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Thread: Rd Laing

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Default Rd Laing

    I just started reading one of his books and i frequently find him difficult/impossible to understand but extremely satisfying and resonant when i do.

    my hunch is LII? But I'm not sure and very open to other ideas. (LSI, IEI, and ILI are alternatives that have crossed my mind.)

    (dunno if this mobile link will work)

    The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years.

    In a world full of danger, to be a potentially seeable object is to be constantly exposed to danger. Self-consciousness, then, may be the apprehensive awareness of oneself as potentially exposed to danger by the simple fact of being visible to others. The obvious defence against such a danger is to make oneself invisible in one way or another.

    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.

    Attempts to wake before our time are often punished, especially by those who love us most. Because they, bless them, are asleep. They think anyone who wakes up, or who, still asleep, realizes that what is taken to be real is a ‘dream’ is going crazy.

    Perfection is something we should all strive for. It's a duty and a joy to perfect one's nature... The most difficult thing is love. A loveless, driving person that just competes in the rat race is far from perfection in my book.

    The Lotus opens. Movement from earth, through water, from fire to air. Out and in beyond life and death now, beyond inner and outer, sense and non-sense, meaning and futility, male and female, being and non-being, Light and darkness, void and full. Beyond all duality, or non-duality, beyond and beyond. Disincarnation. I breathe again.

    Since the self, in maintaining its isolation and detachment does not commit itself to a creative relationship with the other and is preoccupied with the figures of phantasies, thought, memories, etc. (imagos), which cannot be directly observable by or directly
    expressed to others, anything (in a sense) is possible. Whatever failures or successes come the way of the false-self system, the self is able to remain uncommitted and undefined. In phantasy, the self can be anyone, anywhere, do anything, have everything. It is
    thus omnipotent and completely free - but only in phantasy. Once it commits itself to any real project it suffers the agonies of humiliation - not necessarily for any failure, but simply because it has to subject itself to necessity and contingency. It is omnipotent and
    free only in phantasy. The more this phantastic omnipotence and freedom are indulged, the more weak, helpless, and fettered it becomes in actuality. The illusion of omnipotence and freedom can be sustained only within the magic circle of its own shut-upness
    in phantasy. And in order that this attitude be not dissipated by the slightest intrusion of reality, phantasy and reality have to be kept apart.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    LII. The first pic he looks sort of cutting, but his style of speech is too flowery and nice for an ILI. The Lotus comment was especially faggy lololol. EIE might also be possible.

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    The failure to see the behavior of one person in relation to the behavior to the other has led to much confusion. In a sequence of an interaction between p and o, p1>o1>p2>o2>p3>o3, etc, p´s contribution, p1, p2, to p3, is taken out of context and direct links are made between p1>p2>p3. This artificially derived sequence is then studied as an isolated entity or process and attempts may be made to "explain" it...

    And any theory not founded on the nature of being human is a lie and a betrayal of man. An inhuman theory will inevitably lead to inhuman consequences - if the therapist is consistent. Fortunately, many therapists have the gift of inconsistency. This, however endearing, cannot be regarded as ideal.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Basically I'm seeing Ti and intuition (I'm not sure if its more Ni or Ne)

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Natural scientism is the error of turning persons into things by a process of reification that is not itself part of true natural scientific method. Results derived in this way have to be dequantified and dereified before they can be reassimilated into the realm of human discourse.

    Fundamentally, the error is the failure to realize that there is an ontological discontinuity between human beings and it-beings.

    Human beings relate to each other not simply externally, like two billiard balls, but by the relations of the two worlds of experience that come into play when two people meet.

    If human beings are not studied as human beings, then this once more is violence and mystification.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    @mu4, @ouronis, is he too much of a namby-pamby humanitarian to be LII?

  8. #8
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post

    The failure to see the behavior of one person in relation to the behavior to the other has led to much confusion. In a sequence of an interaction between p and o, p1>o1>p2>o2>p3>o3, etc, p´s contribution, p1, p2, to p3, is taken out of context and direct links are made between p1>p2>p3. This artificially derived sequence is then studied as an isolated entity or process and attempts may be made to "explain" it...

