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    Default INTp Description by I/O

    INTps desire to be immune to threats and to have no need to fight for existence. They're usually cautious when making decisions, and will err on the side of risk avoidance. Personal security and comfort are paramount but what this means and how it is achieved can vary greatly because INTps have very unique belief systems. They usually prefer to work ad hoc without specific plans but with clear focus on the objectives. They have impeccable timing and are superb at understanding their current situations, and reacting immediately and effectively. However, timeliness, completeness and quality, when meeting the demands of others, are not always priorities. They are highly interactive, tenacious, punctual, vigilant and productive when they deem it absolutely necessary to further their own agendas.

    INTps have zealots' faith in what they have accepted as truths, whether these be in science, business, politics, religion or just day-to-day living. In reality, they place more emphasis on the connections among facts than the actual facts themselves. Many of these connections are self-evident but many more are only obvious within their own minds, which doesn't make them invalid; on the contrary, INTps are highly perceptive of logical relationships and consequences of various actions. However, their ideas can often be too theoretical or complicated for implementation or explanation so they will often have trouble putting these thoughts into words and selling them. Hence,they will also have difficulty pressuring or persuading anyone to do anything.

    INTps are input oriented and spend inordinate amounts of time refining vast databases that are used to compare, judge and especially criticize everything and everybody - including themselves. They can make a career out of learning and are usually awash in various theories. They do not blindly accept information or what others say; they have to convince themselves that the logic is solid. During most discussions, they try to take control so as to present, verify and or protect their own interests. They love to get confirmation of their beliefs, and usually see people who oppose their views as threats. However, INTps love intimacy, playfulness and joke telling, and they really appreciate satire or humour that is on the edge of propriety. They can be really casual and lay-back; however, they all seem to develop strong anti-establishment views, and like delivering their objections with irony.

    INTps frequently have difficulty rationalizing information on their own so they try to maintain a circle of confreres that can assist them with putting it all into perspective. When consulting, they can become like inquisitors that are seeking a specific confession or acknowledgement. They think best when brain storming by engaging people and trying to steer the conversation toward that for which they're looking; however, they usually assume defensive stances. A standard ploy would be to say something like: “I think this; what do you think about what I said?”, as if to challenge someone to knock it down. The INTp would then defend fervently against any dissenting views but if the dissenters stand firm and logically present a solid case, INTp acceptance can be immediate. However, if an argument shows any weakness, it'll be discounted before the dissenter has finished speaking and a dismissive reply already sent - usually before INTps realize the potential fallout of their retorts. They're often too focused on themselves and the issue, and not on the sensitivities of others in the fray.

    They're great one-on-one debaters and even better critics. They often appear intransigent and obstinate - unwavering in their convictions. In the heat of argument, they have keen eyes for trends and linkages, and especially contradictions in or omissions of evidence. INTps easily detect the nuances of behaviour, and can often logically predict the resultant reactions or next moves, and quickly react to counter any perceived threat. Although not always the most tactful, they do carefully choose tactical positions that keep them a little ahead of the game and their opponents off-balance so as to better defend their own positions. INTps quickly lose interest in people who do not bring anything useful to the table or cannot defend themselves; if they recognized that they themselves were being useless, the feeling of impotence would be overwhelmingly depressing for them. Others can find these seemingly combative, competitive and or dismissive postures rather off-putting or irritating.

    Their emotional states usually depend on how they fit in with or are treated by others. When slighted and sometimes in argument, INTps can become very passionate and so hot-tempered that everyone wonders what just happened, including themselves. Emotions are often so poorly controlled that they can swing from exuberance to frustration to depression in seconds. In their search for inner tranquillity, they are too easily thrown off by no-win situations, antagonism, affronts, or boisterous and invasive personalities. In high spirits, they themselves can be exuberant, aggressive, obsessive and or intrusive although they frown upon these characteristics in others. Under stress, they can easily spout vitriol, fly-off-the-handle and make over-the-top demands; they will then try to retreat or isolate themselves until their vengeful half has withdrawn and their acerbic remarks abate. Self images are hugely important to INTps so they can easily embarrass themselves when they realize that they've been too pedantic, sarcastic, impatient, self-righteous or, worst of all, wrong.

