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Thread: 80 questions (round 2)

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    Default 80 questions (round 2)

    I know I already did this but I felt I didn't give it my maximum effort the first time around so I decided to do it again. A few answers may be a bit samey but here you go.


    1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?

    It is an decrease/increase in the total number of classifications that can be given to any given subject. Example: Weapon-Firearm-Assault Rifle-AK47 and vice versa.

    2. What does “logical” mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?
    Any concept that can be applied to reality can be considered logical. My understanding is something that constantly changes based upon information that I absorb from the outside world and how it structure it inside my head. My understanding of things doesn't perfectly match everyone else's.

    3. How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
    I'm not sure but I think each fraction is 1/60 of the circumference of the clock. In that case each fraction would equal 1 second.

    4. What is a rule? What rules you must to follow?
    A rule is restriction upon certain actions. Rules don't always have to be followed, but most of the time it is most beneficial to do so since rules are usually (but not always) put into place to benefit those who follow them.

    5. What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?
    A hierarchy is an organized chain of command, such as serf-knight-baron-prince(ess)-king/queen. Just like with rules they aren't something you must follow no matter what, but following hierarchies usually leaves no room for confusion over who has power and who doesn't.

    6. What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?
    A think instructions can certainly be useful at times especially when someone has no idea how to perform a task. I would be capable but disinterested in making a manual, if I had to it would be about some hobby of mine such as how to set up a tent.

    7. Please explain: “Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws”? Do you agree with the statement? Why?
    I do not agree that complying with all laws is good way to achieve freedom. Laws are sometimes put into place for the personal agenda of others and you are making yourself a tool for them by being complacent. Just be sure not to get caught breaking laws or you could end up in prison with no freedom.

    8. Tell us how consistent are you?
    It is natural for me to be consistent, but I don't act consistently for its own sake.

    9. What is a “standard”? Why do people need it?
    A standard is a universal measurement or level of quality. Standards make the modern world operate much more efficiently, without them no one would know what level of quality to expect from a purchased item and collabration with foreign nations would be a pain in the ass having to convert different systems of measurements over to one another.

    10. You need to put in order your home library. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?
    This would seem like a mundane task to me. I would just put them in alphabetical order as that is in a system of organization everyone knows and recognizes.


    1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    Work is the effort we put into achieving our goals and desires, but unfortunately society often forces us into doing "work" that forwards the agenda of others without giving any real benefit to ourselves. Most people go to work out of necessity, but a lucky few choose to go work because they have passion for their job. To decide if you can do work or not just follow the examples others who have tried. Is there anything they have they you don't? I not then you are good to go.

    2. Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?
    Depends on the context of the situation. If the producer is trying too hard to met a certain number of product then you may see a decline in quality due to fatigue and exhaustion among the workforce. On the other hand prototypes are often shitty and the product is perfected by the time it reaches mass production. Price generally goes up with quality, since price is a reflection of consumer demand, and consumers demand higher quality products. There are exceptions to this however when consumers and prices are manipulated.

    3. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    The quality of work is determined by how the result matches what was promised. I determine the quality of work based on how good the results could of been and what I actually got. When I purchase products I give them a quick scan to make sure they are not defective or missing parts, but I don't bother getting stingy because items are just items at the end of the day.

    4. How do you feel if you didn’t finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?

    When I'm doing a job for others I always try to give it my maximum effort so I don't live unfinished work, but I don't beat myself up either if I happen to miss a few minor things. Having unfinished work is unavoidable given the rapid pace of the corporate world. Most unfinished work I get usually involves household matters because I don't really care for doing work in my free time.

    5. What is “interesting work” for you? Please explain in detail.

    Interesting work is any work that involves doing the things that you have invisioned for yourself, whether that be exploring nature, caring for others, improving your body, learning more about the universe, etc. Always make sure that whatever you do is what you yourself want to be doing and not because someone else told you to do it.

    6. You go to the store and see something you’re interested in buying, there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it’s overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?

    If you are unsure you can look the product up online and check the price there, or ask a store employee to check it in the system. I your gut tells you the price is off then it might be a good time to ask.

    7. When you work and someone tells you: “You don’t do it right.” What is your reaction?

    The attitude they give me is what matters most here. I they say it softly and politely then I'll gladly listen to what they have to say, but if they come across bluntly and callously then I might get really pissed off.

    8. Right next to you there is a real professional. You always see that you can’t perform the way he does. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?

    Usually in these cases I leave most of the vital task to him, or ask him for instructions if I need to. I learn from him where I can.

    9. When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?

    I usually try to make sure I can do it myself first, but if I need help then I will not hesitate to ask.

    10. You need to build a pyramid, exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?

    First question is, do I really need to and is it really worth it? Assuming it is, I would seek the help of companies capable of such a construction, and try to convince them of the profitability of such an action, such a making it into a tourist attraction. I could also try to convince a government of the need to protect such monuments by creating replicas of them.


    1. Tell us what is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?

    Beauty is the invocation of positive emotions through the appearance of an object. Beauty in itself isn't something I spent much time contemplating about therefore my opinion of it has pretty much remained the same as it always has. I would probably agree with your average dude on what is beautiful and what isn't

    2. Describe, please, your understanding of a beautifully dressed man or a woman. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?

    I find it really beautiful when women cleanly dress in all black, for guys suit and tie I suppose. The core of beauty is visual perfection. I would tell the person beauty is something that wouldn't mind waking up and seeing everyday.

    3. Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as “classical beauty”? If so, what is it?

    Famous works of art and popular super models are some things everyone can use for reference. I believe each culture has its own spin classic beauty, for example in medieval europe the classic beauty for women was considered being pale and slightly chubby, while for modern america it is seen as the tan hourglass figure.

    4. What is comfort? What is coziness? How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?

    Comfort is the absence of danger, coziness is the presence of pleasant sensations. Being alone with my devices and having the heat set at the right temperature is usually enough to make me comfortable. I don't bother making going out of my way to make things comfortable for others so I've never been evaluated on this topic.

    5. How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?

    I mainly pick neutral color clothes and don't go into any eccentric style of clothing. I don't follow fashion simple because it isn't something that interest me. I don't know how to select different styles of clothes.

    6. How do you cook? Do you follow recipes? What others think about your skill?

    I mainly just cook simple foods like pasta, rice and frozen vegetables. I don't follow recipes and never had my cooking evaluated because I don't cook for others.

    7. Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?

    No because this isn't something care about. I just go with whatever doesn't look stupid.

    8. If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?

    I just go along with them, as long as whatever they have in mind doesn't look stupid.

    9. Tell us how you’d design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?

    I would make my room/house look badass. Maybe install some secret rooms or something really cool. I would just have someone else do it because I wouldn't want waste all the time and effort doing it myself anyway.

    10. How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?

    Just whatever visibly stands out and looks like shit is what I would consider bad taste. Painting you whole house bright red for example seems questionable. I just go with my own taste.


    1. Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    I'm not one of those people who enjoys pushing other people's buttons out of some sort of sadistic pleasure, but if I see the need to get things going then I will. I prefer to maintain a good mood between myself and others so everybody listens to each other out of mutual respect so there is no need for roughness. If the other person is a jerk and I have to force him then so be it.

    2. What is incursion? How do you deal with this? Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?
    Incursion can happen on a personal or national level. It can be some asshole coming over to your table and stealing your lunch or it can be a foreign nation invading your country. When this happens you need to keep a cool head stick to most logical course of action. I can repulse but will only do it when backed into a corner as I see no need to push other people away needlessly.

    3. What does “my people” and “strangers” mean? When do “my people” become “strangers” and why?

    I believe it is foolish to seperate people into such catergories. Often times you find things in common with people you never thought you would originally. Only when someone has repeatedly shown themselves to be untrustworthy should you consider closing them off completely.

    4. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?

