Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
Yeah everything can fit into that little model of reality you made . And actually your logic is wrong, it just means that the result does not conform to theory and either I'm wrong or the theory is wrong.

And yes, I am an INTP and an INFp and a E5 and I can guaranty you I haven't made any mistakes.
It is easy to see that you are wrong. If you are really sure about your socionic type (INFp) you simply must identify with the MBTI and Keirsey descriptions of INFPs.
I really have to give you a hand here. That's the biggest misidentification of theory for reality. You don't care for evidence that is real, you want reliability of your models, you place your faith in models to explain reality instead of facts.
If you read many of them, you'll see that overall they fit you better than the descriptions of INTPs. If you have tested as an INTP that is rather irrelevant. Your MBTI type is defined by how well you fit the type descriptions.
Really???? OMFG!!!!! how could have I been so blind!!! Yes, the descriptions! Of course! And all this time I thought they were suppose to describe ME! IDIOT!! I'm suppose to describe THEM! It all makes sense now!

But still we have your test results on the test in this thread, and that result is really strange. If you know yourself well you should not get that test result -- unless you are an INTp. So, whatever way you put it, you are mistaken about something -- your socionic type, your MBTI type or about your true nature (leading you to answer incorrectly to the test questions).
Oh this is gold! PUUURE GOOOOOLD!!!!