    INTps usually restrain themselves and maintain outward appearances depending on what they believe are their targeted social circles or audiences. They are most comfortable with a casual and oftentimes unkempt or cluttered appearance but when the social expectations are coiffed or formal, they will show their best. If the expectation were for a sculpted body, they would work intensely to produce just that even though they're not that physically oriented. They are quite observant and astute so will find that which puts them in what they believe is the best light. With unfamiliar topics or environments, they usually appear hesitant and uncomfortable; on their home turf, they can be territorial, opinionated and preachy.

    Even outside formal learning institutions, INTps tend to be rather academic and philosophical, specializing in focused areas rather than having broad interests. They can vividly recount what they have learned but often describe things in painful detail or in such a complex fashion that they lose their audiences. The idealistic scholar, the professor or the sage are apt descriptions for many INTp and this type of label seems to please them; they like being thought of as intellectuals regardless of their statuses in society. They like opportunities to exercise the mind so they try many new things, and novelty items intrigue them, but few can hold their interest for very long. They will resent being told that they're naive, avoiding issues, burying their heads in the sand or procrastinating.

    They are usually good with finances and can live on little; they will exhaustively research options and try to control expenditures so as to maximize personal long-term gain. They seem to concentrate more on shortcomings and flaws than on potential or positives because to them, it's the negatives that get people into trouble. When prospects or conquests appear assured, the INTp does not hesitate and can sometimes appear unusually bold in action – strike while the iron is hot. INTps seek personal well-being through exhaustive preparedness, knowledge and experience. They're superb at risk detection and avoidance so they can operate successfully even under chaotic conditions, but they can sometimes lose the ground that they have achieved through inappropriate, heat-of-the-moment behaviour.
    Last edited by Rebelondeck; 03-02-2016 at 03:52 PM.

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Where did you get this?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    I wrote it. I'm interested to hear from others how close I came

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Where did you get this?

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post

    I wrote it. I'm interested to hear from others how close I came
    They do relate to time management well
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    It's excellent and very well written
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    And when INTPs want to check their type, they create a typing theme

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    And when INTPs want to check their type, they create a typing theme
    Yes I too recommend he or she open a personal topic on that
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 03-02-2016 at 06:38 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    This sounds like something @Megane would write. You two should collaborate.

    Ok, I read it. My reading was more of an overall scan but I do want to read it carefully. It is very good actually which made me wonder if you are an ILI? The parts that stand out to me matched very well to the ILI I had very close relationships to (2 of them). The thing I was a bit ambivalent about was this:

    INTps can become very passionate and so hot-tempered that everyone wonders what just happened, including themselves. Emotions are often so poorly controlled that they can swing from exuberance to frustration to depression in seconds.

    I can see it but the part about swinging within seconds is something I didn't notice as much as they tended to stew for awhile but yeah poor emotional control. My step-dad once took a CD player outside and smashed it then threw it in a dumpster because my brother was young and he stuck some dry fruit loops in it. It would have been fine if someone just cleaned them out. We all stood their shocked because it was kind of out of character to blow up to that extent. I guess about 20 minutes later everything calmed down and we all pretended it didn't happen. I saw him blow up a few more times over the years but if he was depressed he kept it well hidden.

    My other ILI relationship also had poor emotional control but only around me it seemed. He and I had many fights that led to breaking things and the neighbors complaining but only the first couple years when I was in a social phase and flirted a lot. He felt disrespected and would flip out. He didn't understand why I was being playful with other people. It was not even that much flirting but sometimes I would purposely sit on one of his friend's lap just to stir him up. I knew what it would lead to later. A huge fight and then making up. I think it drove him crazy but he got addicted to it. We were very young.