    This can be in the context of actual war or it could be on a personal level. In war there is abundance of military strategies available to generals. One example is the anaconda plan used by president Lincoln in the civil war, I which he blockaded all the shipping ports in the confederacy which crippled their economy and helped bring an easy end to their demise. As for personal attacks, I am not very much for the idea of doing things purely to spite others.

    5. Do you think it’s ok to occupy someone else’s territory? In what situations?

    In some scenarios, practically in poor areas it may become necessary to invade someone's territory simply to acquire basic needs such as food and water. I also think some of the tryrannical governments out their ought to be invaded for the benefit of those country's own citizens.

    6. What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?

    Keeping people focused on a vision and charging them with enthusiasm is the best way to keep people up and moving. Eliminate useless distractions where you can. It is the most effective in any situation were people are in low spirits but fully capable of acheiving their wishes.

    7. How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    I feel pretty secure as I am now so this isn't something I spend much time worrying about. It doesn't hurt to stay in shape and own a few guns however.

    8. Describe to us your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    I haven't ever been in a serious physical fight because I never felt the need to do so, but if put into such a situation I see no reason not to give it my all.

    9. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?

    I yoyo back and forth between feeling weak and small, and feeling strong and confident. I find the best way to maintain confidence in myself is to continually strive towards a goal, otherwise I begin to feel as if I'm lagging behind others. Others haven't ever made comments regarding my strenght.

    10. How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? What is the core of any force? Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?

    A strong person is a person who never gives up on their dreams in spite of all the opposition this world may through at them. Physical strength is the most visible, but to see the other strengths of a person one must see how they are able to deal with situations that don't go there way. Desire is the prerequisite to force. Respect, reputation, authority, charisma, likeability are all factors that go into who listens to whom.


    1. What is boorishness? Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion? How would you explain to a 10 year old child what boorishness means? How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?

    Boorishness is ignoring how one's actions effect another. Anybody who I would see as boorish would probably be seen as boorish to most other people. I would tell the 10 year old it is about disregarding others for your own personal needs. I would tell the adult he is being a real dick and to quit it.

    2. How would you improve the moral of the society?

    I wouldn't waste time with this. I am first and foremost considered about my own life, not the life of others.

    3. Can you justify somebody’s bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn’t taught how to do so?

    I think it best to go easy on those who have grown up in harsh circumstances. People are largely products of the situations they have been placed in, so I don't think it is fair to judge people purely on how you see them act.

    4. Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?

    Love is the desire help someone and to be with them. I suppose it is possible to love and punish someone and you know they are going down a dark path they will eventually regret.

    5. Have you heard about the Southern hospitality? Everything is for the guest. There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right. What method is the right one? Try to evaluate without the weight of any cultural aspects, traditions, nations etc.

    This is a difficult choice for me. I'm inclined to go with Southern hosptality, but that may just be because I am the guest most of time.

    6. What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?

    Sympathy is when you own motivations align with anothers. Express it when it might help a person, hide it when it doesn't.

    7. Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?

    Not talking loudly in public and exposing yourself indecently mainly. I follow the most basic ones, and I don't think others always have to follow them but sometimes it might be best to do so in order to avoid embarassment.

    8. How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?

    The wrong attitude is pessimism and negativity, the right attitude would be optimism.

    9 . What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?

    Being moral means doing what serves the overall good of the people, immoral isn't for the good of people. I don't comparing my morals with others or evaluating them.

    10. Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?

    Depending on how bad it is I might get slightly annoyed and get visibly angry. I try to avoid negativity. I don't purposefully give people the silent treatment and I can forgive people as long it seems likely they will not be a repeat offender.


    1. "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?

    Didn't understand this one much first time around but I think I means that it is best to get caught up in external issues. I very much agree this, I think it is best to focus on your own happiness in life rather then worrying about things out of your control.

    2. Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.

    I don't see anything particularly wrong about being emotional, although it might make some situations awkward. It is best not go into a fit in the movie theater or something similar.

    3. Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?

    Most people seem to tone down their aggression a bit when they make someone cry cry, so I suppose negative emotions could be useful in such scenarios. Anger can also be used as a source of motivation when facing difficult task.

    4. How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?

    I try to avoid expressing negative emotion in public, If I need to a go in my room alone and listen to music or play violent video games to discharge the negative emotions. I rarely make a scene with my emotions and others think I am pretty stable regarding them.

    5. Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?

    Shallow emotions are emotions used for the sake of manipulating others into doing something for them. One example is someone's girlfriend getting all sad and fitty because her boyfriend didn't buy her a new phone. There are also genuine emotions, that are expressed based on how you truely feel.

    6. What are right or wrong emotions?

    Wrong emotions have the intent to manipulate, right emotions are honest.

    7. Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?

    I can change my emotional state through the use of music or exercise. I can sometimes get others to lighten up through telling a joke or acting goofy.

    8. What does it mean to “pour out your emotions”? How does it happen?

    Pouring out your emotions is when you are unable to hide how you feel. It sometimes happens in extreme events such as the death of a family member.

    9. Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?

    I usually keep my emotions under control and its rarely an issue for me.

    10. Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?

    Sometimes I notice I feel quite shitty after waking up and slowly improve thoughout the day. I quite easily notice the moods of others, I notice people are usually at their worst right when they come home from a nasty day of work.


    1. Do you like surprises?

    I enjoy the ocassional shake-up every now and then, but I hate it when I get extra work that I didn't expect to do. Good surprises are welcomed and bad surprises not so much.

    2. Tell us how people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?

    People don't change all that much in my opinion. The people you did and didn't like in high school are probably the same people you would and wouldn't like today, with maybe a few exceptions. I think others only notice the obvious or physical changes.

    3. Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?

    No, there is no plan or motive behind the vast majority of things that happen. You can only expect the most likely thing to happen, not the best.

    4. What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?

    They are fun to dabble around with but I do not think any of them how any logical basis to stand on. Most are probably used to jack money off of suckers.

    5. Can you forecast events? Is it even real?

    Depends if it is something that I am knowledgeable and experienced about. In my fields of activity I can probably foresee a lot of the stuff that happens, but not so much with subjects out of my knowledge base. Is it real? Still don't understand this question.

    6. What is time? How do you feel time? Can you “kill” time? How?

    Time is the ongoing sequence of events. I can sometimes feel time time in the form of nostalgia, or in the form of being in a hurry. I can easily kill time by daydreaming, games, movies, etc.

    7. Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?

    Depends on how important the event is and how much it matters to me. If the event does indeed matter much to me then I may find myself having difficulty sleeping. If I don't know when it is supposed to happen then I just forget about and go on with my life.

    8. Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?

    I appreciate when others are willing offer their foresight, although I haven't been in a situation where a desperately needed to know the result of something so I don't really know how to appropiately answer this question. I trust the forecast all long as I can sense they are trustworthy.

    9. Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?

    I'm often off by a few minutes but I'm usually pretty good about coming in when I need to. I don't really think much about people who are late one way or the other although some people can be quite pitiful about showing up on time. I'm not a boss or manager so I just find it amusing for the most part.

    10. Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions: a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts, b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts, c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here, d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here, e) more time and the person is still not here…

    a. chillout and listen to music b. start keeping an eye out. c. keep on the lookout d. give him a text or call e. leave and try to figure out what happened later.


    1. Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?

    The real meaning in life to is be the person you really want to be and do the things you really want to do. It can be any subject you find fulfilling. Different people have different desires so one path in life might not but the best for someone else.

    2. What should be done so people can be happy?

    Archaic social norms that no longer benefits individuals or society should be discarded. Throughout history people have been plagued by customs and practices that no longer function. Examples include slavery, human sacrifice, foot-binding and witch hunting. We also need to make sure a few powerful individuals don't get to shit on everyone on the bottom, while at the same time not destroying people's motivation to succeed.

    3. In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?

    I will do a mixture of both, I will take in as much information as I can we still keeping my own thoughts on the subject.

