Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
No, because it really just doesn't hold up against modern science. (speaking mainly against christianity since it is the most relevant here in USA) :

The earth is clearly not 6000 years old, as carbon dating, fossil records and general study of the earth show.

Numerous contradictions in the bible that can read about here- http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/by_name.html

General absurdity in the bible, like people living to be 900 years old. (I'm pretty sure your brain would run out of memory capacity after 300 years)

Genetic records of animals show no bottleneck in the genepool that would of had to of happened after the great flood

How it happens to align itself a little too conveniently with the interest of ancient societies and governments, like forbidding adultery for example.

The fact the there how been thousands of religions that contradict the others' existence. If so many seemingly convincing religions have to be bullshit then there is nothing to say that they can't all be bullshit.
Catholicism treats much of that as allegories and parables