    He would play games and when he fucked up he would smash the controller. I don't even know how much money we spent on new controllers and he was pretty careful about money. It really left me in a stressed out state when he played certain games. I found sitting and watching him play and asking questions about the game calmed him a bit and he did not break them when I was there sitting with him except for once and I immediately lost it and went off on him about how he was tearing me up with his emotional outbursts. He like calmed down immediately and looked at me like he was totally shocked that I went off. Before that I tried to be more diplomatic when talking to him about breaking things and appealing to his sense of logic since it cost a lot to keep replacing them.

    He also had a hit list of people he was going to get rid of if he was every diagnosed with an incurable disease and had months to live. I used to think it was funny but sometimes I really wondered if he was serious. It seemed so diabolical.

    Most of what you wrote I could apply to both of them. I called my ILI a career student because he could not stop going to universities to gain more knowledge. He loved the whole atmosphere and valued higher learning to such a degree that he often clashed with his SLE dad who just wanted him to settle on a job not a career. His dad would often find ways to degrade the high education his son had achieved by claiming he built his own company "and didn't need college to do it". I know this depressed my ex but he kept his feelings to himself a lot. To the point where my friends and family (mostly betas) that he was robotic and cold. I think he and my stepdad had different subtypes. My stepdad could be more friendly than my ex.

    Edit: Um, somehow I missed this was in new members introductions. Welcome to the forum. You seem to have your type down.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-02-2016 at 08:02 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Aylen, I'm INTj but I have personally known, worked with and managed many INTp.

    Maritsa, I'm unfamiliar with this site and it seems that the intro section was the wrong place to put this article. I have a few other articles; I just have to figure out where to best place them, and how. I have several on the site but it's not accepting any more; perhaps my control systems model for temperament and type is considered a little out there.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    I'm unfamiliar with this site and it seems that the intro section was the wrong place to put this article.
    No. People liked it. Not every day we read articles in intro section. Would be good to input this in rules. Not just "Hi", but min 1000 words!

    I have several on the site but it's not accepting any more
    probably HDD is full already
    Last edited by Sol; 03-03-2016 at 07:56 AM.

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    This sounds more like LII variation than ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    This sounds more like LII variation than ILI.
    In what way specifically?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    In what way specifically?
    "INTps have zealots' faith in what they have accepted as truths, whether these be in science, business, politics, religion or just day-to-day living. In reality, they place more emphasis on the connections among facts than the actual facts themselves."

    That's Ti and Fe valuing.

    This sounds like a dysfunctional LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    "INTps have zealots' faith in what they have accepted as truths, whether these be in science, business, politics, religion or just day-to-day living. In reality, they place more emphasis on the connections among facts than the actual facts themselves."

    That's Ti and Fe valuing.

    This sounds like a dysfunctional LII.
    I am not sure why you see that as Fe valuing. In what way? It is true that the ILI I knew were very set on what they believed to be "truths" and defended their views by backing with lots of facts. It annoyed them when I would say things like facts are not truths or there are no facts. I was playing dirty on my part because I knew I could not win the debate. How they related to those facts I couldn't tell you and they are no longer around to ask.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I am not sure why you see that as Fe valuing. In what way? It is true that the ILI I knew were very set on what they believed to be "truths" and defended their views by backing with lots of facts. It annoyed them when I would say things like facts are not truths or there are no facts. I was playing dirty on my part because I knew I could not win the debate. How they related to those facts I couldn't tell you and they are no longer around to ask.
    Strict adherence to the beliefs is Role Fi. The background of such is their valued Fe, their personal emotions that create their -Fi that they regularly display in society. Ti is the structural logic that they develope to try and validate their idiosyncratic emotions. The facts they use are usually numerous, but, as with all Ti, it starts with their personal feelings. The facts chosen are always done so in the servitude of the Ti that they have adopted. Facts can be logically ordered and structured into whatever is desired, but it doesn't necessarily make the logic "valid." If someone gives me a set of building blocks, I can say, Oh these are supposed to be a house, then build the house, and say, See I told you they should be a house. They could have been tons of things once constructed; the "it's a house" is a personal emotion. The logic is a ruse for the reality that it's a desire that happens to not be "normal" or able to be such compared to the average person. The deeper one goes into the minorities of LII, the more abnormal the emotions, and the deeper the Ti delves.

