typology. Any other assumption is just plain arrogance.
    I completely agree that I know myself better than anyone else knows me. I have discovered things about myself through my interactions with other people and through therapy. It wasn't because the therapists knew me any better but they were able to coax me, over time, into revealing more about myself, and bringing buried memories to the surface, which led me to sudden epiphanies but more often slowly emerging insights outside of therapy. I have fired a therapist because he tried to label me PTSD and he was so wrong. We kind of argued about it. It was the disorder most frequently diagnosed at the time and I did my research. He also wanted to pray with me too which was totally inappropriate because it was not that kind of place. I allowed it because it made him feel better but I left soon after since I wasn't there for spiritual guidance and I don't expect to have religion forced on me when I want to talk to a professional about a problem. If I wanted to pray away my situation I would have gone to a church.

    I have seen several therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists since early childhood and the interesting thing is they didn't even agree on diagnosis. I wrote them all down but can't even remember how many I was given, at the moment. The first was ADHD but that was thrown out by the next one and each new one would do the same with the last professionals diagnosis. Many times I sat and listened to their personal stories and problems through most of my session and gave them advice. I actually didn't mind though because I was able to get into their minds and see what made them tick. It gave me confidence.

    I haven't needed therapy in awhile but one of my last therapists told me I was "an ethereal being". She said that she didn't think there was anything wrong with me. We became friends of sorts and we talked about stuff like MBTI and enneagram. We laughed more than anything during sessions and I told her about my inner imaginative world and she told me about her work and family. Then she had to leave and I was assigned a new therapist which I typed ESE. I had been here, on the forum, for awhile at that point and she just fit the type. She reminded me of my youngest sister in every way. I didn't even think about it. She was full of sunshine and she enjoyed our time together too. She said she scheduled me last because after a full day I always made her laugh and feel better. She said she didn't think anything was wrong with me either. I kind of miss them both.

    I also believe that some people do not know anything about themselves. I don't know if it is due to type or an inability to introspect. I am thinking the latter since I believe anyone can learn to introspect. To some it just comes naturally.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-28-2016 at 08:29 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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