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    Default Random Strat stuff: Fractals and Reinins

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    Y'all able to read this? Or do I need to rewrite it?

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    Muddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Y'all able to read this? Or do I need to rewrite it?
    I'm able to read most it except the charts/images which are still in Russian. It would be best if you or anyone else who is willing would list the main points because I doubt anyone has the time or patience to read through pages of redundant text just to extract a few interesting key points.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I'm able to read most it except the charts/images which are still in Russian. It would be best if you or anyone else who is willing would list the main points because I doubt anyone has the time or patience to read through pages of redundant text just to extract a few key interesting points.
    Usually hesitant to rewrite, since I don't speak Russian, and it involves putting slight amounts of my own subjective interpretations in it.

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    ouronis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Usually hesitant to rewrite, since I don't speak Russian, and it involves putting slight amounts of my own subjective interpretations in it.
    There's no sin in that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    There's no sin in that.
    I'll disclaimer it. Working on the first part now.

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    Short Messages in Reinin.
    Author: Vera Stratievsky, © 2010.

    I. Individual Psychological Traits:

    Extraversion – Introversion
    Sign tracks (forms, controls) the subject-object aspect of information metabolism - their properties and quality (extraversion) and the relationship between them (introversion).

    1. Extroversion - focus on the advantages of the subjective qualities and properties of objects / information metabolism (IM).

    2. Introversion - focus on the advantages of connections and relationships between objects (IM).

    Ethics – Logic
    Trait tracks (forms, controls) rational (material) and emotional (energy) aspect of information metabolism (IM).

    1. Logic - focus on a rational plan of relations and properties of objects; the advantage of a rational approach to the properties and relations of objects (objects with user-friendly interface, when their properties and relationships are well understood, measured in ratios calculated, verified ...).

    2. Ethics - focus on the emotional plane relations and properties of objects; advantage of the emotional approach to the properties and relations of objects (objects with user-friendly interface, when their properties are attractive, favorable communication - a joy to awaken feelings, cheer up ...)

    Sensing - Intuition
    Trait tracks (forms, controls) touch (spatial) and intuitive (temporal) aspect of information metabolism (IM).

    1. Sensing - the advantage of spatial properties and relationships of objects. (When objects are pleasant to interact with, when they are conveniently located in a space, when their properties and qualities do not cause us discomfort.) Focus on feeling the relations between objects and their properties in the space ("This room is too small for us," "This does not fit in the cabinet,” “These shoes will be too tight," "this fabric will shrink.")

    2. Intuition - the advantage of temporal properties and relations of objects. (When objects conveniently interact, when changing their properties and relations through a determined amount of time - "water soon begins to boil", "ice melts quickly," "the room soon warmed up" ...). Targeting the foresight to change relations and the properties of objects in time.

    Dynamic - Static
    Trait tracks (adjusts, providing) a stabilizing and a destabilizing influence on the information processes.

    1. Static - focus on stable, sustainable, balanced properties of objects and relations between them; the advantages of stability over instability; stabilization of states of objects and relations between them.

    * Benefits of immutability of object attributes and properties (extraverted Static)
    * Benefits of keeping balance in the relations and connections between them (introverted Static).

    2. Dynamics - focus on changeable, unstable, unsustainable, unbalanced properties of objects and relations between them; benefits of variability (instability, destabilization) over stability; destabilization of states of objects and relations between them.

    * The benefits of object attributes and properties changing (extraverted Dynamics)
    * Advantages of imbalances in the relations and connections between them (introverted Dynamics).

    Asking - Declaring
    Trait monitors integrating (Declaring) and differentiating (Asking) properties of objects (information metabolites) and links (relations) between them.

    1. Declaring - the desire for integration, the convergence of space-time connections and relationships (to a reduction in the space-time intervals). Inductive thinking properties. The direction of thinking from the private to a common: the desire to generalize particular to integrated, compacted, singular schemes. The focus is on the search for commonalities in the synthesis and integration of object properties of the system in order to preserve its integrity (which leads to a simplification of these schemes modeled on the object). Declaring will identify similar elements in several different figures faster and more willingly than Asking. In the analysis of similar schemes and facilities, Declaring reluctantly goes to search for differences (or even omit them) - "stuck" on generalizations, hurry to the "final" general conclusions. For Declaring, the transition to the consideration of particulars is equivalent to moving backwards, to returning to the starting point of the analysis.