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    I do think this point is key to distinguishing input-oriented INTp from output-oriented INTj. As INTj, I am so fixed in rationalization processes but hold no information sacred; on the site, I wrote an article entitled "On Being INTj", which I think describes me and INTj in general. INTp seem to firmly identify with their knowledge but are very flexible on the processes to rationalize their beliefs. And even though, INTp is a closed-loop thinker while INTj is open-loop, they can still reach the same outcome from two different approaches.

    a.k.a. I/O

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    "INTps have zealots' faith in what they have accepted as truths, whether these be in science, business, politics, religion or just day-to-day living. In reality, they place more emphasis on the connections among facts than the actual facts themselves."

    That's Ti and Fe valuing.

    This sounds like a dysfunctional LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    INTps frequently have difficulty rationalizing information on their own so they try to maintain a circle of confreres that can assist them with putting it all into perspective. When consulting, they can become like inquisitors that are seeking a specific confession or acknowledgement. They think best when brain storming by engaging people and trying to steer the conversation toward that for which they're looking; however, they usually assume defensive stances. A standard ploy would be to say something like: “I think this; what do you think about what I said?”, as if to challenge someone to knock it down. The INTp would then defend fervently against any dissenting views but if the dissenters stand firm and logically present a solid case, INTp acceptance can be immediate. However, if an argument shows any weakness, it'll be discounted before the dissenter has finished speaking and a dismissive reply already sent - usually before INTps realize the potential fallout of their retorts. They're often too focused on themselves and the issue, and not on the sensitivities of others in the fray.[/ quote]
    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post

    [QUOTE = Rebelondeck; 1123388] They're great one-on-one debaters and even better critics. They often appear intransigent and obstinate - unwavering in their convictions. In the heat of argument, they have keen eyes for trends and linkages, and especially contradictions in or omissions of evidence. INTps easily detect the nuances of behaviour, and can often logically predict the resultant reactions or next moves, and quickly react to counter any perceived threat. Although not always the most tactful, they do carefully choose tactical positions that keep them a little ahead of the game and their opponents off-balance so as to better defend their own positions. INTps quickly lose interest in people who do not bring anything useful to the table or cannot defend themselves; if they recognized that they themselves were being useless, the feeling of impotence would be overwhelmingly depressing for them. Others can find these seemingly combative, competitive and or dismissive postures rather off-putting or irritating.

    Their emotional states usually depend on how they fit in with or are treated by others. When slighted and sometimes in argument, INTps can become very passionate and so hot-tempered that everyone wonders what just happened, including themselves. Emotions are often so poorly controlled that they can swing from exuberance to frustration to depression in seconds. In their search for inner tranquillity, they are too easily thrown off by no-win situations, antagonism, affronts, or boisterous and invasive personalities. In high spirits, they themselves can be exuberant, aggressive, obsessive and or intrusive although they frown upon these characteristics in others. Under stress, they can easily spout vitriol, fly-off-the-handle and make over-the-top demands; they will then try to retreat or isolate themselves until their vengeful half has withdrawn and their acerbic remarks abate. Self images are hugely important to INTps so they can easily embarrass themselves when they realize that they've been too pedantic, sarcastic, impatient, self-righteous or, worst of all, wrong.

