If one exists, I don’t know about it. The claims of organized religions seem to me not very believable, and mystics don’t tend to strike me as trustworthy either.

When I was younger I prayed for guidance and for a connection to God. I didn’t receive any, at least not anything I’d recognize. Despite searching, I’ve never felt the divine, as many people have claimed to. Actually, when people say they’ve found God, I can’t think of any instance where it’s made the person notably better or more insightful, which I would expect to happen, and the only evidence they seem to be able to give for their claims and revealed truths, which are often contradictory, is their own confidence. Generally they struggle even to clearly present a rational rationale for or explanation of the teachings they give back to the world; I might hear something about the importance of “loving everyone,” but they struggle to define or describe what “love” is, or what it would practically mean to love, say, ******; when explaining how we should “love” people like this their definition of “love” invariably begins to get diluted and they begin to sound like a European social democrat talking about prisons and rehabilitative justice, lol. If “love” is defined as “wishing the best for people” (which I was taught in one of my university’s required theology classes was how the RCC defined love) your message of universal love doesn’t strike me as very impressive — I’ve somehow managed to “”love”” everyone on the planet; can I apply to be considered a living saint?? — and yet when you insist this is some revolutionary doctrine, it kind of undermines the ability of anyone to take you seriously.