    2. Asking - the pursuit of differentiation, separation, delimitation of spatial - temporal connections and relationships (increase the space-time intervals). Deductive thinking properties. The direction of thinking of the general to the specific: the desire to look for differences and differentiation of particulars, to branching, deployed schemes. The focus is on the search for the differences and the identification of particulars, their division and branching of the differences (which leads to a complication of the modeled objects to these schemes). In analyzing the schemes and facilities, Asking is in no hurry to move on to the general conclusions (can do up until before reaching conclusions) - "stuck" on a search for differences ("Find ten differences in the two similar pictures" Asking will perform more quickly and willingly than Declaring) and branching areas of expansion (development) schemes. For Asking to generalize is equivalent to moving backwards, to returning to the starting point of the analysis.

    In the Asking TIM’s models, all extroverted elements are evolutionary, due to the complexity of branching (anti-generalizing and particular) properties of objects, and acquire evolutionary (complicated constructive perspective) direction of development (“plus” sign in front of the extroverted elements), and all the introverted elements are involutionary, by virtue of simplifying and reducing the structural links as they are remote and disunity, and acquire involutionary (retrospective and reconstructive) alternative and corrective direction (“minus” sign in front of the introverted elements).

    In the Declaring TIM’s models, all the extroverted elements are Involutionary, due to the desire of schemes and models to integrate and simplify object properties, and acquire involutional direction of development (“minus” sign in front of the extroverted elements), and all the introverted elements are evolutionary, complicating and strengthening structural links as they approach and reduce, and acquire evolutionary direction (“plus” sign in front of the introverted elements).

    Positivism - Negativism
    Trait monitors positive and negative trends in information processes.

    1. Positivism - a positive advantage over the negative; primary, direct focus on the positive; the desire to see the good in a bad ("If you are not at home, he is not afraid of fire, and his wife will not go to another, if you do not have a wife ..."). Translator’s note: Parenthesis too weird to give English equivalent

    2. Negativity - negative over positive advantage; primary, direct focus on the negative; the desire to identify the bad in the good ("Not all that glitters is gold"); indirect (secondary) focus on the positive ("Would not it be a blessing in disguise").

    Constructivism - Emotivism
    Trait tracks rational (logical) and emotional (ethical) priorities (primary, inert) and methods of communicative action (secondary, contact) information metabolism.

    1. Constructivism – inert ethics, contact logics; (Ethical elements in an inert block of the model, Logical elements in a contact block); desire to appeal to logical (measured) personality characteristics ("You're an adult, you have to take into account ..."), the ability to manipulate the logical categories, connections and relationships (From the dialogue between the two constructivists: "How can I deceive you? Where do you see me tricking you?!" Answer: "If we do not see a dirty trick, it does not mean that it is not there...")

    2. Emotivism – inert logics, contact ethics; (Logical elements in an inert block of the model, Ethical elements in a contact block); desire to appeal to the ethical (favorable) the properties of the person ("You're good, you'll forgive me ..."), the ability to manipulate ethical categories, connections and relationships ("The main thing - it is love and understanding.” “No I do not understand how you ....").

    Strategy - Tactics
    Trait tracks ways to achieve goals and move towards it.

    1. Strategy - focus on the final goal ("Our goal - communism"), an early goal (! "Five-Year Plan in four years", "build communism in twenty years!" "Catch up and overtake America!"), global transformation ("we have ours, we construct a new world ..."), to work on a large scale ("Who was nothing will become everything").

    2. Tactics - focus on the process of moving towards the target ( "Forward, forward and not a step back, Battling tirelessly, We'll Live, we are with you, Sancho, to the Golden Age!!!") - For intermediate, local transformation and consistent elaboration ( " the feat of the feat - and that's not to know this world! ").

    Tactics longer cherishes the local, intermediate result. Strategy tries to extract the maximum benefits and gains of the intermediate results, but focuses on and cherishes the final goal.

    For Tactics, intermediate results formed the final result. For Strategy, the end result is the sum of the achievements and losses of intermediate (the need to occasionally deviate from the positions gained).

    II. DYADIC Psychological Traits:

    Rationality – Irrationality
    Trait directly tracks focus on the calculation and calculating predictable regularity (rationality) and indirect (irrationality).

