Quote Originally Posted by XoX
My enneagram results were there. Just a bit differently formatted. In this test the order was
6, 5, 7, 3, 1, 4, 9. 2 and 8 didn't get much support. I usually score 5 though but this time it was 6w5.

But anyways if 2, 3, 7, 8 are extrovert then I was relatively high in 7 and 3 but very low on 2 and 8. Eh Can you see any rule that would split 2 and 8 extroverts from 3 and 7 extroverts?
I more or less agree with FDG here. The typical 2 is an EFj, the typical 8 is an ENTj in my opinion. Type 7 is clearly Ep and type 3 is perhaps both J and P as he suggests, but at least you can find a lot a P types there.

You scored highest on type 6. The typical 6 is an ISFj, which means that here we have another Enneagram type that correlates with the IJ temperament. The type 6 is a bit problematic, but in my opinion every 5, without exceptions, is an introvert. And every 5 is also a T type. There is very strong correlation between type 5 and IT.

One possible explanation (but not the only one) of your test results is that you are really an ENTp and mistakenly think that you are an introvert. That strange phenomenon can also be observed in ENFps. These two types might confuse their N qualities with introvertedness. Some ENTps can also identify quite strongly with descriptions of INTP/INTp, if they don't know their true nature well enough, and therefore test as Enneagram type 5s.