    4. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about him right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone’s talents?

    A person's clothes and manner of speech can tell you most of what a person is about 90% of the time. I also have this handy thing called socionics which can be pretty useful in figuring out other people.

    5. Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in him. What would make a person not interesting? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you “boring” and “not interesting”?

    I'm skipping those 5-6 qualities list. A person who always follows the rules no matter what and is not open to any new ideas is not very interesting in my opinion. I believe I am a fairly interesting person because I'm willing to have fun and know about some interesting topics. If they think I am boring they probably just don't know me well enough.

    6. What opinions, from people who know you, seem: 1) fair; 2) not fair; 3) hurtful; 4) strange.

    1. The presidential runners this year are pretty lackluster. 2. Get rid of all non-christians in america 3. IDK 4. Bush did 9/11

    7. Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?

    Yes, I mainly fantasize about being a hero of some sort or surviving in a zombie apocalpyse.

    8. What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?

    A person needs to excel in all areas to be successful. This mainly means being smart, healthy, determined and tactful.

    9. What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?

    A pessismistic attitude towards life and believing that you won't succeed. You can't win if don't try. Being unlucky and not having an support from those around you can also hamper anyone.

    10. What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why? Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?

    I would say it is better to try to be a successful person as long I keep your sanity and don't go off wall. The idea of "good" is utimately subjective. One person may think of you as hero and another might think you are the villian. Self-satisfication however doesn't lie.

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    You did the whole thing...80 questions...again... wow, just... Ixxj ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    You did the whole thing...80 questions...again... wow, just... Ixxj ?
    If there is one thing I possess in abundance, its free time to blow on things like this lol.

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    Still think Ne>Si valuing Logical type with Se and Fe being stronger than Si and Fi. ...that leaves only one type, heh

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    So after more study I am now convinced that the only types I could possibly be is either LII or SLI. I very strongly and easily identify as a leftist type so that pretty much eliminates ILE, which I wasn't entirely sold on anyway because I am sure I am an Introvert. I definitely do notice the difficulty communicating with rightest types and I think my leftism is pretty evident in the way I post.

    There are also reasons why I am reconsidering SLI. I disconsidered SLI before because I associated Si base with things like being into cooking and interior decoration which don't interest me. However after reading more about SLI its sounds like their Si is more about avoiding strenuous work then it is about home modeling, which I can very much relate to. Everyone who knows me well would definitely describe me as lazy lol. My trial and error method of typing myself and doing thing in general might also be a point towards V-S cognition as well as me being an atheist and not creationist. In addition I would definitely say positive relationships is my hidden agenda more so then anything Si related. Being relaxed and comfortable is more of a necessity for me then it is a hidden agenda.

    Ti base seems a bit off as I give zero fucks about order, laws and structure but LII is still possible for reasons previously mentioned. I not too fond of too much Se coming off of others, but on the other hand I wouldn't say that others would describe me as a pushover either. In regards to Fe, I not even sure what too make of it anymore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    So after more study I am now convinced that the only types I could possibly be is either LII or SLI. I very strongly and easily identify as a leftist type so that pretty much eliminates ILE, which I wasn't entirely sold on anyway because I am sure I am an Introvert. I definitely do notice the difficulty communicating with rightest types and I think my leftism is pretty evident in the way I post.

    There are also reasons why I am reconsidering SLI. I disconsidered SLI before because I associated Si base with things like being into cooking and interior decoration which don't interest me. However after reading more about SLI its sounds like their Si is more about avoiding strenuous work then it is about home modeling, which I can very much relate to. Everyone who knows me well would definitely describe me as lazy lol. My trial and error method of typing myself and doing thing in general might also be a point towards V-S cognition as well as me being an atheist and not creationist. In addition I would definitely say positive relationships is my hidden agenda more so then anything Si related. Being relaxed and comfortable is more of a necessity for me then it is a hidden agenda.

    Ti base seems a bit off as I give zero fucks about order, laws and structure but LII is still possible for reasons previously mentioned. I not too fond of too much Se coming off of others, but on the other hand I wouldn't say that others would describe me as a pushover either. In regards to Fe, I not even sure what too make of it anymore.
    Err, SLI != lazy, sorry. Si-base is about a lot more than "avoiding strenuous work". It's simply about the focus on inner physical sensations and that being the first priority.

    I would not trust reinin and cogstyles too much because they are easy to misinterpret. Your reasoning for V-S is really superficial, sorry.

    I reread anyway. Your Ti still seems like conscious in ego and Fe seems valued over Fi. In Te and Ne blocks you display typical Alpha quadra values, not Delta. I could have been wrong about Se/Fe being stronger than Si/Fi, though, I find this comparison too ambiguous actually.

    As for order, laws and structure. Is that the TiSe version that you don't give a fuck about? It seemed like you do care about the TiNe version, which is more about just mental structrures (see your reply to question 2 in Ti block for example).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Err, SLI != lazy, sorry. Si-base is about a lot more than "avoiding strenuous work". It's simply about the focus on inner physical sensations and that being the first priority.

    I would not trust reinin and cogstyles too much because they are easy to misinterpret. Your reasoning for V-S is really superficial, sorry.

    I reread anyway. Your Ti still seems like conscious in ego and Fe seems valued over Fi. In Te and Ne blocks you display typical Alpha quadra values, not Delta. I could have been wrong about Se/Fe being stronger than Si/Fi, though, I find this comparison too ambiguous actually.

    As for order, laws and structure. Is that the TiSe version that you don't give a fuck about? It seemed like you do care about the TiNe version, which is more about just mental structrures (see your reply to question 2 in Ti block for example).
    I think you are associating function strength a bit too much with the elaborance of the answers on these questionairres. My Ne might look strong based on this questionnaire but the fact is in real life I'm often at loss of ideas of what to do to remedy boredom and I feel I am need of someone who is able to present ideas on what to do. Intellectual activities for me is more a past time I do just for fun rather then it is a core defining feature of my personality. I had the option to apply for scholarships to college but choose not to go to college simply because I hated going to school. Sounds like something much more characteristic of SLI then LII if you ask me.

    In addition I don't think all of the questions on this questionnaire directly represent the function in the blocks. For example this questionnaire thinks Morals=Fi but I don't think that is the case. In my view Fi judges by how you "feel" about something in the moment, while Ti judges based on how something goes up against a pre-conceived ideology. Therefore I think " following morals" is actually more Ti then Fi. The confusion however comes from that the Fi base will have Ti role and will feel the pressure to systemize their feelings towards people aka develop a code of ethics, but that is because of the Ti role and not the Fi. The Ti/Fi difference can be better seen between ExTp and ExFp, in which ExTp will act in accordance to their ideologies with little regard about how others feel about them and be seen by Fi as cold/harsh, while ExFp will act by how they can best relate to the others around them with little regard for ideology or laws, and be seen by Ti as corrupt or unreliable. In this perspective I relate much more as a Fi valuer then Ti valuer.

    The Si block also seemed more like a test for SEI in particular then it was about Si itself. I suggest you inspect the questionnaire a bit and see how exactly the questions relate to the functions and specific types and instead of assuming the questions to directly match up the function it is in.

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    FWIW, I could definitely see you as SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I think you are associating function strength a bit too much with the elaborance of the answers on these questionairres.
    No. I don't know how you pulled this assumption out of your ass.

    My Ne might look strong based on this questionnaire but the fact is in real life I'm often at loss of ideas of what to do to remedy boredom and I feel I am need of someone who is able to present ideas on what to do. Intellectual activities for me is more a past time I do just for fun rather then it is a core defining feature of my personality. I had the option to apply for scholarships to college but choose not to go to college simply because I hated going to school. Sounds like something much more characteristic of SLI then LII if you ask me.

