Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
One thing to keep in mind though is that if someone who really wants to get to know you is always having to initiate, they may get the impression you arent that into them (this applies platonically too, not just romantically). They may grow tired/discouraged by your lack of reaching out.
I'm aware of this but I'm not really sure what I can do about it. I have been deprived of social interaction throughout my life and have never gotten comfortable with striking up conversions with people unless I know them extremely well, which is pretty much limited to my mother and brother. When I do try to talk to people I struggle finding things worth talking about to keep the conversion going and it just kind of ends with awkward silence. Most of my interest are things like socionics which are too complicated or niche to talk to someone about in a casual conversion. Initiation and maintaining small talk are my achille's heel.