    1. Rational - systematic advantage over spontaneous; primary, direct focus on the calculation - costed, predictable patterns; secondary, (the feelings) mediated - by spontaneity.

    2. Irrational - spontaneous advantage over systematic; primary, direct orientation (the feelings) on spontaneity; secondary, mediated orientation - in the calculation - costed, predictable patterns.

    Evolution – Involution
    Trait reflects the inclusion of methods in the creative process:

    1. Evolution ( "+" sign in front of the information element) - an advantage of creative construction; focus on the quality and the process of undertaking ( "it is important to do everything correctly from the very beginning, so you do not have to alter, create problems of endless corrections, lots of hard negotiated amendments, endless search for alternatives, etc.").

    2. Involution ( "-" sign in front of the information element) - an advantage over the design of the reconstruction; focus on high-quality completion of the process ( "just cannot be foreseen, is the most important result," "it is never too late to correct mistakes and look for alternatives").

    Evolutionary ("+") and Involutional ("-") information elements complement each other, in mutual correction and mutual constraint, on each level of the model "A" (in the pair of vertical and horizontal blocking) and reflect the basic laws of their development, in accordance with which Evolutionary (constructive, creative) processes are complemented, corrected and limited by Involutional (reconstructive, destructive), and vice versa. One without the other: evolution without involution, the destruction without creation, alternatives to search without taking constructive, positive decisions (not to be confused with the sign of positivism - negativity) as pointless and destructive, as well as creation without correction and reconstruction, as the search for positive solutions without considering alternatives.

    Evolutionary and Involutionary TRENDS information elements in Socionics and IN SOCIETY.

    The 16 elements of the information stream form the 16 dominant leading programs (EGO - programs), which is programmed in the 16 TIM’s Socion, and develop them in the course of evolution of TIM, constructive society (evolutionary), and reconstructive (involutionally).

    Involutional (design) and evolutional (construction) direction of the elements observe the minus signs ("-") and the plus signs ("+").

    Reconstructive position of Involution: "break - not to build"

    Involutionary needs to look for alternative and, as such, often presents and manifests itself in a position to "break - not to build," (which can withstand the most simple method: "Listen involutionary and do the opposite"). For example, involutional program LII is often manifested in the persistent desire to prove otherwise, contrary to the obvious, (the principle of "do not care what the alternative would be, only…"). Involution properties of chaotic selection of alternatives observed in the program element of the IEE, which often leads to irreversible destructive consequences.

    The design includes the conversion of existing, the making of corrections, achieving reevaluation, and searching for alternatives in the implementation, all of which significantly slows down the process of development in society, although it carries out the necessary preparations for the trial. Therefore, reconstructive (involutional) is to slow down, brake (making you come back) the development elements in socionics and is indicated by a minus sign ("-").

    Constructive (Evolutionary) direction information element involves its effective and intensive development in view of the results achieved using the most advanced tools, which greatly speeds up the development process. Therefore, the structural (Evolutionary) development elements in socionics are indicated by a plus sign ("+").

    For example:
    Before effectively (methodically) developing the capacity (the prerogative of the evolutionary aspect of intuition of potentials, +Ne) is the ability to identify the need and find (the prerogative of the aspects of involutional intuition of potentials, -Ne).

    Before effectively developing and learning the environment, the territory, and the living space (evolutionary aspect of sense of sensations, +Si), this area still need to find an environmental investigation (involutionary aspect of sensory sensations, -Si) in which the function is to search for ecological alternatives, alternative living spaces, alternative living conditions, etc.

    Before efficiently distributing any ideology or shaping public opinion (the problem of the evolutionary aspect of the ethics of emotions, +Fe), you need to create a social mood, an alternative to the existing, anger public masses, to sow panic and create a stir, spread the discrediting rumors come up with sharply criticized the existing ideology, etc. (involutional ethics of emotions, -Fe).

    Before distributing the rights and privileges at all levels of the hierarchy (the evolutionary aspect structural logic, +Ti), you need to install the same fair treatment at each of its levels, carefully verifying and correcting the distribution of rights and responsibilities (the involutionary aspect structural logic, -Ti).