    And any theory not founded on the nature of being human is a lie and a betrayal of man. An inhuman theory will inevitably lead to inhuman consequences - if the therapist is consistent. Fortunately, many therapists have the gift of inconsistency. This, however endearing, cannot be regarded as ideal.
    I read that and understood what he is trying to get across but I don't think that is how I experience it. I am not sure about type but probably some kind of logical intuitive not in that particular order. Probably not ILI. ILI is easier for me to read because they are not as likely to spin you in circles like that. If that makes sense. LII or ILE.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    star stuff April's Avatar
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    Gosh, IDK about LII actually. Alpha NTs seem to get hard-ons for reductionism, rather than preferring to see wholes as greater than the sum of their parts. A lot of phenomenology comes across as Ni and Fi to me, like an ever-weaving web of the context-dependent subjective experiences of your spirit.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    Gosh, IDK about LII actually. Alpha NTs seem to get hard-ons for reductionism, rather than preferring to see wholes as greater than the sum of their parts. A lot of phenomenology comes across as Ni and Fi to me, like an ever-weaving web of the context-dependent subjective experiences of your spirit.
    yea, that's what i'm struggling with. his thoughts seem really structured and internally consistent which looks like Ti to me, but...what you said (and what i was weakly trying to grasp at with "namby pamby humanitarian" lol. also just the whole humanistic slant ie. not turning humans into objects). i wonder if IEI would be a fair compromise for this.

  11. #11
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    I have no idea but this is an interesting couple of correct quotes.

    In particular, you can marry up:
    "The failure to see the behavior of one person in relation to the behavior to the other has led to much confusion. In a sequence of an interaction between p and o, p1>o1>p2>o2>p3>o3, etc, p´s contribution, p1, p2, to p3, is taken out of context and direct links are made between p1>p2>p3. This artificially derived sequence is then studied as an isolated entity or process and attempts may be made to "explain" it..."
    "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds."

    and have yourself a fairly accurate critique of this board lol, and indeed, what you're trying to do here, and what we're trying to do when we isolate things to their IE and place in the TIM. In reality, there are so many strings attached, it is like trying to twirl spaghetti and instead, picking up the whole plate.

    Conclusions come from heavily modified simplifications. I know of no good simplifications for this person, especially since his entire thing is sort of using it against itself. Though my thought is EIE, IEE (lol).

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I have no idea but this is an interesting couple of correct quotes.

    In particular, you can marry up:
    "The failure to see the behavior of one person in relation to the behavior to the other has led to much confusion. In a sequence of an interaction between p and o, p1>o1>p2>o2>p3>o3, etc, p´s contribution, p1, p2, to p3, is taken out of context and direct links are made between p1>p2>p3. This artificially derived sequence is then studied as an isolated entity or process and attempts may be made to "explain" it..."
    "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds."

    and have yourself a fairly accurate critique of this board lol, and indeed, what you're trying to do here, and what we're trying to do when we isolate things to their IE and place in the TIM. In reality, there are so many strings attached, it is like trying to twirl spaghetti and instead, picking up the whole plate.

    Conclusions come from heavily modified simplifications. I know of no good simplifications for this person.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    yea, that's what i'm struggling with. his thoughts seem really structured and internally consistent which looks like Ti to me, but...what you said (and what i was weakly trying to grasp at with "namby pamby humanitarian" lol. also just the whole humanistic slant ie. not turning humans into objects). i wonder if IEI would be a fair compromise for this.
    I thought about intuitive ethical type for him but he seems so disconnected from the feeling, to me, even from his own perspective. It's weird and hard to explain. Like he is experiencing but primarily from a logical perspective. I will have to read more.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Since the self, in maintaining its isolation and detachment does not commit itself to a creative relationship with the other and is preoccupied with the figures of phantasies, thought, memories, etc. (imagos), which cannot be directly observable by or directly
    expressed to others, anything (in a sense) is possible. Whatever failures or successes come the way of the false-self system, the self is able to remain uncommitted and undefined. In phantasy, the self can be anyone, anywhere, do anything, have everything. It is
    thus omnipotent and completely free - but only in phantasy. Once it commits itself to any real project it suffers the agonies of humiliation - not necessarily for any failure, but simply because it has to subject itself to necessity and contingency. It is omnipotent and
    free only in phantasy. The more this phantastic omnipotence and freedom are indulged, the more weak, helpless, and fettered it becomes in actuality. The illusion of omnipotence and freedom can be sustained only within the magic circle of its own shut-upness
    in phantasy. And in order that this attitude be not dissipated by the slightest intrusion of reality, phantasy and reality have to be kept apart.
    My Ti follows this and logically it makes sense to me which might be a case for his valued Ni. Although I think this is a logical perspective for someone who hasn't had a different kind of experience. My Ni just says "no, he is devaluing Ni because reality and fantasy does not have to be kept separated". Since Ni is subconsciously informed by Se there is no separation between the two, ultimately. One is strong and one is weak but they work in unison. Now I lost my train of thought. I will come back to this, I hope, because I am interested. I am not sure if role Fi explains the feeling I get of him being disconnected from the feeling.

