I'm a skeptic and the term agnostic atheist is probably most fitting. I find the term atheist to be too dogmatic on its own, being associated with a certainty I think I certainly lack. Perhaps there is a creator god, but because it either lacks the ability or simply refuses to do so, does not intervene with its work. Maybe the creator god is dead and all we have left is its masterpiece to observe: A creator that has only become famous billions of years after the Big Bang.

I find the existence of life to be one of the most amazing riddles we've ever come across, even more puzzling than our consciousness. I wonder if we'll ever know how life came into existence. What pieces of the puzzle are we lacking? Some people say the pieces missing are God/dieties/supernatural forces; I'm disinclined to make such an assumption. All evidence does point to the fact that we live in a universe that operates within the laws of physics. We only need make the effort to figure out the hows. There is so much more to know.

If there is anything to be most skeptical of, it is of those who claim to have special or privileged knowledge that is conveniently inaccessible to everyone else and use this to have authority over their fellow man. Since life has emerged and evolved from the laws of physics, we are all bound to such laws equally. Someone must prove to me exceptions to these laws, especially if they want to use these to claim authority. I think that since no one has sufficiently proven the actual existence of a deity, let alone one that demands such and such from us, that we should instead use reason to determine our courses of action in life, the type of morality we should live by, and the type of government we are willing to have represent us. Such an approach is accessible to all.