    In addition I don't think all of the questions on this questionnaire directly represent the function in the blocks. For example this questionnaire thinks Morals=Fi but I don't think that is the case. In my view Fi judges by how you "feel" about something in the moment, while Ti judges based on how something goes up against a pre-conceived ideology. Therefore I think " following morals" is actually more Ti then Fi. The confusion however comes from that the Fi base will have Ti role and will feel the pressure to systemize their feelings towards people aka develop a code of ethics, but that is because of the Ti role and not the Fi. The Ti/Fi difference can be better seen between ExTp and ExFp, in which ExTp will act in accordance to their ideologies with little regard about how others feel about them and be seen by Fi as cold/harsh, while ExFp will act by how they can best relate to the others around them with little regard for ideology or laws, and be seen by Ti as corrupt or unreliable. In this perspective I relate much more as a Fi valuer then Ti valuer.
    Lol, school, I wouldn't type based on this concrete behavioural thing. Something that is more relevant to typing than simply going to school or not (which may have many different reasons), you seem to be way too ready to theorize on this forum and in a smoother way compared to the typical SLI.

    Following morals is Ethics, not Ti. Ti may have its own framework about some rules for behaviour but it's not done like Fi does it.

    Another note. You seem to be mixing up Fi with Fe where you think Fi judges by in-the-moment feeling. Fi creative (your ExFp's) may be inconsistent (in the moral sense) because of it being in creative position, not because it's Fi.

    Anyway. Disclaimer. All this is my opinion based on what I've seen from you. Eventually only you can decide on your typing. I just point out things that don't make sense to me based on what I've seen here.

    The Si block also seemed more like a test for SEI in particular then it was about Si itself. I suggest you inspect the questionnaire a bit and see how exactly the questions relate to the functions and specific types and instead of assuming the questions to directly match up the function it is in.
    I suggest you stop making assumptions about how I think. I don't take the questionnaire as literally as you are assuming.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No. I don't know how you pulled this assumption out of your ass.

    Lol, school, I wouldn't type based on this concrete behavioural thing. Something that is more relevant to typing than simply going to school or not (which may have many different reasons), you seem to be way too ready to theorize on this forum and in a smoother way compared to the typical SLI.

    Following morals is Ethics, not Ti. Ti may have its own framework about some rules for behaviour but it's not done like Fi does it.

    Another note. You seem to be mixing up Fi with Fe where you think Fi judges by in-the-moment feeling. Fi creative (your ExFp's) may be inconsistent (in the moral sense) because of it being in creative position, not because it's Fi.

    Anyway. Disclaimer. All this is my opinion based on what I've seen from you. Eventually only you can decide on your typing. I just point out things that don't make sense to me based on what I've seen here.

    I suggest you stop making assumptions about how I think. I don't take the questionnaire as literally as you are assuming.
    Before when I talked about LSI being prone to being tricked into believing these weird conspiracy theories you said that was related to the low IQ of the individual and not Ni HA/Ne polr. If that is the case who is my ability to theorize better than a typical SLI can't also be related to IQ also rather then the strength of the intuitive functions? I always got an above average IQ score when tested in school and did better than most of the classmates I went to school with despite never studying and skipping a lot of homework.

    In addition SLI has contact Logic and Intuition which can possibly make them very good at theorizing on-the-spot since they are to adapt and adjust their logic and intuition easily, albeit the theorizes themselves may be somewhat flimsy. LII in comparison has inert logic and that makes it harder for them to readily adjust their viewpoints and thus somewhat hamper their ability to theorize as flexibly as I do, although what they do say will be much more firm and carefully thought out, like @Avalonia's post. I also suspect a good amount of self-typed SLIs are actually LSE. My LSE step-dad describes himself as a "relaxed, easy-going person" despite him being a very obviously restless, "needing to be doing something productive" person. Our different rhythms of energy don't mix well at all which makes me very skeptical that my temperament is dual to his EJ temperament. On the other hand he seems to get along very well with other members in my family who are obvious IJ types.

    Morals, by definition, is a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. They are a combination of Fi and Ti, not just Fi as this questionnaire would suggest. Therefore me not giving a fuck about the morality in society could be Ti demonstrative.
    Last edited by Muddy; 04-19-2016 at 05:27 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Before when I talked about LSI being prone to being tricked into believing these weird conspiracy theories you said that was related to the low IQ of the individual and not Ni HA/Ne polr. If that is the case who is my ability to theorize better than a typical SLI can't also be related to IQ also rather then the strength of the intuitive functions? I always got an above average IQ score when tested in school and did better than most of the classmates I went to school with despite never studying and skipping a lot of homework.

    In addition SLI has contact Logic and Intuition which can possibly make them very good at theorizing on-the-spot since they are to adapt and adjust their logic and intuition easily, albeit the theorizes themselves may be somewhat flimsy. LII in comparison has inert logic and that makes it harder for them to readily adjust their viewpoints and thus somewhat hamper their ability to theorize as flexibly as I do, although what they do say will be much more firm and carefully thought out, like @Avalonia's post. I also suspect a good amount of self-typed SLIs are actually LSE. My LSE step-dad describes himself as a "relaxed, easy-going person" despite him being a very obviously restless, "needing to be doing something productive" person. Our different rhythms of energy don't mix well at all which makes me very skeptical that my temperament is dual to his EJ temperament. On the other hand he seems to get along very well with other members in my family who are obvious IJ types.

    Morals, by definition, is a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. They are a combination of Fi and Ti, not just Fi as this questionnaire would suggest. Therefore me not giving a fuck about the morality in society could be Ti demonstrative.
    Alright, I'm not interested in you trying to supervise me. I've wasted enough time in the past on arguing with ILEs. I'm not doing it anymore.

    I'll stick with ILE for your typing.

    PS: nothing personal against you. But I clearly and distinctly recognize the pattern of communication and I know it leads nowhere, so saving time for both of us. Enjoy your typology stuff!

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    LII>SLI. Other types are out of the question imo.

    Edit: Although you strike me as LII, I wonder if it's normal for LII to be so confused about their typing. Seems kinda weird for an LII to think they might be everything from SLI to ILI to LSI. It's a similar confusion as with @chips and underwear. Wouldn't a Ti dom know how to type themselves very quickly and settle on a type for sure? Maybe not, what the hell do I know lol.

    Thinking now, @chemical doesn't settle on his e-type either and @n0ki doesn't seem sure either. Is it a Ne thing?
    Last edited by darya; 04-20-2016 at 07:57 AM.

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    Well I'd say for me, even with Jungian typology, it took me a really really long time before I was happy making a definite claim. Essentially I hate the feeling that I am settling on an answer simply because "it works," so I try to explore virtually every variation I can envision until I come up with a version that resolves everything just right. Short of that, I tend to be comfortable declaring I'm still agnostic.

    I'm still undergoing that process with enneagram, but I think I'm pretty close to confident of my knowledge of the Jung-offshoot systems.

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    So in short it's more because I'm rewriting the systems to suit my liking than because I can't imagine what I'd be typed as in a given version.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    LII>SLI. Other types are out of the question imo.

    Edit: Although you strike me as LII, I wonder if it's normal for LII to be so confused about their typing. Seems kinda weird for an LII to think they might be everything from SLI to ILI to LSI. It's a similar confusion as with @chips and underwear. Wouldn't a Ti dom know how to type themselves very quickly and settle on a type for sure? Maybe not, what the hell do I know lol.

    Thinking now, @chemical doesn't settle on his e-type either and @n0ki doesn't seem sure either. Is it a Ne thing?
    I consider this too when typing people. Like if they seem too wishy washy between logic and ethics I am more likely to think they are an ethical or sensor type. I have assumed most logical types would just know they were logical base type, for sure, but then again I knew an ILI who didn't even realize he was using intuition, all the time, until I told him.