    You got me exercising my Ti now.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  15. #15
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    I think he's extroverted and narcissistic.

    Think he's dialectical algorithmic, so EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    Gosh, IDK about LII actually. Alpha NTs seem to get hard-ons for reductionism, rather than preferring to see wholes as greater than the sum of their parts. A lot of phenomenology comes across as Ni and Fi to me, like an ever-weaving web of the context-dependent subjective experiences of your spirit.
    I would say the hard core reductionist are ST's. NTs might say they are but I've rarely met any who weren't somewhat mystical in tune, especially LIIs.

    Douglas Hofstadter is LII and he's one of the big phenomenologist in the US.

    I doubt this guy is LII tho, he focuses way more on emotional expressions and experiences which imo is more a Fe thing.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    I think he's extroverted and narcissistic.

    Think he's dialectical algorithmic, so EIE.

    i wouldnt have considered EIE but i will since a few of you have mentioned it now.

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    Ok, continuing...

    Last night I watched some videos, read a bit more, here and there, and I am not sure what to think of this guy. There is something warm about him but still can't place him as an ethical type. This video in particular points away from ILI (for me). I have never known an ILI (irl) comfortable enough to do anything similar to what he is doing here. They would find it too silly. I toned my silliness way down around ILI to avoid the sarcastic remarks or being told to stop acting like an idiot. They make me very self conscious in a way.

    I feel I could make this guy laugh easier than I could make an ILI laugh, irl. His overall look is one I associate with alphas. He comes off kind of gentle with his soft voice and I believe he is confident in his perceptions of the world and not narcissistic. Reminds me a bit of an ILE therapist I had a few years back.

    I kind of like him and maybe I feel that I could help him clarify some things through a one on one discussion. Maybe I am the narcissist for thinking that. One on one I would be really into digging deeper into his mind and using Fe if it helped. I could not do that with an ILI. Reaching common ground with them is a bit harder and led to more fiery debates on both sides. Mostly when the subjects were related to spirituality and human nature. I would be less intimidated by him and open up and ramble. I am more cautious with ILI.

    5. Extraverted Ethics

    Being a naturally private person, the LII finds it difficult to believe that others would be interested in what he is thinking or feeling at any given moment. He feels like something is not quite right if his interaction with the people around him is too aloof. However he only rarely makes an effort to venture into more open spheres, because he usually avoids making small talk, preferring to talk about his real interests and say only what he truly believes.

    To this end, the LII, above all things, appreciates others' attempts to get him to "open up" emotionally and express his true thoughts and views of the world - not just as an abstract ideal living in his head, but as something that other people actually care about enough to participate in and bring to fulfillment. His focus on important abstract matters also leads him to detach from the world, if it is not complemented with a healthy dose of silliness. [ ] The LII is usually oblivious to his emotional-psychological state and feels little responsibility for improving it, not to mention the state of others. This means that "bad emotions" can build up in him until some environmental factor comes along to alleviate them. Visible demonstrations of emotional warmth play a major part in this: something as simple as a big smile and a hug is enough to brighten an LII's day. The LII can be attracted to insincere displays of affection, even if he consciously realizes that they are only in jest.

    The LII is often at a loss for what to do in social situations, and appreciates others who make him feel included in a new group and in the emotional side of a situation. The LII tends to take life very seriously, and appreciates others who can show him the lighter side of things.

    1. The lone repository of truth — the last stalwart in a crazy world of illogic and delusion.

    Anyway that is what I have so far but I do want to watch and read some more before I reach a final decision. For now I am sticking to alpha NT.

    I like how this thread is progressing though. Each new post sparks me to look further into him.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The more i consider eie, the more sense i see in it (sorry aylen). He has moments of stodgy academic language and moments of grand poetic language but the book I'm reading seems at heart an attempt to save humanity from extinction by waking people up to their alienation from each other and themselves. "Is it possible to reconstitute our destiny out of this hellish and inhuman fatality?"

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    I think he's definitely Ni. EIE > ILI.

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    imma just keep putting quotes here.

    The outer divorced from any illumination from the inner is in a state of darkness. We are in an age of darkness. The state of outer darkness is a state of sin- i.e., alienation or estrangement from the inner light. Certain actions lead to greater estrangement; certain others help one not to be so far removed. The former used to be called sinful.