    INTps usually restrain themselves and maintain outward appearances depending on what they believe are their targeted social circles or audiences. They are most comfortable with a casual and oftentimes unkempt or cluttered appearance but when the social expectations are coiffed or formal, they will show their best. If the expectation were for a sculpted body, they would work intensely to produce just that even though they're not that physically oriented. They are quite observant and astute so will find that which puts them in what they believe is the best light. With unfamiliar topics or environments, they usually appear hesitant and uncomfortable; on their home turf, they can be territorial, opinionated and preachy.Even outside formal learning institutions, INTps tend to be rather academic and philosophical, specializing in focused areas rather than having broad interests. They can vividly recount what they have learned but often describe things in painful detail or in such a complex fashion that they lose their audiences. The idealistic scholar, the professor or the sage are apt descriptions for many INTp and this type of label seems to please them; they like being thought of as intellectuals regardless of their statuses in society. They like opportunities to exercise the mind so they try many new things, and novelty items intrigue them, but few can hold their interest for very long. They will resent being told that they're naive, avoiding issues, burying their heads in the sand or procrastinating.totally agree with both comments.

    Glad to see the analysis of these points. It's something I usually look bad in many articles, or it may not comment and we characterized very much, especially the second quote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post

    I do think this point is key to distinguishing input-oriented INTp from output-oriented INTj. As INTj, I am so fixed in rationalization processes but hold no information sacred; on the site, I wrote an article entitled "On Being INTj", which I think describes me and INTj in general. INTp seem to firmly identify with their knowledge but are very flexible on the processes to rationalize their beliefs. And even though, INTp is a closed-loop thinker while INTj is open-loop, they can still reach the same outcome from two different approaches.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    "INTps have zealots' faith in what they have accepted as truths, whether these be in science, business, politics, religion or just day-to-day living. In reality, they place more emphasis on the connections among facts than the actual facts themselves."

    That's Ti and Fe valuing.
    I totally agree with both. I really believe that externally it can be seen that way, but in reality seeing it in greater depth, it's like putting on this part of the text:
    "INTps are input oriented and spend inordinate amounts of time refining vast databases that are used to compare, judge and especially criticize everything and everybody - including themselves. They can make a career out of learning and are usually awash in various theories. They do not blindly accept information or what others say; they have to convince themselves that the logic is solid. During most discussions, they try to take control so as to present, verify and or protect their own interests. They love to get confirmation of their beliefs, and usually see people who oppose their views as threats."

    Concerning my opinion, except as the top, it's perfect.

    INTp/ILI NiTe 5w6

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    I know what abnormal means. I asked what you personally see as abnormal emotions. If you grow up in a house full of extreme anger it can be your norm.
    For the LII, it would be a display of emotions from the unconscious that is free from comparison to even personal norms. Unfiltered, simply whatever they are experiencing in the moment. There's no internal resistance to their negative feelings based upon anything.

    Can you give me an example of this, in your own words, without using the term "Ti"? Like you are explaining it to someone who never heard of socionics. I am not dense but I am trying to get on the same page as you here.
    Demonstrated this in another thread. Hatred for a caste of society due to negative emotions experienced, causing a steady negative reconstruction of normative beliefs of society, with the reconstruction of adhered to laws and logic in orthogonal relation to normative ones being the goal, for the protection of the ability to feel hatred and animosity.

    In Complex Speak, the ability to voice negative emotions freely, which is why the torrent that is ESE is the dual.

    Ok if I get a chance to but I would rather understand how you see it. It would be really time consuming if I read that trying to determine your perception of the example. I will probably have a different understanding of it than you do which will mean I still do not understand how you perceive it.
    LII cares about how they feel. ILI cares about how others feel. This is behind the ruse. You can catch glimpses of each when stressed, after the defense drops and they return to Vital operations (entering into child-like state of the self).