    Before you fill out personal time work or urgent matters (aspect evolutionary intuition of time, +Ni), you need to find time for such cases, to release it, separated from the time required for the maintenance of vital processes, to restore vitality and emotional tone, sleep, food, holiday (aspect involutionary intuition of time, -Ni).

    Before you extend power and influence onto the surrounding systems and facilities (the problem of the evolutionary aspect of volitional sensing, +Se), you need to grab and retain power in its system, to concentrate, to centralize power in his hands (involutionary aspect of volitional sensing, -Se).

    Before you bring a person to moral perfection (the prerogative of the evolutionary aspect of the ethics of relations, +Fi), you need to take it with the necessary ethical standards, identify gaps, eradicate vices, etc. to optimize the process to prepare for the future of moral perfection (involutional ethics of relations, -Fi).

    Before improve methods and technologies (the prerogative of the evolutionary aspect of the business logic, +Te), you need to optimize them and review, revise, reject outdated, look for better alternatives (involutionary aspect of business logic, -Te).

    In this regard, the signs "+" or "-" are treated more as a way of expanding the field of information involutional and evolutional aspects, as ways of development and transformation of living space. The sign (+) - involves the expansion of the aspect of the field due to the accumulation of benefits and concentration of information and expertise building. The sign (-) involves the development of an information field due to the shortfall of this aspect in society, as well as expansion of it due to rethinking or re-evaluation of existing (in the field or in the surrounding area) values. In connection with the "minus" are considered as aspects of alternative corrective program search and selection of alternative solutions, analysis and processing program adverse experiences.

    Limits of development trends of information aspects of society due to the potential environmental, biological and historical conditions of its development, environmental viability criteria, as a result of which the over-development of certain aspects in the society becomes destructive to society - leads to its degradation, decay, decline.

    Limits the development of information society in the aspects and individually are also subject to the environmental viability criteria, identified and set out in the so-called principle of "Occam's Razor", according to which one should not invest more and more effort, where you can get smaller. Based on this principle, a mutual correction and mutual audit evolution and involution aspects in models of development in society and the turnover in the quadra.

    Accordingly, there is a need to switch directions, and the aspect of the field from the involutionary to the evolutionary. Infinitely long "hang" on the involutionary or evolutionary lines leading to the crisis and the subsequent destruction of society, to the chaos of the information field in it. So, for example, in an effort to simplify (involutionary aspect) there is a risk of degradation (individual, society, the idea), and the endless search for randomly put forward alternatives, instead of a real application the optimal ones, as dangerous as widespread initiative (evolutionary aspect) adventure insufficiently thought-out projects.

    Evolution (programming, EGO and leading element of TIM - evolution), having exhausted its constructive potential of the project, it considers it inappropriate to continue and may choose to further its development of other (also very promising) undertakings. Because of this, it seems that evolutionary is more focused on the initiative and process.

    Involution (programming, EGO and leading element of TIM - involution), having exhausted its potential reconstructive project, considers it inexpedient continuation of alternative means of searching and finalizing the selection of the best tools and techniques. (Do not complete the work, he can not, because it started it would not be complete reconstruction - "not worth breaking, if you can not recover,") Because of this, it seems that involutional is more focused on the completion and results.

    Evolution and involution AS dyadic TRAIT

    Evolution and involution - derived from the name of the trait: evolution and involution introduced by VV Gulenko (in the mid 90-ies.) Instead of the previous name of the same sign, "left / right", the entered Aushra Augustinovichute in the "Theory of signs Reinin".

    LEFT (Evolutional) - these are the dyad has "+" sign in the model where a leading function (left aspect of the ego level).
    RIGHT (Involutional) - those dyads in which the creative function model (right aspect of the ego level) has a "+" sign, and the left - a software aspect is the sign "-". In the future, the name of the evolution / involution changed on the process / results.

    Evolutional - because of their orientation program at the initiative and process - became known as the Process; Involutional - because of their programmatic orientation of the correction in the process, and the completion of its reconstruction - were called Results.

    “Seizing” in the process of selecting alternatives without the adoption of effective solutions (process for the process without entering the result) - a pathological deviation from the norm, "crash" program attribute involution. (Example: carried away by the selection of possibilistic alternatives in the process of self-critically ill six-month child, mother-IEE four days sat chatting, discussing on the forum folk remedies treat the symptoms described by her not getting timely medical aid for those four days, without waiting for the result of its decision and. subsequent effective action, the child died. The mother-IEE condemned for failure to render assistance to terminally ill child.)

