
There's that STj vibe yeah. I don't have too much doubt on you being a Thinking type though you really have an emphasis on Fi judgments too, which first did have me consider ESI/EII. What I'm totally sure about is that you are a Sensing type, however.

I don't know if you just parrot Delta values or if you are actually an LSE. Ni PoLR and Ne valuing are a strong possibility though. Though your Fi answers seemed stronger than your Fe answers which were really non existent, perhaps in favour of Te but I'm not sure about that.

I could consider LSI too except it's not quite clear at all to me that you would have any Beta values, at least in your questionnaire here. Though your answers in the Ti block are pretty strong so I don't exclude it at this point. The stronger-seeming Fi -compared to Fe- would support this as well.

A few questions/comments below to clarify things.

Quote Originally Posted by Adena View Post
"1. Do you like surprises?" No. I literally can't handle a change of schedule.
Why is it impossible to handle it?

"4. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?"
You can say a lot from the way they talked and presented themselves, from what they talked about and how they talked. It doesn't take too much time to understand someone, really. I tend to evaluate person quickly and often I'm correct. Once I learn something about a person I just put it in the framework.
Give an example of such evaluation.

"9. What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?"
To me, moral is being a good person, not hurting others. Immoral is of course, the opposite. I can evaluate the correctness of my own understanding by uhm, I don't know. I just do. Gut feeling, you know? But honestly, everyone has their own definition of morals.
How sure are you of these gut feelings?

"6. What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?"
Nah, I look at instructions and I'm like "okay, cool" and then I do things by my own order, unless I know those guidelines are really important and strict or when I don't understand something I look and see if it can be of help. But I skim through it, I jump into action and mess up. I would not be able to write an inctruction manual, I can't explain for my life.
What is the problem with explaining?

True. Aggression is related to Se and judging, and ESI are dominant judgers. Mhm. I keep mixing up the Socionics and MBTI, Goddamn.
Depends what kind of aggression we are talking about... Se + logic in general, anyway.

ESE is weird to me because Fe is... Not my dom? I can relate to it, but I don't lead with Fe. It's neither my strength nor my weakness, I can use it well but it's not natural to me.
Would you think Fe role fits you? See http://www.wikisocion.org/en/index.php?title=Fe

I agree after watching a bit of your videos that you can use it smooth enough, btw.