Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
Here is an example of this "nothing" of which you speak
The text written there is wrong and baseless, as I said. There is nothing in theory to say that.
As duals differ from you they are not "ordinary and simple", they are interesting and pleasant as persons. Also it's not common for introverts to think "extrovert Dual to be too good" - they similarly just see interesting and pleasant persons. To think about someone with most friendly character as "to be too good for you" is senseless and there is no such thing.

to prove the absence or negative is basically impossible, even if you tried, which you weren't
Besides my opinion based on not so small experience, there were arguments: "As persons duals look as cute and worthy people from the beginning. And people wich differ from you are always interesting."
I'll expand them. People wich are "cute and worthy" should catch your attention. Duals may give this impression from the beginning - you see cute woman and that catches you. Also your attention is catched by what differs from you, while duals are rather such. It's not typical for nature to play senseless tricks - as duals are good for you, your instincts make them interesting and pleasant for you.

If you'll know your real type, it will be easier for you to notice how different IR are sensed, for example with my types examples. Your style of communication on the forum is not common for INFJ, so this version is possibly wrong.