interesting you should bring this up... I kind of had a temporary falling out with a (suspected) dual recently.

OK, attraction-wise... it's apparently one-sided. I'm attracted, he's not (I think). He has to date within a certain ethnic group which i am not a member of.

We had become fairly good friends over about a period of 4-5 months or so. A few weeks ago I revealed my feelings for him. As I said, it wasnt mutual, but he (and I) reacted in a way that maintained our friendship; both of us wanted that. This was not the falling out.

Last weekend when i was out of town, we had an unfortunate texting conversation that just went wrong on too many levels. Texts were coming in the wrong order, etc. I got insulted, he got defensive, etc etc, misunderstandings on both ends. When I got back in town, i called him out on the thing i felt insulted by. We talked about it. Turns out, he didn't mean it that way. Turns out, he misinterpreted something i said too. After a couple more conversations about it, we reconciled easily, forgiven completely. However, if we didn't talk about it, it's possible we may have ended our friendship. But I felt this extreme urge to discuss the situation with him, and he did as well. Maybe because we are close enough to feel comfortable to have those conversations, idk. If we were more distant perhaps it wouldn't have happened, but also perhaps we wouldn't have had that text conversation in the first place.

Something i am learning is that in-person conversations are way way way preferable to texting or even over the phone. Especially with a dual.