    Well I don't believe I am a static type but now and then I share my beliefs publicly. I had a blog here until I felt over-exposed and misunderstood since my words were twisted to back up someone's opinion on my character so I made it private. I go through phases where I feel open when I don't know my audience but as I feel closer I get stage fright. I think it is because I could care less if strangers like me but as I spend more time around people I don't want one person's opinion influencing the opinion of people I do like.
    You can split into LII/ILI, because LII talks about social issues and relationships vocally all the time. All types will talk about it at some point, since it exists within them, but LII is basically that guy in the coffee shop blabbing about some weird social or religious stuff for hours giving all kinds of logical reasons for what he is saying and then end with the conclusion that he should be able to smoke pot all day and have other people pay for him to do such.

    Did you post your translation? That I would like to read.

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    Pretty good description overall, just don't let any ILI description point towards the stereotype 'every ILI is a professor'. Cause they ain't. I met a couple of ILI's among them are a transgender, a bum who lives on the street for the last 10 years because of his drugs habit, another lives on welfare with her mom. Those are also ILI's...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Pretty good description overall, just don't let any ILI description point towards the stereotype 'every ILI is a professor'. Cause they ain't. I met a couple of ILI's among them are a transgender, a bum who lives on the street for the last 10 years because of his drugs habit, another lives on welfare with her mom. Those are also ILI's...
    I wonder where you yourself fit into the strata?

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    Yes, INTp variations are great but most seem to want to transmit (with varying degrees of success) the center-of-all-knowledge image. Primal instincts such as sexual orientation, fear, love and hunger, and environment will hugely impact on cognitive behaviour so I cannot comment on these variations. Substance abuse can mask everything. My descriptions can only be applied to well-balanced INTp under ideal or at the least benign conditions....

    a.k.a. I/O

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Pretty good description overall, just don't let any ILI description point towards the stereotype 'every ILI is a professor'. Cause they ain't. I met a couple of ILI's among them are a transgender, a bum who lives on the street for the last 10 years because of his drugs habit, another lives on welfare with her mom. Those are also ILI's...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post

    Yes, INTp variations are great but most seem to want to transmit (with varying degrees of success) the center-of-all-knowledge image. Primal instincts such as sexual orientation, fear, love and hunger, and environment will hugely impact on cognitive behaviour so I cannot comment on these variations.
    a.k.a. I/O
    The first sentence of this quote is entirely true in my experience, though I would never openly admit this. Better to use subtlety and timing to cultivate this image without appearing to exercise any tremendous effort.

    Your entire description is excellent and I can not think of a rebuttal to any point made at this time. I have been reviewing your posts here and I'd like to thank you for sharing your insights. There are few sources that speak with the level of understanding you have displayed, let alone have been willing to share with such openness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhaegar View Post
    .....There are few sources that speak with the level of understanding you have displayed........

    My so-called level of understanding is one engineer's view, which would most likely be considered naïve by a Socionics expert. My descriptions might appear somewhat on the fence between Socionics and MBTI, especially the I-types. The mechanisms explaining behaviour is where I deviate greatly from both systems. Over years of analyzing various type interactions in various work environments (an aspect of my job), I simply invented a model that made more sense to me and that I could apply to project teams. I haven't fleshed out nor validated my model; and, I don't really want to turn my hobby into a job so the concept may be stillborn. My mental images of the system structures and their interactions seem to have worked for me; at the least, it was close enough for engineering work.......

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Pretty good description overall, just don't let any ILI description point towards the stereotype 'every ILI is a professor'. Cause they ain't. I met a couple of ILI's among them are a transgender, a bum who lives on the street for the last 10 years because of his drugs habit, another lives on welfare with her mom. Those are also ILI's...
    I think I know an ILI who is is very much into rap music and romanticizes "Thug Life", despite being white and nerdy. Its interesting how you sometimes see the shadow of someone's dual within them, in ILI's case this often through their admiration of those who can survive in poor, dirty, crowded environments that require loads of streetsmarts, which is exactly the kinds of places SEEs thrive in comparison with other types.

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    I read the thing and I agree with it as a descriptor of myself.

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    @Kim please sticky these descriptions are good
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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