No. Sure, I know that it's irrational to outright deny god's existence, but I also don't have any reason to believe in a god (I was raised as an atheist). Also, the question itself is problematic, because the answer completely depends on your idea of what constitutes "god". Is it an actual being, some form of primal energy or something else? Is he omnipotent or not? Does he exist within the universe/dimension or outside of it? Religions tend to have very different concepts of god.

But it makes sense that people invented god at some point. It is a way to find convincing answers for the basic questions of our existence. But you don't really "need" him anymore (at least for the most part), considering all the things we know today. Humans can be explained by natural laws, our feelings have a purpose. Both our bodies and mind are subject to evolution. Morality is subjective and religion has been a tool to control people almost from the beginning.

At some point, you will eventually delve into the realm of philosophy where some faith is needed to continue, but this is inevitable.