    He thought intuition was some kind of hocus pocus but he had no problem distinguishing thinking/feeling. He knew he was a thinking person with low empathy and emotional range (not saying all have stunted feelings like that). This was long before I heard of socionics and I am pretty sure he found MBTI because of me telling him he was intuitive and we started reading about it together. I also tend to assume an intuitive base type would have no trouble figuring out they are intuitive so when I think of a logic + intuitive whether extroverted or introverted I am just assuming they "just know" more than they actually may know.

    I am trying to remember all this without assuming, too much, when typing now but it is hard not to go there.

    Edit: Sorry if this sounds convoluted. I am just wondering if Ne (weak or strong) might have something to do with it too.
    Last edited by Aylen; 04-20-2016 at 09:06 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I consider this too when typing people. Like if they seem too wishy washy between logic and ethics I am more likely to think they are an ethical or sensor type.
    Yeah, I used to contribute this to someone low in Ti (ethical) or irrational (prefers keeping their options open and just circles around and around all types and never settles down). There is also a special breed when they don't get the whole system/theory after 10 years (can't type other people for shit, retype their friends all the time, can't type celebrities even remotely right) those cases I assume they are sensors or just plain dumb.

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    Sli or iLi not lii
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Perhaps some of the problems some people have when determining their type might be related to knowing enough people to compare yourself to. I know very few people past the level of acquaintance IRL so I don't really have a good benchmark of what Ti base/Fe polr/Se polr etc. actually looks like. I feel like if had more experience interacting with the types across the board it would make determining my own type much more obvious. I can say for sure that I am far more individualistic and self-absorbed than most other people. For example, I skipped attending the graduation ceremony at the end of high school simply because I didn't see the point. I've also generally gotten along better with irrationals then rationals, which makes me lean IxTp.
    Last edited by Muddy; 04-21-2016 at 03:24 AM.

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    Not being sure of your type definitely has nothing to do with being a logical base type, maybe Ne. We have to remember, this is all just a theory, and as with any theory, there are going to be exceptions with everything. As we can see from looking at celebrity typing's, many people come into disagreement on such matters. Whether that is because of different interpretations of the theory (probably is), or just the theory not being perfectly fleshed out (it isn't), we may never know the truth.

    That being said, @Muddytextures you seem to be fairly wary of Se but very aware of it and so I would put it as your vulnerable function. You also have very good use of Ti and while it could be just from strong demonstrative use, I'm more inclined to think that it is your base function, as I don't see too much Si that would warrant it being your base funstion. LII is my guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Perhaps some of the problems some people have when determining their type might be related to knowing enough people to compare yourself to. I know very few people past the level of acquaintance IRL so I don't really have a good benchmark of what Ti base/Fe polr/Se polr etc. actually looks like. I feel like if had more experience interacting with the types across the board it would make determining my own type much more obvious. I can say for sure that I am far more individualistic and self-absorbed than most other people. For example, I skipped attending the graduation ceremony at the end of high school simply because I didn't see the point. I've also generally gotten along better with irrationals then rationals, which makes me lean IxTp.
    The first post of yours, that stood out for me, made me think you were ILI. I wasn't going to mention this again only because I didn't want to add more to your confusion. LII would be a close second. I just don't see Si in your posts but I would have no way to know how important Si is to you over logic. I am pretty sure you are not an ethical/feeling type and that is about it. Maybe Se is weak but is it your polr? It is weak in me but clearly valued and welcome in some forms but I will also push against it if I perceive it in the "wrong" way. By the wrong way I am referring back to your post that made me think ILI. People calling me lazy and pushing me to do something for them when I am busy. I don't care what type you are when you do that.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Yeah, I used to contribute this to someone low in Ti (ethical) or irrational (prefers keeping their options open and just circles around and around all types and never settles down). There is also a special breed when they don't get the whole system/theory after 10 years (can't type other people for shit, retype their friends all the time, can't type celebrities even remotely right) those cases I assume they are sensors or just plain dumb.
    Lol what's this sensor bias tho'? I have never seen a real correlation between being S and being able to type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol what's this sensor bias tho'? I have never seen a real correlation between being S and being able to type.
    Hmm, it's more as in not be interested in theory to an extent they would actually remember something and it would start making sense to them, so if a person asks an obvious question that's been answered a million times before after 10 years (I'm not going to name people that do this here : )) or if they ask "does me liking cheese mean I'm Fe", I'm going with sensor and/or dumb . About being dumb, my personal bias is...Intuitives range from slightly above average intelligence to high intelligence. Sensors range from very stupid to very intelligent. So if someone is dumb, I presume they can't be intuitive and all that is left is a sensor

    Sensors that take their time to understand and are actually interested in personality theory, which is rare to begin with, shouldn't have any additional problems with typing people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Hmm, it's more as in not be interested in theory to an extent they would actually remember something and it would start making sense to them, so if a person asks an obvious question that's been answered a million times before after 10 years (I'm not going to name people that do this here : )) or if they ask "does me liking cheese mean I'm Fe", I'm going with sensor and/or dumb . About being dumb, my personal bias is...Intuitives range from slightly above average intelligence to high intelligence. Sensors range from very stupid to very intelligent. So if someone is dumb, I presume they can't be intuitive and all that is left is a sensor

    Sensors that take their time to understand and are actually interested in personality theory, which is rare to begin with, shouldn't have any additional problems with typing people.
    I knew a very dumb EIE girl before. So I would correct you, both intuitives and sensors range from very stupid to very intelligent.

    Did you originally come from MBTI? Because I've never seen this silly sensor bias anywhere else other than MBTI forums.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I knew a very dumb EIE girl in middle school. So I would correct you, both intuitives and sensors range from very stupid to very intelligent.

    Did you originally come from MBTI? Because I've never seen this silly sensor bias anywhere else other than MBTI forums.
    No, it's been my personal observation. I've never met a dumb intuitive. Dumb EIE girls that people here seem to see everywhere are most likely ESE/SEE. Relax, your IQ is probably higher than mine - I'm not calling myself even above average smart or you less intelligent than me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    No, it's been my personal observation. I've never met a dumb intuitive. Dumb EIE girls that people here seem to see everywhere are most likely ESE/SEE. Relax, your IQ is probably higher than mine - I'm not calling myself even above average smart or you less intelligent than me.
    I didn't take your comments personally But I did really meet dumb intuitives. I just see N/S preference as a factor separate from general intelligence skills. The theory says nowhere that they would be linked and there is no reason for them being linked, either.

    If your typing method includes typing someone a sensor after seeing that they are dumb, you've used circular reasoning to prove that there are no dumb intuitives.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I didn't take your comments personally But I did really meet dumb intuitives. I just see N/S preference as a factor separate from general intelligence skills. The theory says nowhere that they would be linked and there is no reason for them being linked, either.

    If your typing method includes typing someone a sensor after seeing that they are dumb, you've used circular reasoning to prove that there are no dumb intuitives.
    I swear I have no intuitives supremacist boners ; ). My first huge love for example was ILI and ILI's are supposed to be all smart and shit. But the longer I listened to his never-ending theories about life, I started to think "man, your SLE friends are much more logical and you make absolutely no sense, dude. "

    Its just that intuitives are not *particularly* dumb, as in point them out of the crowd dumb, ya know

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    No, it's been my personal observation. I've never met a dumb intuitive. Dumb EIE girls that people here seem to see everywhere are most likely ESE/SEE. Relax, your IQ is probably higher than mine - I'm not calling myself even above average smart or you less intelligent than me.
    Or... you type people wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by msnobody View Post
    Or... you type people wrong.
    dont quote me, bitch.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I swear I have no intuitives supremacist boners ; ). My first huge love for example was ILI and ILI's are supposed to be all smart and shit. But the longer I listened to his never-ending theories about life, I started to think "man, your SLE friends are much more logical and you make absolutely no sense, dude. "

    Its just that intuitives are not *particularly* dumb, as in point them out of the crowd dumb, ya know
    OK, I didn't assume you had to have such boners lol

    But I still think that if you type someone a sensor based on seeing them as dumb then that's circular reasoning and doesn't really prove the idea that intuitives can't be dumb.