    As we experience the world, so we act. We conduct ourselves in the light of our view of what is the case and what is not the case. That is, each person is a more or less naive ontologist. Each person has views of what is and what is not.

    There is no doubt, it seems to me, there have been profound changes in the experience of man in the last thousand years. In some ways this is more evident than changes in the patterns of his behavior. There is everything to suggest that man experienced God. Faith was never a matter of believing. He existed, but of trusting, in the presence that was experienced and known to exist as a self-validating datum. It seems likely that far more people in our time experience neither the presence of God, nor the presence of his absence, but the absence of his presence.


    We live in a secular world. To adapt to this world the child abdicates its ecstasy ("L'enfant abdique son extase": Malarme.) Having lost our experience of the spirit, we are expected to have faith. But this faith comes to be a belief in a reality which is not evident. There is a prophecy in Amos that a time will come when there will be a famine in the land, "not a famine for bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." That time has now come to pass. It is the present age.

    From the alienated starting point of our pseudo-sanity, everything is equivocal. Our sanity is not "true" sanity. Their madness is not "true" madness. The madness of our patients is an artifact of the destruction wreaked on them by us and by them on themselves. Let no one suppose that we meet "true" madness any more than that we are truly sane. The madness we encounter in "patients" is a gross travesty, a mockery, a grotesque caricature of what the natural healing of that estranged integration we call sanity might be. True sanity entails in one way or another the dissolution of the normal ego, that false self competently adjusted to our alienated social reality; the emergence of the "inner" archetypal mediators of divine power, and through this death a rebirth, and the eventual re-establishment of a new kind of ego-functioning, the ego now being the servant of the divine, no longer its betrayer.

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    Reminds me a lot of an EIE guy I know based on VI through a video.

    and that Making Faces videos is... something else.

    (Also, as an aside, he looks a little bit like Carl Sagan even though I don't know what type he is.)

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    Two men sit facing each other and both of them are me. Quietly, meticulously, systematically, they are blowing out each other's brains, with pistols. They look perfectly intact. Inside devastation.

    I look round a New Town. What a pity about those viscera and abortions littering the new spick and span gutters. This one looks like a heart. It is pulsating. It starts to move on four little legs. It is disgusting and grotesque. Doglike abortion of raw red flesh, and yet alive. Stupid, flayed, abortive dog still persisting in living. Yet all it asks after all is that I let it love me, and not even that.

    Astonished heart, loving unloved heart, heart of a heartless world, crazy heart of a dying world.

    Playing the game of reality with no real cards in one's hand.

    Body mangled, torn to shreds, ground down to powder, limbs aching, heart lost, bones pulverized, empty nausea in dust. Wanting to vomit up my lungs. Everywhere blood, tissues, muscles, bones, are wild, frantic. Outwardly, all is quiet, calm, as ever. Sleep. Death. I look alright.

    That wild silent screech in the night. And what if I were to tear my hair and run naked and screaming through the suburban night. I would wake up a few tired people and get myself committed to a mental hospital. To what purpose?

    5:00 AM: Vultures hover outside my window.

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    i'm basically good w/ EIE unless somebody were to talk me out of it at this point. i'm just posting quotes bcuz i'm in luv.

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    This writing is not exempt. It remains like all writing an absurd and revolting effort to make an impression on a world that will remain as unmoved as it is avid. If I could turn you on, if I could drive you out of your wretched mind, if I could tell you, I would let you know.

    Who is not engaged in trying to impress, to leave a mark, to engrave his image on the others and the world- graven images held more dear than life itself? We wish to die leaving our imprints burned into the hearts of others. What would life be if there were no one to remember us, to think of us when we are absent, to keep us alive when we are dead? And when we are dead, suddenly or gradually, our presence, scattered in ten or ten thousand hearts, will fade and disappear. How many candles in how many hearts? Of such stuff is our hope and despair.

    How do you plug a void plugging a void? How to inject nothing into fuck all? How to come into a gone world? No piss, shit, smegma, come, mucoid, viscoid, soft or hard, or even tears of eyes, ears, arse, cunt, prick, nostrils, done to any T, of man or alligator, tortoise, or daughter, that will plug up the Hole. It's gone past all that, that, all that last desperate clutch. Come into gone. I do assure you. The Dreadful has already happened.

    The old style
    All those endearing...

    I want you to taste and smell me, want to be palpable, to get under your skin, to be an itch in your brain and in your guts that you can't scratch out and that you can't allay, that will corrupt and destroy you and drive you mad. Who can write entirely with unadulterated passion? All prose, all poetry, to the extent that it is not compassion, is failure.

    ( yea, EIE)

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