    Obstinate – Yielding
    The sign reflects the methods of accumulation of emotional and rational benefits for their subsequent use pragmatic:

    1. Obstinate - the advantages of accumulation of negative ethical potential for further struggle for the right of superiority in the (ethical aspects of emotions (Fe) and structural logic (Ti) in an inert the mental block).

    2. Yielding - Benefits accumulation of positive ethical potential, followed by its pragmatic use of (aspects of the ethics of relations (Fi) and business logic (Te) in an inert the mental block).

    Careless – Farsighted
    The sign reflects the accumulation methods of spatial and temporal advantages for subsequent pragmatic use.

    1. Careless - spontaneous readiness for possible changes (as a pioneer: "Always ready!" To something else); advantage of the spontaneous use of available capacity, resources, savings ( "Trust in the case of use that handy").

    2. Farsighted - advance preparation for expected changes ( "Prepare sledge in the summer, the cart - in the winter!"); advantage of the planned use of accumulated resources.

    III. Quad Core Psychological traits:

    Democracy – Aristocracy
    Trait monitors (controls, forms) dominance unequal ("vertical", hierarchical) and / or equivalent ("horizontal", democratic) relations in the system and the society:

    1. Democracy - the benefits are equivalent ( "horizontal") system of subordination relations, are equivalent ( "vertical"), - the relationship of equality of rights and opportunities, exclusive (leveling) hierarchical priorities. The conscious desire for equality, equality ( "democratic" information aspects make up a mental block model) and an unconscious desire for domination, subordination, suppression ( "aristocratic" informational aspects constitute a vital block). The Quadra DEMOCRATS: "First you work for the authority, then the authority of the work for you."

    2. Aristocracy - unequal benefits, subordination ("vertical") system links above are equivalent ("horizontal"), - the relationship of subordination, excluding (leveling) equality. The conscious desire for domination, subordination, suppression ("aristocratic" informational aspects make up a mental block model) and an unconscious desire for equality, equality ("democratic" information aspects constitute a vital block). The Quadra aristocracy: "Work on the authority necessary for life."

    Subjectivism - Objectivism
    Symptom monitors formation of subjective and objective priorities in the system (society)

    1. Subjectivism - the dominance of the subjective opinion on objective facts. Denial or manipulation of objective facts in favor of the dominant belief system, concepts (example: scholastic skepticism: "The eyes and ears - false witnesses"); the dominance of system restrictions on the rights and properties of the person ("the system interests above all else"). Conscious and immediate struggle for a place in the system (in the family, in the hierarchy in the team), a conscious repression of its system of unwanted elements ("extra" and "weak" links).

    2. Objectivism - the dominance of objective factors of subjective opinions ("better to see once than hear a hundred times"); the dominance of objective rights and the individual properties of the system constraints ("rights of the individual above the interests of the system"). Unconscious mediated struggle for a place in the system unconscious mediated repression of the system (from home, from family, from the hierarchy of the team) it unwanted elements ("extra" and "weak" links)

    Decisive - Judicious
    Symptom tracking methods directly (active, effective) and indirect (of abstract, expectant) included in the solution of actual problems:

    1. Decisive - the benefits of timely action ("Late reason, we must act!")

    2. Judicious - the timely discussion of the benefits ("There is nothing I will not take as long as we do not all sit together, do not discuss our problems, not to talk about their everyday concerns").

    Resolute and reason intuitively and sensor:

    Decisive ("victimization") Intuit speaker characterized by their ability to provoke aggression ("call the fire itself"), "punch", and then to reflect the impact, while ensuring that the special benefits for themselves.

    Judicious ( "infantile") Intuitive-STATIC directly - often quite hard, aggressive (and childish infantile) methods: whims, scandals (logic), reproaches, boycotts (ethics) - forcing a partner to take care of yourself.

    Judicious ( "careful") sensorika speaker directly watch over their partners - initially seek to impose its tutelage. Aggression (as an attempt to restrain, discipline) is shown in response to the resistance of the partner provided him care.

    Decisive ( "aggressive") sensorika-STATIC initially seek to rein in (disciplining) of their partners. Marking is served in the form of encouragement.

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