    I realize that I don't know what exactly you mean by dumb btw, this "point them out of the crowd dumb", can you say more on this?
    Last edited by Myst; 05-08-2016 at 11:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I swear I have no intuitives supremacist boners ; ). My first huge love for example was ILI and ILI's are supposed to be all smart and shit. But the longer I listened to his never-ending theories about life, I started to think "man, your SLE friends are much more logical and you make absolutely no sense, dude. "

    Its just that intuitives are not *particularly* dumb, as in point them out of the crowd dumb, ya know
    Your evolving views on your ILI BF might be an issue with Ti vs Te.

    I (a Te-dom) am encountering problems with my LSI (a Ti-dom) GF. She thinks I short-circuit logic to jump to unwarranted conclusions based on insufficient analysis (sloppy thinking), and I think her insistence at classifying all the facts at her disposal into a theory is a huge impediment to taking action. I have an IQ of 147 and I'm pretty sure she's wondering if I'm smart at all. Fortunately, she's too gracious and considerate to say this.

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    Alright, so after to taking it easy for a while and taking the time to fully all the articles, I think my type might be, wait for it, LIE. A lot of things would actually come to together and make sense. Let me explain.

    I very very easily identify with the leftist/result type of thinking, so that rules out ILI, ILE, LSI and number of other types.

    The V-S cognitive style made the most sense to me far. I fact I've often got into debates with my mom whom thinks everything was created by god and I try to explain to her who everything is this world is a result of natural process rather then divine creation.

    I'm rather certainly Logical and Intuitive.

    I relate the most to the Victim erotic style.

    Si polr with Se HA makes a lot of sense. I pretty much never spend times with things such as cooking, cleaning, decorating the house, etc. In addition I have an underlying desire for competitiveness and to be the best which often manifest in me trying to always get the highest scores at work, playing challenging competitive multiplayer games such as dota and dark souls over casual games, and going to the gym. At the same time though I'm too sensitive about my strength and power to see Se as a strong function.

    I find the way that a lot other LIEs write on this forum, such as @Adam Strange, @Chae, and @Expat, is very easy for me understand and resonates a lot with the way I think.

    Far what I hear LIEs do although digging through theories in search of getting useful information out them. In this forum I often find myself getting frustrated with threads and articles that are just a bunch of overly-complex mumbo jumbo and don't highlight any main points.

    On the questionnaire, the Te and Ne questions were the questions I felt myself answering the easiest while the Fi and Si questions were the hardest.

    Even though I see myself as lazy, I'm much happier when actually doing something. Its just that there aren't a lot of things I find interesting in the outside world and am stuck not knowing what to do a lot of times.

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    I read through the questions, I can relate to you in the following ways:

    Ti: Laws = Usefulness, efficiency, application to reality, a system that everyone knows. That's not Ti, that's 100% Te! You can rule out Alpha and Beta for sure.
    Te: work as a meaningful task, exploration, goals, results, profitability, DIY, asking experts, common sense... Yep. You added a lot of Ne here with all the ifs and alsos, creating possibilities and scenarios about potential.
    Si: disregard of domestic tasks, matching clothes and fashion trend issue, unconventional comfort standards: badass hidden room (Yes please), minimal cooking, vague definition of taste
    Se: hesitant but capable of it, staying in shape, secure of one's interests, weak-confident seesaw. You transferred to Te quite a lot: would fight if it is needed, invasion for political goals.
    Fi: transfer to Fe (optimism), other than that I relate to: optimizing oneself, helping others, thinking of benefit, avoiding indecency, aligning motivations. Again, context-based approach, very Te.
    Fe: tolerant of it, aware of special occasions when it's adequate, shallow emotions manipulate vs genuine emotions, expressing is ok but may be awkward, controlling emotions/not being negative
    Ni: surprises are ok, unexpected extra work sucks (Te), the most likely > the best, Fi example: likeableness doesn't change, killing time by dreaming etc, fortune telling is capitalistic, transfer to knowledge (Te)
    Ne: Self-fulfillment/self-satisfaction =classic Gamma trait!, individual path, success in multiple arenas of life, fantasizing about possibilities, many perspectives, being seen as boring means not knowing one well enough (I said the exact same thing in my 80Q lmao), figuring out talents through Te analysis/tools.

    Striking: You do consider hierarchy but you are overtly democratic: rejecting labels for out-groups, disregard for Trump and Hillary (Beta), using "people" as a generalized term rarely giving specifics about it, demanding fair leaders who encourage others.

    LIE-Te is my verdict, instinct stacking is synflow (SO/SX, SP/SO, SX/SP). Need to wrap my head around your e-type... let me delegate that to our enneagram guru @SisOfNight

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Still think Ne>Si valuing Logical type with Se and Fe being stronger than Si and Fi. ...that leaves only one type, heh
    I would agree with that. There isn't a whole lot to go on. The Ti questions were answered clearly, in general the answers were clear and concise. Lots about openness to new possibilities and information, plus positivity. Typical stuff.

    The Reinin and cognitive style stuff is meaningless as far as I'm concerned.

    Si polr with Se HA makes a lot of sense. I pretty much never spend times with things such as cooking, cleaning, decorating the house, etc. In addition I have an underlying desire for competitiveness and to be the best which often manifest in me trying to always get the highest scores at work, playing challenging competitive multiplayer games such as dota and dark souls over casual games, and going to the gym. At the same time though I'm too sensitive about my strength and power to see Se as a strong function.
    applies to ILEs also

    I find the way that a lot other LIEs write on this forum, such as @Adam Strange, @Chae, and @Expat, is very easy for me understand and resonates a lot with the way I think.

    Far what I hear LIEs do although digging through theories in search of getting useful information out them. In this forum I often find myself getting frustrated with threads and articles that are just a bunch of overly-complex mumbo jumbo and don't highlight any main points.

    On the questionnaire, the Te and Ne questions were the questions I felt myself answering the easiest while the Fi and Si questions were the hardest.

    Even though I see myself as lazy, I'm much happier when actually doing something. Its just that there aren't a lot of things I find interesting in the outside world and am stuck not knowing what to do a lot of times.
    Can you see how "highlighting main points" is different from "getting useful information"? One is Te, the other is Ne.

    edit: this is just a first impression, I'm not arguing for ILE necessarily.
    Last edited by Exodus; 10-22-2016 at 10:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I would agree with that. There isn't a whole lot to go on. The Ti questions were answered clearly, in general the answers were clear and concise. Lots about openness to new possibilities and information, plus positivity. Typical stuff.

    The Reinin and cognitive style stuff is meaningless as far as I'm concerned.

    applies to ILEs also

    Can you see how "highlighting main points" is different from "getting useful information"? One is Te, the other is Ne.

    edit: this is just a first impression, I'm not arguing for ILE necessarily.
    I agree that not all of the reinin dichotomies may not 100% accuracy for every individual, but the left/right one is pretty clear cut to me.

    If you met me in real life you quickly realize I lack any kind of Ep spontaneity. Some of the people I work with seem like alpha NTs and they always acting goofy and doing weird shit which pisses me off sometimes. I would in no way describe myself as childlike like I would them. Ne is more confined to my head that it is in my visible actions.

    You also seem like my extinguishment type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I agree that not all of the reinin dichotomies may not 100% accuracy for every individual, but the left/right one is pretty clear cut to me.

    If you met me in real life you quickly realize I lack any kind of Ep spontaneity. Some of the people I work with seem like alpha NTs and they always acting goofy and doing weird shit which pisses me off sometimes. I would in no way describe myself as childlike like I would them. Ne is more confined to my head that it is in my visible actions.

    You also seem like my extinguishment type.
    Yes I'm starting to see least this post seems very Gamma :

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    -Feeling surround by idiots whenever was I forced to go to prep rallies at school.

    -Being unpatriotic and not caring about things that go on in the country unless they directly effect me.

    -Preferring solitary types of physical exercise and despising team sports and sports culture in general.

    -Avoiding anything related to gossip.

    -Feeling frustrated by people who use socializing with co-workers as a means of protection for not doing anything at work and dumping everything on you.

    -Feeling annoyed by people who spam invites when I just a want to play video games alone.

    -Being uncomfortable taking pictures with other people.

    -Having zero interest in ever attending a wedding or funeral.

    -Feeling repulsed by kids and the idea of having to take care of them.

    -Feeling no reason to use a lot of popular social media sites such as Instagram or Snapchat.

    -Not using the chatbox on the16types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Yes I'm starting to see least this post seems very Gamma :
    A lot of it is true of me too. Just seems soc-last to me, really.

    OP: I've skimmed the 80q with the LIE option in mind, I'm not particularly seeing it or Te valuing more than ILE or Ne valuing.

    If you met me in real life you quickly realize I lack any kind of Ep spontaneity. Some of the people I work with seem like alpha NTs and they always acting goofy and doing weird shit which pisses me off sometimes. I would in no way describe myself as childlike like I would them. Ne is more confined to my head that it is in my visible actions.
    Harder to type these things online for sure.

    Btw. From Se block in your questionnaire:

    I yoyo back and forth between feeling weak and small, and feeling strong and confident. I find the best way to maintain confidence in myself is to continually strive towards a goal, otherwise I begin to feel as if I'm lagging behind others. Others haven't ever made comments regarding my strenght.
    How is your attitude to the goal, to having to continually strive towards it? See if the attitude fits Se role or Se HA more.

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    Adding the new questionnaire to this thread:

    The Questionnaire v0.1

    Describe yourself.

    Physical description wise I'm a tall, lean, 20 year old white male of Ukrainian and Sicilian descent. I don't talk very much and try to keep myself well-rounded in all aspects.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I'm currently working as an Inventory Specialist in Best Buy right now. I came there after a little trial and error with other warehouse type jobs and I figured I would be good at Best Buy since I like to check out new technologies like the Drones and VR headsets right now. Its pretty much just your standard job and there isn't much in particular I love or hate about it.

    What are your values, and why?

    Being adaptable and willing to improve. Most problems whether it be with family or society usually stem from people not being able to separate themselves from traditions, cultures and beliefs that are maladaptive to the current situation. What is even worse is when people are forced into conforming to idiotic ideals.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    Not really much to be honest, mainly just browse the web, play games, and work out every few days. I would love to do more stuff but I'm not ever sure exactly where to go so I just end up staying at home the majority of the time. Main thing is just that the activities I do are fun and doesn't feel like a waste of time.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    I don't interact much at all with any of my few friends and the only family members I routinely interact with are my mom and brother. They are ok but I wish I had someone around who is a little more spontaneous and go-getter then them.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I'm not picky about who my friends are. If someone wants to be friends and they are not a total asshole then they are more then welcome, though they shouldn't expect much too much involvement from my end. Relationships on the other hand, I am much more picky. I rather stay single then waste time with mediocre relationships. Main things I would want from a partner is that they are decent looking, intelligent and sane enough to have intimate one-on-one conversations and are at least able to take care of themselves.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    I myself haven't had any notable conflicts with anyone, only things I've seen on going is just the usual managers getting mad at employees for showing up late type deals. Drama and affairs between people do not interest me in the slightest.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    Hmmm, not really sure what to put for this one. I suppose for the latter part I would say I am annoyed by people like Trump who "Say it like it is". I don't find people like him to be speakers of hard truth, I just find them to be tactless assholes.

    How would your friends describe you?

    Tall, smart, and quiet are pretty much the only adjectives other people have used to describe me.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    That I'm level-headed and have an iron grip on my emotions. I like that I'm able to openly learn and adopt from several different viewpoints ways of living in order to evolve and perfect myself to be a master of everything. I like that I have an above average IQ and I'm also very good at minimizing the amount of problems and burdens I have to face in daily life.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    Lack of involvement in the world which ends up limiting the amount of things I get to experience. I have trouble taking the initiative to go to new places and do new things and I usually leave it to others to make the plans to do such things. At the same time is dislike being forcibly dragged around in other's activities so I end up just doing nothing. I'm often criticized for being selfish and not paying attention to others. I dislike always feeling vulnerable around people I don't know.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own, and in what areas of your life would you like help?

    I don't need much materially and I don't need anyone trying to direct my worldview. Main thing is to have someone around to do fun stuff with and to have someone else take care of all the boring mundane shit so I don't have to do it.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Fixing the house/car, washing clothes, buying/cooking food. I doesn't bother me to take on task when I'm at work but when I'm at home I get very annoyed if someone unexpectedly ask me to do something. I enjoy things more when I feel some sense of advancement rather then doing something I know I will have to do again tomorrow.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Ranking 4th in my middle school grade level and getting $500 cash for it.

    What is something you regret?

    All those noob mistakes I made when I started playing mobas such stealing other's players jungle buffs and taking farm from the carry.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    Stan Lee. Things would of been a lot more boring without the Marvel Universe.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I mainly want to get myself in peak physical shape and start making enough money to start getting a sizable surplus. I like having money.

    What did you do last Friday?

    Went to work, played games, surfed web, ate, sleep.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Skydive off airplanes, scuba dive, explore exotic areas, and play games.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    Just the usual daily problems. Nothing I'm particularly worried about right now.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    Atheist, I find religion to be completely invalidated by modern science.

    To what extent do you care about politics? What are your political beliefs, and why?

    Only when it directly involves me. I lean slightly towards the left since the far right seems to filled with wife-beating rednecks.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    No, that would take up more time then I'm willing to give and would probably generate a lot stress.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I do absolutely nothing to them and leave that stuff for my mom to mess around with when she visits. I avoid chores as much as possible.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I like where you get to move around but also aren't treated like a mule. It is also good to have a change where you sometimes switch between a few different activities instead of doing the same exact thing the same day everyday. Good pay/stress ratio.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    History, because I find the many different cultures and time periods interesting and unique.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    It really depends on each situation. If something is not important to me the I will be careless towards it but I see as important I will tackle it with all my might. I don't expect much for others other then that they just do there normal tasks.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    Camping by a river. I found some wild cherries and an axe someone else left laying around so that was pretty awesome. Average enjoyability as whole.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    Pretty much the same as am now just less self-aware.

    What was your high school experience like?

    Shitty and nothing to note. A got transferred to another school my sophomore year and help to be around a bunch of randoms constantly which sucked.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    My dad dying would probably be the biggest. He was an alcoholic and I got to watch his slow decline until he gave up on life. Lesson learned is to never drink alcohol.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    No, they extremely annoying and replusive to me and complete waste of time and effort to raise.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    My main concern would be to never have one in the first place and give it up for adoption if I did for whatever reason.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:

    Yes, see above where I talk about my weaknesses.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one:

    I see the majority of people as not being worth caring about. The anti-intellectualism that exist in the US is one I would note.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    Pay no attention to them, just try to not to appear strange or asshole-like.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I ignore the other person if he is verbal insulting me since (again) it is a waste of time and effort. If the attack is lightly physical then I will sharply to the other person to back off and if the attack is serious/life-threatening then either run, call for help or fight back depending on the situation.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    With close family I'm pretty direct in telling them what I want, but with strangers and the public I'm far more yielding. I'm either stubborn or use reason to get what I want depending on the situation.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    I could I needed to but I never seek leadership roles since I try to minimize interaction with people.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Never very often. Only prolonged harassment has ever caused me to seriously angry.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Getting payed.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Waking up at 5:15 AM and having to go out and drive in the cold.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    There is no purpose, we are just the product of successful self-replication. What gets your dopamine running could be considered the closest thing to meaning in life.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    Punta Cana, because it is an awesome tropical paradise.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    Plain clothes of black, blue, brown or gray colors and the ocassional haircut.

    Do you like surprises?

    If they benefit me.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.

    People in the middle ages did not believe the earth was flat unlike what a lot of people think. It was well known at that time that the Earth was spherical.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?


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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    The Questionnaire v0.1

    Describe yourself.

    Physical description wise I'm a tall, lean, 20 year old white male of Ukrainian and Sicilian descent. I try to keep myself well-rounded in all aspects.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I'm currently working as an Inventory Specialist in Best Buy right now. I came there after a little trial and error with other warehouse type jobs and I figured I would be good at Best Buy since I like to check out new technologies like the Drones and VR headsets right now. Its pretty much just your standard job and there isn't much in particular I love or hate about it.

    What are your values, and why?

    Being adaptable and willing to improve. , Most problems whether it be with family or society usually stem from people not being able to separate themselves from traditions, cultures and beliefs that are maladaptive to the current situation. mostly What is even worse is when people are forced into conforming to idiotic ideals. probably valued , possibly subdued

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    Not really much to be honest, mainly just browse the web, play games, and work out every few days. I would love to do more stuff but I'm not ever sure exactly where to go so I just end up staying at home the majority of the time. Main thing is just that the activities I do are fun and doesn't feel like a waste of time. not much and here

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    I don't interact much at all with any of my few friends and the only family members I routinely interact with are my mom and brother. again not much and They are ok but I wish I had someone around who is a little more spontaneous and go-getter then them. valued ?

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I'm not picky about who my friends are. If someone wants to be friends and they are not a total asshole then they are more then welcome, though they shouldn't expect much too much involvement from my end. Relationships on the other hand, I am much more picky. I rather stay single then waste time with mediocre relationships. Main things I would want from a partner is that they are decent looking, intelligent and sane enough to have intimate one-on-one conversations and are at least able to take care of themselves.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    I myself haven't had any notable conflicts with anyone, only things I've seen on going is just the usual managers getting mad at employees for showing up late type deals. Drama and affairs between people do not interest me in the slightest. more

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    Hmmm, not really sure what to put for this one. I suppose for the latter part I would say I am annoyed by people like Trump who "Say it like it is". I don't find people like him to be speakers of hard truth, I just find them to be tactless assholes. valued or

    How would your friends describe you?

    Tall, smart, and quiet are pretty much the only adjectives other people have used to describe me.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    That I'm level-headed and have an iron grip on my emotions. I like that I'm able to openly learn and adopt from several different viewpoints ways of living in order to evolve and perfect myself to be a master of everything. I like that I have an above average IQ and I'm also very good at minimizing the amount of problems and burdens I have to face in daily life.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    Lack of involvement in the world which ends up limiting the amount of things I get to experience. >> I have trouble taking the initiative to go to new places and do new things and I usually leave it to others to make the plans to do such things. At the same time is dislike being forcibly dragged around in other's activities so I end up just doing nothing. I'm often criticized for being selfish and not paying attention to others. superego I dislike always feeling vulnerable around people I don't know.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own, and in what areas of your life would you like help?

    I don't need much materially and I don't need anyone trying to direct my worldview. Main thing is to have someone around to do fun stuff with and to have someone else take care of all the boring mundane shit so I don't have to do it.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Fixing the house/car, washing clothes, buying/cooking food. low I doesn't bother me to take on task when I'm at work but when I'm at home I get very annoyed if someone unexpectedly ask me to do something. I enjoy things more when I feel some sense of advancement rather then doing something I know I will have to do again tomorrow. high

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Ranking 4th in my middle school grade level and getting $500 cash for it.

    What is something you regret?

    All those noob mistakes I made when I started playing mobas such stealing other's players jungle buffs and taking farm from the carry.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    Stan Lee. Things would of been a lot more boring without the Marvel Universe.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I mainly want to get myself in peak physical shape and start making enough money to start getting a sizable surplus. I like having money. ,

    What did you do last Friday?

    Went to work, played games, surfed web, ate, sleep.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Skydive off airplanes, scuba dive, explore exotic areas, and play games.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    Just the usual daily problems. Nothing I'm particularly worried about right now.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    Atheist, I find religion to be completely invalidated by modern science.

    To what extent do you care about politics? What are your political beliefs, and why?

    Only when it directly involves me. and/or I lean slightly towards the left since the far right seems to filled with wife-beating rednecks. a bit harsh

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    No, that would take up more time then I'm willing to give more and would probably generate a lot stress.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I do absolutely nothing to them and leave that stuff for my mom to mess around with when she visits. I avoid chores as much as possible.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I like where you get to move around but also aren't treated like a mule. It is also good to have a change where you sometimes switch between a few different activities instead of doing the same exact thing the same day everyday. Good pay/stress ratio.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    History, because I find the many different cultures and time periods interesting and unique. /

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    It really depends on each situation. If something is not important to me the I will be careless towards it but I see as important I will tackle it with all my might. I don't expect much for others other then that they just do there normal tasks.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    Camping by a river. I found some wild cherries and an axe someone else left laying around so that was pretty awesome. Average enjoyability as whole.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    Pretty much the same as am now just less self-aware.

    What was your high school experience like?

    Shitty and nothing to note. A got transferred to another school my sophomore year and help to be around a bunch of randoms constantly which sucked.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    My dad dying would probably be the biggest. He was an alcoholic and I got to watch his slow decline until he gave up on life. Lesson learned is to never drink alcohol.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    No, they extremely annoying and replusive to me and complete waste of time and effort to raise.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    My main concern would be to never have one in the first place and give it up for adoption if I did for whatever reason.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:

    Yes, see above where I talk about my weaknesses.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one:

    I see the majority of people as not being worth caring about. , values The anti-intellectualism that exist in the US is one I would note.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    Pay no attention to them, just try to not to appear strange or asshole-like.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I ignore the other person if he is verbal insulting me since (again) it is a waste of time and effort. If the attack is lightly physical then I will sharply to the other person to back off and if the attack is serious/life-threatening then either run, call for help or fight back depending on the situation.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    With close family I'm pretty direct in telling them what I want, but with strangers and the public I'm far more yielding. I'm either stubborn or use reason to get what I want depending on the situation.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    I could I needed to but I never seek leadership roles since I try to minimize interaction with people.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Never very often. Only prolonged harassment has ever caused me to seriously angry.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Getting paid.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Waking up at 5:15 AM and having to go out and drive in the cold.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    There is no purpose, we are just the product of successful self-replication. What gets your dopamine running could be considered the closest thing to meaning in life.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    Punta Cana, because it is an awesome tropical paradise.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    Plain clothes of black, blue, brown or gray colors and the ocassional haircut.

    Do you like surprises?

    If they benefit me.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.

    People in the middle ages did not believe the earth was flat unlike what a lot of people think. It was well known at that time that the Earth was spherical.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?

    This confirms what I was seeing before. I tend to think you are ILI: there is a consistent theme of cynicism and not caring about or being indifferent towards the world and people at large and minimizing your interaction with it. LIE is the only other type I would consider, definitely not ILE.

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    @Muddytextures, skimmed it.

    Logical type, Si/Ne valuing, Irrational. Low on Si in a sense, yet drawn towards it.

    So I guess the answer to the question on Se HA/Role you forgot to answer is Se Role.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    This confirms what I was seeing before. I tend to think you are ILI: there is a consistent theme of cynicism and not caring about or being indifferent towards the world and people at large and minimizing your interaction with it. LIE is the only other type I would consider, definitely not ILE.
    OP cares a tiny bit too much about what's boring/interesting/comfortable/enjoyable, instead of the long term NiTe considerations.

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